

After Eric and Jessica got inside she told him to make himself comfortable and she went into the kitchen. 
"Well what would you like to drink? I've got Budlight, kiwi-strawberry kool-aid, milk, and water." She asked and said from the kitchen. 
The kitchen had a wall between it and the living room but there was an open space in the middle of the wall to see into the living room. 
"How about a budlight." He says as he looks over at her.
"Coming right up." She smiles then got two beers opened them then walked into the living room and hands him one of the bottles. "Here ya go."
"Thanks." He smiles and takes the beer. 
"It's too quiet in here." She stated not really to him.
She turned the radio on, making sure that it was a rock station. She had also made sure it wasn't too loud that they would be able to actually hear each other. 
"Much better." She smiles sitting beside him. 

A few hours later and a few beers later.

She took a drink then grabbed her iPod out of her purse hooked it up to her stereo, went to the music player and pushed shuffle. Of course the first song to play was Stay Still. 
"Oh great." She said just above a whisper as she sat down beside him.
"And what's wrong with this song?" He smirked. 
She giggled "Nothing, and I never said there was." 
"That is true." He nods once taking a drink as she sang along with the song. 
"If I could pull you from the wreckage. We'd be all right. Oh lord don't tell me this is happening." She sang with tears in her eyes, but tried to wipe them quickly before they fell and before he saw but it was too late cause he did see.
"Woah you're crying, what's wrong?" He asked putting his beer on the table then put his arms around her.
"It's just this song, it brings back memories."
"Oh?" He questioned still looking at her and his arms around her. 
She nods her head "About two years ago, one of my best friends, Justice, was in a bad car wreck and she was killed."
"Want to talk about it?" He asks rubbing the back of her head.
"Not going to hurt." She took a deep breath and let's it out, "The night it happened. She begged me to go with her but I kept turning her down because I had stuff around the house I needed to do. A few hours or so later I'm not sure long it had been but I had got done sooner then I expected. Well I called her and she didn't answer so I thought she didn't answer because she was mad at me. It's happened before, we got mad at each other over the stupidest things and didn't speak for a whole day. But anyways, I had left a nasty voicemail to her about her not picking up." She sighs "The next morning I regretted it. I called her apologizing about it, but she didn't answer yet again, so I just left another voicemail. Then about half an hour later I had gotten the call that changed my life." She cried not being able to talk.
Eric let her cry onto his shoulder as he held her in his arms.
After a few minutes she was able to speak again "Her mom called me, saying she, she was in a terrible accident, she was killed instantly because of a drunk driver." She cried softly.
"Oh man I'm so sorry." He hugged her and kissed the side of her head. 
After a few more minutes she looks up at him, "Eric?"
"Yeah?" He looks back up at her.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" He asks as he moves her hair out of her face.
"For breaking down like that in front of you. I'm not a cry baby like that all the time. That is the first time I've done that in a long while, especially in front of someone."
"It's okay, you don't have to be sorry for that because it's better to get it out then bottle it up." 
She smiled at him, "Thanks."
"Anytime." He smiles back at her. 
They starred at each other for a few minutes then Eric leaned his head closer to her and kissed her. She kissed him back out of instinct but after a few minutes she pushed him away softly. 
"Eric stop." It came out just above a whisper.
"I'm sorry I probably shouldn't have done that. You probably think I'm a idiot now."
"No, no you're not an idiot. I liked the kiss trust me I did. It's just..." She smiled then took a deep breath and let it out, "We've only known each other for a little bit. Not even a day yet."
"Yeah I know." He smiles "But I don't know, I just felt a connection with you."
"Yeah that connection is my arm around your neck choking you." She laughs lightening the mood up.
He laughs "Yeah that is true but I feel another one besides that." 
"Yes really and you're really beautiful."
"Oh I'm sure you tell all the girls that. Especially to try to have sex with them." She smirks smiling. 
"What? No of course I don't. Just cause I'm in a band and all doesn't mean-"
She put his hand on his mouth to shut him up, "Eric, I was only kidding mainly on that last part." 
Eric laughs softly "Oh I knew that."
"Oh I'm sure you did." She giggles with a wink.
He looks at the time and gets up "I better be going."
She quickly pulls him down "Oh no you're not! You've been drinking so you're not getting behind that wheel."
"Remember I just live down the way, and who says I was going to drive? I was just going to walk."
She shrugs "Why? You can just stay here. I've got a couch and extra blankets."
"You sure?"
"Yes I am sure." She nods then goes to her room and comes back with a blanket, a sheet and a pillow. "See."  
She smiled putting the stuff down pulls him up then spreads the sheet out onto the couch making a make-shift bed. 
"I could have done that."
"Don't be silly you're a guest in my home."
After she finished she kissed his cheek then they said their goodnights and both went to sleep. Eric was on the couch and Jessica in her bed. 
Not too long later she woke up with a scream which woke Eric up and he ran into the room.
"What happened? Everything okay?" He asked from the doorway. 
She jumped looking at him through her tear filled eyes and nods "Yeah sorry didn't mean to wake you. Just had a bad dream that's all."
He let out a sigh of relief "It's okay don't be sorry." 
She smiled and patted beside of her bed "I know this may be weird but will you stay in here with me the rest if the night? Please?"
He nods walking over and gets into the bed beside her he then uses his thumbs and wipes her tears away.
"Thanks." She smiles, she had noticed he was in just his shirt and boxers. 
"Welcome." He smiled back. 
They both lay down and he wraps his arm around her making her lay her head on his chest. 
"This is okay isn't it?"
"Mhm." She hums out as she nods.
She laid there listening to his heart beat then dozed off to sleep but he stayed awake for a little while longer until he fell asleep.