Status: in progress

Pandora Halliwell Enters True Blood

chapter 2

“Panda” she hears a female shout her nickname and her head shoots up that would be Sookie, Pandora found herself quite liking the girl to be honest and when she found out about her being able to read minds she became even more interesting.
“Coming” they were going to Fangtasia tonight, girls had been getting murdered and Sookie wanted Bill to take her to the vampire bar, to see if they knew Maudette or Dawn. Pandora offered to help seeing as though Sookie was desperate for Jason to be off the suspect list, Sookie didn’t exactly know what she was, she just thought she was like her, and Pandora let her think that.
“So how do i look” she gives a small spin, her red dress fanned out and came to a stop at her thigh’s, she wore black high heels and her hair curled down to her waist, she quickly adjusts the bust as it had no sleeves and was pushing her breasts up, she hated that they were busty and larger than average, she wondered if she had a succubus as an ancestor.
“You look amazing” Sookie grins and Bill nods stiffly, she didn’t really like him.
“Okay let’s go” she walks down and into the back of the car, thankfully her dad believes Sookie is a good girl and wouldn’t go to clubs like this so she wasn’t worried of him finding out.
They reach the club and get out of the car.
“Panda” Sookie hisses “How are you going to get in” she asks and Pandora smirks bringing out a fake I.D.
“Come on then” Sookie shakes her head and they wait in line to get it.
“I.D” the female dominatrix vampire asks and Sookie shows hers then walks in with Bill. Pandora hands hers over and Pam looks her up and down fangs popping out.
“Now aren’t you precious” she drawls, eyes filling with lust “Go on in” she hands it back and smirks letting the girl pass by. Pandora hides her blush as she felt a Pam’s hand slip past her thigh and met up with Sookie inside at the bar.
“Okay what do you want” Sookie turns asking Pandora.
“Anything” she looks around at the latex costumes and dark aura’s pulsing out from certain customers, she was finding it similar to a demon bar actually.
“Here” Bill hands her the drink and they go sit down at a table. Pandora casually looks around and sees Sookie looking at something, so her head turns and she sees a blonde muscular man sitting on a throne, Pam now beside him smirking.
“Who is he” Sookie asks and Bill tenses.
“He’s the sheriff of this area” Pandora nods having heard of the hierarchy.
“Sheriff” Sookie asks.
“He’s in charge of this area” Bill drinks his true blood and Pandora hides a smirk, he was feeling inferior right now.
“What’s his name” Pandora asks and peers at the blonde man underneath her long eyelashes, her brown eyes shining a red golden compared to the dark eye shadow she had on.
“Eric” Bill looks at her “Eric Northman”
“How old” she asks and turns back to Bill.
“Around a thousand years old” he answers.
“A thousand” Sookie gasps.
“Sookie” Pandora chuckles “There are much older things in this world, if that nearly gave you a heart attack then i fear for your health if you ever find out what they are” Bill raises an eyebrow at her and she shrugs.
“Panda” Sookie scowls and Pandora grins.
“Uh, oh” Bill tenses.
“Don't say "uh-oh." Vampires are not supposed to say "uh-oh” Sookie says, so Pandora scans the place for what made him react like that and her eyes rest on Eric and Pam who are looking directly at Bill.
“It's Eric. He's scanned you two twice. He's goin' to summon us”
“He can do that?” Sookie asks.
“Yeah” Pandora nods. Eric raises his right hand and motions to Bill. Bill takes Sookie's hand and Sookie grabs Pandora’s arm. They leave their table and join Eric, still seated, and Pam, standing next to him.
“Bill Compton. It has been a while” Eric says smoothly looking at the younger vampire.
“Yes, well...I've been...”
“Mainstreaming, I heard. I see that is...” Eric looks at Sookie and then lets his eyes roam down Pandora’s body, it seemed Pam was right for such a young girl she had a very delicious body i wonder what her blood would taste like he muses. “...going well for you”
“Yes, of course. Uh, sorry Eric, this is my friend...”
“Sookie Stackhouse” Eric nods not partly interested, it was obvious he had his claim on her but the younger brunette, he hold no claim over her.
“How do you know my name?” Sookie glares and Pandora hides a smirk, did she forget she handed over her I.D to get in.
“I never forget a pretty face” Pam smirks and points to her forehead “You're in my vault”
“Great. That's just great” she then turns to Eric “It's nice to meet you”
“Well, aren't you sweet” he says unmoved.
“Not really” Pandora hides a snort she was the sweetest thing since cotton candy in her opinion. Eric sees the brunet’s amused reaction and turns to Pam, muttering something to her in an unknown language and she answers.
“Pandora Halliwell” Eric looks her over once again “Are you to, a friend of Bill’s” he raises a brow and he received the reaction he wanted.
“No” she scowls and he nods still not taking his eyes off her and began addressing Sookie.
“Miss Stackhouse, I understand you've been asking questions about some of my customers”
“Yes, I have” she nods a bit miffed off that he wasn’t looking at her while talking to her.
“If you have anything to ask, you should ask it of me” he tells her finally turning to see her flushed face which he found amusing.
