
Chance of a lifetime

It had been about half a year later, Jessica had told Eric all about her family history, well as much as she knew and also the stuff that was she was allowed to say outside of her family. After that Eric had done the same to her about his family. 

The band was at band practice, and during that time the girls were at work. The band had an opportunity to go on a tour so they were happy to take it since Eric was fully healed. The only problem is they needed to find someone to do merchant since Dave couldn't do it. They had time to think that part over so they didn't make a decision right away about that. 

After practice they all went out to eat like usual but all the girls except Jessica and Alba were at work so them two joined the guys. As they were eating they were telling the girls about the tour coming up and how they don't have a merch guy right now but they were sure they would find one. 

Just then Alba had an idea that popped into her head so she spoke up, "Well... how about Jessica do merch for you guys? I mean she has told us girls, not sure if she's told all you guys about working with clothes."

"You have experience doing merch?" Beau asked. 

Jessica shrugged one shoulder with a smile, "Well somewhat experience, I've worked at a family friend's shop where they sold school merch and I've also worked at other clothing stores. And so I know what it's like to do the inventory on clothes and other memorabilia."

"Really? That's pretty awesome." Jared smiled. 

"We can talk to our management and see what they say." Matt told her with a smile, "Do you have proof of your experience? I mean it's not required just might help you better and we will put in a good word."

"Oh of course." Jessica nodded, "I just don't want you girls to jealous or anything." She had looked towards Alba when she had said that. 

"Oh of course we won't. I mean it's a great opportunity." Alba smiled, "Plus it was my idea."

"True." Jessica laughed and the others laughed with her. 

"Well we will talk to our management as soon as we can."

"Yay." Jessica giggled. 

They finished eating and left the restaurant, later that night they all hung out more, with all the girls included, the place they had decided to go to was a small club.