
Bad timing

It had been almost a month since everyone met Jessica and they still talked almost everyday. Eric and Jessica had feelings for each other but haven't said anything to each other yet, even though their body signals showed they had feelings for each other. After talking to the guys Eric decided to go over to Jessica's to tell her how he felt about her. He hadn't felt this way about someone in quite awhile.

Jessica had finally got a job at a clothing store, Hot Topic to be exact. She got home and was just getting ready to walk in when a voice behind her spoke.

"Jessica?" The guy questioned in his Italian accent.

She jumped and turned around as she said "Yeah?" She then recognized who it was. "Enzo? What are you doing here?"

“I came to find you. I missed you.” He stated stepping closer to her.

“How’d you find me? And don’t give me that shit you missed me.” She shook her head, “You’re the one that cheated on me.”

“I have my sources, and just cause I did that doesn’t mean I don’t miss you.” He licked his lips.

They stood there talking a few more minutes then he did something Jessica wasn’t expecting. He had her some what pinned to the wall, but wasn’t hurting her, he was just standing really close to her. He leaned his head and started kissing her. She put her hands on his chest to try to push him off but he was stronger then her.

Just then Eric walked up “What the hell? What is this?”

When they looked at him, Jessica gasped, “Eric, it’s not what it looks like.”

“Who are you?” Eric asked.

“I’m Enzo, her boyfriend.” He lied on the last part smirking on the inside to himself, “Who are you.”

“Eric, no one important, just a friend, well was.” He started to walk off.

“Eric wait!” Jessica called out making him stop and turn around.

“What? You want to lie to me some more? I thought you were different, I thought you were also single but I guess not.” He stated, showing he was pissed off.

“It’s not like that Eric.”

“Bullshit.” He spat out and took off.

“Awuah poor Eric all pissed off.” Enzo smirked, “He will get over it. There’s other girls out there for the gingerbread man.”

“Shut up Enzo!”

That made him look back at her. “Don’t tell me to shut up!”

“Just leave.”

“Nope, see you will be mine again.”

“I don’t ever want to be with you again.”

Enzo laughed, “Oh but see somewhere inside that body of yours knows it wants to be with me again. It just hasn’t surfaced yet but it will and when it does you will come crawling back to me. You’ve done it before.”

“Yeah that was before but not this time. I don’t have feelings for you anymore. I have feelings for Eric but you went and screwed that up by lying saying I was your girlfriend when I’m not, not anymore.”

He smirked “He won’t either, and you said last time you weren’t going to come back to me but yet you did.” He smirked “You just wait, you will realize you still have feelings for me and come back.” With that he left her place.

Jessica sighed and walked inside shutting and locking the door. She collapsed on the couch and the tears came flowing out. After a few minutes she stopped crying grabbed her phone and called Eric. She wasn’t surprised that he didn’t answer, but she just sighed. She decided to text him.

“Eric, Enzo he was lying. He’s not my boyfriend. He was before I moved here but I broke up with him he wants me back. Don’t believe what he said. I care a lot about you.” She read the text then hit send.

Eric read the text “Yeah right.” He said out loud and tossed his phone down on the table.

“What was that about?” Beau asked, him with raised eyebrows.

“Oh Jessica says how this guy isn’t her boyfriend and crap like that. How am I supposed to believe her? She had her hands on him, kissing him and shit.”

“How do you know that guy was telling the truth? Look you going to believe some guy you just met over someone you’ve known for a month? I can tell you both care about each other.”

“Then why the hell would she be kissing him huh? If she cares so much about me she wouldn’t have been kissing him?”
“How do you know she was kissing him? Maybe before you walked up she was trying to push him off. It’s been done in movies. Maybe you didn’t notice her doing that.”

“Oh give it up, this isn’t a movie this is real life.” Eric snapped.

“Well geez excuse me for trying to help see the positive side of things Eric.” Beau said in the same tone as Eric.

With that Eric sighed, “Sorry man didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”

Beau patted his shoulder, “It’s okay man, I understand. Look you just need to hear her side. Don’t believe some idiot that you didn’t even know.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
Beau smirked “You know I am. I’m always right.” He chuckles.

“Oh you wish.” Eric laughed.

Beau lightly pushed him, “Go talk to her man!”

Eric shrugged "I don't know man."
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Woo intense? Haha do you think he will talk to her?