

Eric woke up the next day in the bed by himself. He sat up and looked around then smelled something so he got up and walked towards the smell. 
"Morning sunshine." Jessica smiles when she seen him. 
"Hey, what time is it?"
"Quarter till ten." She stated "There's coffee made." She then got him a coffee cup down.
"Sweet, you read my mind." He then poured himself some "You probably don't have any soy milk huh?"
"No sorry, I have milk, French vanilla liquid creamer then the dry creamer which is fudge flavor."
"It's okay." He then used the French vanilla creamer and took a drink. "Okay why does that coffee taste familiar?" He chuckles some "And what are you making?"
"Well I've got eggs going and ham steaks." She pulls out the coffee grains "The coffee is from Starbucks company."
"You didn't have to cook breakfast. But I love Starbucks." He grins. 
"Well then we will get along great." She grins at him and finished breakfast. "You want toast? I know I like it but wasn't sure if you did."
"Already on it." He smirked putting bread into the toaster "I hope you don't mind that I took it upon myself to do it."
She shook her head "No not at all."
Once it all was done they sat down at the table and began eating. 
"So what do you have planned?" Jessica asked him after she swallowed a bite of food. 
"Well later we have practice then after that I'm not sure."
"Oh cool so do you guys practice every day you're not on tour?"
"Nope, after tours we take time to hang out with our family and friends, well the other guys hangout their girlfriends too." He chuckled then continued, "Then about a month before a new tour we take a few days a week to practice."
"Well that's cool." She took a drink, "So it must suck and is awkward being the only guy in the band that is single huh?"
He shrugged his shoulders "I'm used to it." He took a bite of his ham after cutting a piece of it.
"So are the rest of the girls going to be at practice today again?"
"Probably not, they don't come all the time. Just once a week then we all go out to eat like last night."
"Last night was fun too, thank you." She smiles. 
"Anytime." He smiles back at her, "So what about you? What do you got planned today?"
"Probably just hang out here since it's only Saturday. I know boring but I actually haven't unpacked all my stuff so I will probably finish doing that."

A few hours later Eric went back to his place so be could get cleaned up before he had to get to practice because he didn't want to show up to practice in the same clothes he had on the night before. Of course before he had left him and Jessica exchanged numbers.