
Girls day out

Jessica was cleaning around the house when her phone rang so she turned down the music and grabbed her phone. She didn't recognize the number but went ahead and answered it anyways not knowing if it was about a job or not. 
"Um hey is this Jessica?"
"uh yeah whose this?"
"Oh sorry this is Livia. Eric gave me your number hope that's okay."
"Oh of course it is." Jessica smiled even though no one could see it. "So what's up?"
"Well us girls are going for a day out together and was wondering if you wanted to join us? If you were today that us."
"That sounds great I mean it's better then staying around here all day. What you guys got planned?"
"Well we are going to go out for lunch then after that we aren't really sure."
"Okay sounds good. But there is one problem, my car is at a mechanics."
"Well we are all going to meet up around one but I can pick you up like in about an half hour."
"Works for me. I'll just get ready. Wait do you know where I live? It's the same apartment complex as Eric just on the opposite side and different building too."
"Ah well then yes I know where that is."
"Okay so then I will just meet you outside in thirty minutes."
"Okay sweet talk to you soon."
"All right."
They said their byes to each other then hung up. Jessica went and got ready making sure to wear something comfortable but cute.
After Livia picked up Jessica they headed out to meet the other girls. 
"I hope you didn't go out of your way to pick me up."
"Not really." Livia smiled shaking her head "But it's not a big deal anyways. Anything to hang out with a new friend."
"Well thanks inviting me."
"Oh you're welcome. I hope you don't mind the music playing." 
"Oh of course not. I mean for one this is your car and two I don't mind this band. It's Confide right?" 
"It is Confide." she nodded her head. 
"Eric introduced me to their music last night." Jessica stated with a smile then sang along with the music.

They will see us waving from such great heights. Comedown Now they'll say but everything looks perfect from far away. Come down now but we'll stay.

Pretty soon they were at a small restaurant.
"This is where we are meeting the others." Livia stated as she unbuckled. 
They got out and walked inside and noticed the guys were joining them for the lunch. Jessica and Eric noticed each other and smiled as Livia and Jared gave each other a kiss hello. 
After lunch the guys headed back to practice and the girls went to the mall. 
The first place they went into was Hot Topic. As they were looking around Jessica seen a shirt picked it up smiling. 
"That would look cute on you." 
Jessica looked up to see who said that and it was Ashleigh. 
"Ya think so?" She asked kinda unsure. 
Ashleigh nodded "I really do."
Jessica smiled at her "Thanks."
"Oh I'm so getting this." Jessica picked up a shirt. 
"What shirt is that?" Alba asked. 
Jessica giggled picked up a BlessTheFall shirt. 
"Oh nice." Alba grinned. "I think you should. Also you know the guys would and could get you one for free."
"Yeah but I still want to buy it instead." She smiled big.
After they were done they paid for their stuff and left. They went to a few more stores at the mall after that then Jessica came up with an idea. 
"How about we go to the food court and get some ice cream? It will be my treat."
All the girls agreed and they headed down to the food court. After they all got what they wanted and sat down and started eating. The girls said a chorus' of thank you's and Jessica had smiled and told them welcome. A few minutes later Jessica seen someone she knew. 
"Oh my god." She whispered slowly. 
"What?" Alba questioned glancing towards the way she was looking and the other girls did too. 
Charlotte smiled "I think she spots a hot guy."
"Go say hi to him girl." Ashleigh stated.
"Just be careful he is here with another girl." Livia giggled. 
"Well I did see a hot guy but this guy is someone I knew from my past."
"Oh an ex?" Ashleigh asked. 
Jessica shook his head. "Not exactly, at the time his fiancé was my best friends sister." She stood up "I'm going to go say hello." She walked over before the girls can say anything. 
She got over there, "Chris Vest?"
"Yes I'm Chris Vest. I take it you want an autograph?" He says as he looked up then noticed who she was "Jessica?" He got up hugging her "How have you been?" 
Chris is the drummer for Framing Hanley and him an Jessica had known each other for quite a while.
"I'm doing really good, how about you?"
"I'm doing great." He smiles and motioned to the girl sitting at the table "This is my girlfriend Krystl. Babe this is Jessica, she was Ashley Hanley's little sister's, Justice's, best friend."
They both smiled and said "Nice to meet you."
"So what you doing here?" Chris asked.
"Oh I live down here now. How about you?"
"Down here with the band, we have today off so me and Krystl decided to come here to hang out."
They talked a few more minutes then Jessica introduced them to the girls. Chris and Jessica exchanged numbers then went their separate ways. The girls did some more shopping then left the mall. Jessica told them the story about how Justice died in the car wreck, she told them the same one that she told Eric but the part she had left out was that Justice's sister was in the car with her and had died too. 
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Sorry it took so long to put this out.
The Confide song is 'Such Great Heights'
And for some reason it's not letting me Italic the lyrics that I put in there.

Jessica's outfit