
Dirty Scum

Pretty soon there was a knock on the door and it was Ashleigh but Beau had told her she didn't have to knock before but she still always knocked a couple of times then walked in. 

"Hey babe." He smiles as she sat beside him and they shared a kiss.

"Hey." She smiled then looked at Eric, "I'm surprised you're here cause I know you had told all of us you were going to ask Jessica out."

"Yeah don't think that's going to happen." Eric sighs. 

"Uh oh." Ashleigh looks from Eric to Beau, "Did something happen? She didn't turn you down did she?" 

Eric shook his head as Beau stated "He went over there to talk to her, she had a guy there. I guess she had her hands on his chest and he was kissing her." 

"No way! She told us girls how much she cares about you and she does this shit!" Ashleigh shakes her head "I can't believe that shit. How could she do that."

"Babe, chill." Beau put his hand on her knee, "Like I told Eric, she should be able to explain. I mean yeah the guy did say he was her boyfriend but he shouldn't believe some guy he doesn't know without talking to her and hear her side." 

"Yeah there is always two sides of a story." She nods her head agreeing with him. 

Eric sighs "I guess I should go talk to her."

"Yes you should." Both Beau and Ashleigh said at the same time. 

"Okay." Eric stands up "Thanks guys." He smiles some. 

"It's not a problem." Beau smiled "Go get your girl." When he said that Eric smirked and headed for the door. 

"Good Luck." Ashleigh called out. 

Eric opened the door looking back at them. "Thanks, bye you guys."

"Bye." They called out then once he was gone they had started making out. 

As soon as Eric left Beau's he went to Jessica's. He hot there and knocked on the door. 

"Go away Enzo, I'm not taking you back!" Jessica called out, through her tears. 

Eric sighed to himself then said through the door, "It's not Enzo, it's Eric."

"Eric?" She got up and opened the door, "What are you doing here? I mean I'm surprised you came back." She stepped aside to let him come inside and he did. 

"Look I did some thinking." He uses his palms and wipes her cheeks off, "I did some thinking. I'm sorry, I seen you kissing that guy and I freaked out. After I left here I realized that I should hear your side of the story."

She nods, "Eric, he lied, he's not my boyfriend. Not anymore anyways." She took a deep breath and let it out, "Before I moved here he was but I broke it off with him because he kept cheating on me." She explained to him, "He still wants me back but I don't want him back. When you seen us, it was him coming onto me I tried pushing him off but it work cause well you seen he's got big muscles." She sighs. "There you heard my side of the story. You can chose to believe it or not but it's the truth." 

Eric took a step towards her "I was stupid for just jumping to conclusions." He then chuckled scratching the back of his head "To be honest the guy kinda scares me so that was another reason I didn't try to argue."

She giggled silently "He doe scare alot of people. Even me really." 

He grabs her hands linking his fingers with hers as she asked "Do you still like me?"

He smiles at her but didn't say anything, he just leaned his head closer to hers and kissed her.

After a few minutes kissing he pulled back, "What does that tell you?"

"That you love kissing my lips." She grins, "But I'm very happy you still have the same feelings towards me cause I know I still have the same feelings towards you."

"Mm good." He grins at her. 

They started kissing again then after a few minutes he broke the kiss cause he had to go to his house real quick, she told him when he came back that instead of knocking just to walk on in. After he left Jessica sat down on the couch and sighed happily. She figured that she wasn't going to keep anything from him so if he wanted to hear it she would tell him about Enzo and the past she had with him. She walked into the kitchen to get her a glass of soda, she heard the door open and shut so she figured it was Eric coming back.

"Hey babe that was fast." She smiled walking back into the living room but didn't expect the person standing there which out of shock dropped her cup, "What the he'll are you doing here, get out." She groaned. 

"Nope, sorry I'm not." He walks closer to her she stepped back away from him but he grabbed her and pulls he to him. "You are mine, yeah sure you might think you broke up with me but to bad that's not going to happen." He tosses her onto the couch and gets on top of her. "You know you want me."

Jessica could smell the alcohol on his breath "You are wrong. Now get off of me Enzo!"

Enzo laughed, "Not a chance sweetheart. You're giving me what I want." he then ripped her shirt and pulled her pants off.

"Stop! Get off of me!" She screamed. She hit him but he slapped her back.

"Stop squirming you bitch!" He the  started to rape her.

Eric walked towards Jessica's door when he heard screaming so he tried to open the door, but since it was locked it wouldn't open, 'Lets hope I'm not doing this and she's only watching a movie with the volume up' he thought to himself. He then kicked the door in. 

"What the fuck!" Eric screamed. 

Enzo laughed "Caught us again. Get it through your head Ginger boy she loves me and not you. Now leave so we can finish what we started!"

"The hell I am, stop raping her!" He walked closer to them. 

"I'm not raping her she likes it this way don't ya babe." Enzo smirked. 

"Eric! Call the police please!" She screamed with tears going down her cheeks so Eric did that. 

"Oh wrong move!" Enzo groaned punching Jessica then got up buckling his pants up and went after Eric. 

Of course as soon as Enzo rammed into Eric his phone flew out of his hand and hit the wall. They then started throwing punches at each other. 

"Enzo! Stop! You're going to kill him!"

"Good I hope I do." Enzo barked out. 

Pretty soon the cops showed up but Enzo had knocked Eric out right before they got there. Jessica gave her statement to the police and the arrested Enzo. 

They had to take Eric to the hospital so Jessica rode with in the ambulance, they patched up her eyebrow cause it was bleeding and then she called Beau since his name was the first one of the guys that came up. She just told him that Eric was badly hurt and he had to go to the hospital. He told her he would call the others and meet her at the hospital.