“All rightie” Sookie hands the photos of Maudette and Dawn to Eric.
“You recognize either one of these girls?” Eric looks at the pictures. Pam looks at them over his shoulder.
“Hmm...” he points to the vertically-oriented picture of Maudette “Well, this one offered herself to me. But I found her too pathetic for my attentions. Now, this one, however...” he points to the other photograph, presumably of Dawn “I have tasted” Sookie looks nervous and Pandora frowns, how can someone lower themselves to act like that, offering themselves to be a meal.
“I remember 'em both” Pam nods.
“On account of the vault” Bill tightly grasps Sookie's right hand with his left hand. Eric looks hard at Sookie not liking her attitude and Pam squints finding this human mundane and annoying.
“Never had either of them, though, they weren't really my type” she eyes Pandora.
“Well...” Pandora began getting an odd feeling so she takes the photos from Eric's hand “Thank you very much. That is all your time we need to take” she hands them to Sookie and nudges her to move.
“I'm not finished with you yet!” Eric smiles “Please. Sit” Pandora sits to the right of Eric and Pam and Sookie sits next to her. Bill remains standing in front of Eric.
“So, Bill. Are you quite attached to your friend?” he smirks looking at Sookie, loving the fact he knew how to push the younger vampire’s buttons.
“She is mine!” Bill glares.
“Yes. I am his” Sookie nods and Pandora frowns, not liking Sookie claim she was someone’s like property, Sookie grabs her hand and squeezes in thanks at that thought and Pandora’s eyes widen she must have left her guard down for a second, Sookie usually couldn’t read her mind.
“What a pity” Eric says bored, then his eyes turn to Pandora “And who do you belong too” he asks and mentally smirks seeing her tense.
“No one, i don’t belong to anyone” she glares at him and him and Pam both still at her defiance, not many mortals would treat a vampire that way.
Eric scopes out Pandora and addresses Bill.
“Sit with us. We have catching up to do, you and I. It has been too long”
“Yes” Bill nods hesitantly but glad that Eric’s attention didn’t seem to be on Sookie but on Pandora.
Bill sits at Eric's left. Eric continues to look at Pandora with some interest.
Sookie begins hearing the thoughts of an undercover cop wearing a shirt with mesh sleeves and a trucker's cap with "--something--RIDGE LOUNGE" on the front of it. He's with a young-looking woman, Pandora frowns, when Sookie lost control she found her own telepathy power doubled and she began hearing the thoughts.
“Where the fuck are they? My backup was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. I can't handle a raid on my own. These fuckin vampires...” an under-cover cop says.
“We have to get out of here” Pandora says soon forgetting they didn’t know of her powers, she didn’t want to be arrested and having her family know she was hanging around in places like this, her dad would ground her forever and probably bind her magic as he had threatened since she was 9 but she knew he would never do it, but if he thought he was protecting her then that’s a different story.
“Pandora...” Sookie bites her lip squeezing harder, she knew Pandora wasn’t thinking clearly or about what she had just revealed, all she was thinking about was getting out of there.
“Eric, the cops are coming. There's gonna be a raid...” Pandora looks at him frantically, ignoring Sookie who was practically cutting off her circulation. Eric and Pam look at Pandora.
“You're not an undercover cop, are...” he began but knew it was incredulously, she was too young.
“I'm not, but that man in the hat is.” She sits straighter wishing she could just orb out of there, but it would be exposure.
“Even if you're right, we do nothing illegal here” Eric strays from the problem looking at her calculatingly.
Pandora catches the image of the bald man with a moustache and Taren in a bathroom stall. Taren is cradling his head, and licking the blood from the cut on his head. She rises up her head with her mouth open, lips and chin covered with his blood, her fangs exposed.
“Go ahead and do it. Open me up. I don't care. Make me feel something” Taren bites the bald man.
“There's a vampire named Taren in the ladies' room with that man you kicked before. She's feeding on him” she stands up; she could hear the cop’s minds now.
“How do you know this?” Pam asks while Sookie, Bill and Eric look at her.
“Freeze!” a cop storms in.
Eric, Pam, the Undercover Cop and the young-looking woman he's with turn their heads in the direction of the voice.
“Police, Freeze! Don't move!” The crowd moves anyway as police officers, dressed in combat gear, enter the club.
“Follow me” Pam, Bill, Pandora and Sookie follow Eric as the police conduct their raid. Eric shoves open a door at the back of the club leading outside, and all quickly exit the building. Bill picks up Sookie in his arms and Pandora pulls off her heals and gets ready to run with only socks on. Eric and Pam move away, as if they're hovering instead of walking. And as they do, Eric turns his head to Pandora.
“I enjoyed meeting you, Miss Halliwell. You will come again”
Eric and Pam seem to move away very quickly. Bill runs with Sookie in his arms leaving a Pandora to manipulate the air around her so she could keep up with his speed.