
Hospital confession

After they got to the hospital they required her to get a rape kit done so she did. But while she was in there was when everyone showed up. They found out which room Eric was in so they went to it but the doctor had said he was unconscious and that only two people at a time were allowed in there. So they all took turns going in then after they were all done they set in the waiting room close by his room. 

"Why would someone do this to him?" Livia asked shaking her head. 

"Uh Jessica said that Eric had walked in on her ex raping her."

"Oh my god." The girls gasped at different times. 

"How could someone do this to an innocent guy?" Ashleigh asked.

"It's all my fault." Jessica stated, they hadn't seen her walk up till she said something.

"How is this your fault? Did you do this to him?" Alba asked.

Before she could say anything Jared said "This isn't your fault."

"But I'm the reason Eric is laying in there helpless. I told him to call the cops an that's when Enzo, my ex, went after him." Jessica sighed. 

"Then this is Enzo's fault not yours." Alba stated to her. 

"Yeah." Livia agreed, "Don't blame yourself." 

Jessica sighed and shrugged "Can we not go in there?"

"Yeah just only two people at a time." Matt answered. 

"Oh okay. Have you all been in?" Jessica asked and they all nodded, "Okay well I'm going to go in there and see him now." They told her that he was unconscious but she still went into his room. She sat down beside him and gently held his hand. "I'm so sorry Eric, I didn't mean for you to go through this. I wish you weren't hurt. If you hadn't met me you wouldn't be this way." She knew he was unconscious but she still wanted to say it cause he could possibly still be able to hear her. 

Almost a week later Eric was still in the hospital, as it had turned out, he was in a coma. Jessica had stayed by his side almost the whole time, the only time she had left was to take a shower. Matt's father wanted to be nice so he fixed her door that Enzo kicked open for her. She had offered to pay him back but he said he didn't want anything in return. As she was sitting there watching 'If You Really Knew Me' she all of a sudden heard a groan so she quickly looked over and seen Eric slightly moving.

"Eric?" Se softly questioned. 

"Wh- where am I?" Eric asked groggily. 

"You're in the hospital." She sighed. 

"Why?" He asked but then remembered why he was, "Wait I remember now."

"Yeah." She breaths out, he groaned and she looked over, "Are you in pain? Want me to get a doctor?" 

He lightly shook his head "No pain pills will cure how I feel right now. It's not physical."

"I see."

He looks at her and opens his hand with his palm up, she seen what he did and she placed her hand in his. When she did that he instantly wrapped his fingers around her hand "How are you?"

"I'm okay I guess." She stated looking at their hands, he was rubbing his thumb on her hand, "I'm really sorry about all of this, about what's happened to you."

He nods some "I know you are."

She looks up at him, "You do?"

He nods and tries to sit up but it didn't work, "Don't try to move too much." She told him softly. 

"Yeah my side is killing me. Not sure why either." When he said that she just looked down, "Did something else happen besides just punches being thrown?" When he asked she nodded so he asked, "What else happened?"

She bit her lips together then said "You will probably hate me for it."

"Jessica I don't think I could ever hate you."

She ran her tongue along her lips, "Probably will after you hear this." She took a deep breath and let it out, "When you two were fighting a tried getting him off you but of course it didn't work. Anyways I seen a knife sitting on the table I grabbed it I went to stab Enzo but you guys moved and...and I...I accidentally stabbed you." She choked out, she looked at him with tears going down her cheeks, "Enzo punched you again, you passed out then the that's when Thespis showed up."

"You stabbed me?" He asked with surprise in his voice.

She nodded, "Feel free to say you hate me for that. I am prepared for it."

He shook his head "I don't hate you. You were trying to save me from him, I mean it didn't work but the fact is you tried." He brought her hand to his mouth up and kissed the back of her hand "And I know you're sorry."


"I may have been out of it but I still could hear you guys talking yesterday."

"Um Eric?"

"Yeah?" he asked looking at her. 

"That wasn't yesterday."

"Was it earlier today then?"

She shook her head "You've been in here for a week."

"Oh man, it doesn't feel like it." 

"Maybe not for you." She say with a hint of a smile. 

"Well still I forgive my girl for what she has done." He says with a smile. 

"Your girl?"

He nods "If to want to be my girlfriend, because I want you to be. I mean I know we're not in the best place to ask but it's better then nothing." 

She giggles and sits beside him on the bed facing him, "I'm not going to tell you my answer but," she leaned closer to him "I want to show you." She then carefully showed him with a kiss. 

As they were kissing Beau woke up "Even when he's out of it you can't resist kissing him." He smirked joking. 

Jessica smirked sitting back up "Ha ha very funny."

Before Beau could say anything Eric piped up "She can't help that I'm irresistible."

Beau smirked "That's true, but how long have you been awake?"

"Not very long." Eric answered, "Maybe about an half hour or so." 

Jessica stood up, "I'm going to get the doctor. I was asked to get her if you woke."

"Okay babe." Eric smiled, Jessica kissed him one last time then walked out. 

"Babe?" Beau questioned once she was gone. 

Eric nodded "Yeah, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"Way to go man." Beau chuckled.

Pretty soon the doctor came in and checked Eric's vital signs including the stab wound since that one was the one serious one,  "Everything looks good. Now if everything looks this good by tomorrow then you will be able to go home." Her saying that made them all happy.  
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I know in the last chapter it didn't say that Eric had gotten stabbed but as I was writing this I had thought of it so I figure I would still add it in there.