
So Good

"If only we were in a hotel room by now." Eric had whispered into her ear.

"And why is that?"

"This will tell you." He pushed his waist into her, making her feel his boner. 

She licked her lips, "If only cause them we'd be able to solve that problem." 

"We still could but have to be discrete about it." He smirks. 

He tells her how after she had asked then he covers them up more. They then carefully and secretly had sex without letting on what they were doing to the other guys. 

After they were done the started kissing then a few minutes later Eric broke the kiss and just starred at her without saying anything. 

"Yes?" She giggled softly. 

"Nothing really, just thinking about how I love you so much."

When he said that she smiled real big, "I love you so much too."

Just then Beau's head popped down from the top bunk, "Awe and I love you both too." Which when he did that it had made Eric and Jessica jump. 

"Uh how long have you been up there?" Eric asked what Jessica was thinking. 

Beau smirked, "Only a few minutes."

"Whats with the smirk?" Jessica asked. 

"Nothing, nothing at all." Beau just grinned then moved back onto the bed. "Have fun?"

"Fun doing what?" Eric asked to see what he was referring to. 

"Duh, what you two were just doing."

"We always have fun making out." Jessica grinned. 

"That true, I mean if you aren't having fun making out then there's a problem." Beau stated, "But I'm going to sleep."

"Okay night." Eric stated. 

"Night bud." Beau stated. 

Jessica toon a deep breath and let it out. When Eric felt and heard her do that he smirked because he knew why she was doing that. 

"Don't worry about him, if he did know we did anything more then just making out then he won't say anything." He whispered in her ear. 

She giggled silently then whispered back. "I know." 

Next thing Eric and Jessica knew they were being woken up by Jared saying they were in New York and that they were at the hotel. With that they all got out of the van to go in to check in. 

"First thing I want to do is take a shower." Jessica laughed softly. 

When they got into the rooms that's exactly what Jessica did was take a shower. Later when it was time They headed to the venue and Jessica had set up the merch table for the band. She loved that she had a great view of the boys from the table so she wouldn't have to leave that area if she didn't need to. Then after the concert they figured they would go back to the hotel and leave the next day. 

When Jessica woke up she noticed Beau and Eric were already awake and dressed which was surprising then she realized one thing they were probably getting ready to do and that was going to Starbucks.

"You guys going to starbucks huh?" Jessica smirked as she got out of bed. 

"Yes we are." Beau nodded. 

"Not without me!" She laughs and grabs some clothes then goes into the bathroom to get dressed. 

"Should have known that." Eric laughed. 

"Yeah, but if we did make it out of here without her then I'm sure you would have brought her back some."

"Well duh." Eric smirked. 

They then headed to Starbucks, luckily for them there was one within walking distance so they didn't have to drive. After they got there and was in line Jessica seen some guy that looked familiar so she stared trying to figure out where she has seen him. 

"Earth to Jessica." Beau said as he snapped his fingers in front her face a couple of times. 

"Huh? What?" She shook her head lightly. 

Beau chuckled "Damn girl." He looks to where she was staring then back at her "Why you staring at some other guy when you got you a guy and he's here with you." 

"Oh, well that guy over there, he looks really familiar." She shrugs, "Look get me my regular please. I'm going to go ask this guys name." She kissed Eric's cheek then walked over to the guy. 

"That better be just some innocent talking." Beau shook his head, "I don't see why she feels the need to talk to another guy, if she doesn't know his name then there is a reason for that."

"Relax dude, all she is doing is talking. I trust her." Eric patted Beau on his left shoulder. 


Jessica walked up to the guy and said "Excuse me." 

"Yeah?" He asked turning around. 

"Oh my god, Josh?!" She asked surprised when she seen him fully up close. 

"Jessica?" He asked and when she nodded he hugged her, "How is this possible."

She instantly hugged him back and tears came to her eyes "I thought you died years ago."

"Me?! I thought you did. I searched for you for so long." 

"I searched for you too."

"What's going on here?" Eric asked. 

As soon as he asked that they broke the hug and looked at Eric. 

"Eric babe I want you to meet my brother, Josh."

"Wait, I thought you said he died in the world trade center?" 

"I thought he did but as it turns out he didn't. This is a miracle." 

"Yes it is. I was living thinking she had been the one that died then here fate brought us back together. I've missed my sister so much."

"And I've missed you so much." She grinned. 

"So you going to tell me who these guys are?" Josh asked. 

"Oh duh, yeah sorry." She laughs then says, "Josh this is my boyfriend, Eric, and our friend, Beau." 

"Ah well it's nice to meet you two." 

"Same goes for you." Eric smiled. 

They decided to go somewhere else for breakfast and catch up on life. Eric had called the rest of the guys to left them know what they were doing and that f they wanted to join them to come to where they were eating. 
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Sorry it took so long to get this out.