Status: in progress

Pandora Halliwell Enters True Blood

chapter 3

“Pandora” Pandora blinks and then frowns, just recently Sookie’s Gran had been murdered and she had been helping around the house. She hadn’t had anything magic to do really and now she was being called.
She disappears in blue orbs, reappearing in the Halliwell manor’s attic. Stood in front of her were her two cousins, her Uncle Chris’s kids, Matthew 21 years old and Ryan 19 years old.
“What” she asks, she was usually called for demon hunting, because she was the most powerful, but her cousin’s and seconds cousins could get perfectly on without her but they like to live more normal lives compared to her, Ryan and Matthew so those three usually get dumped with the magic stuff. Aunt Paige usually laughs saying they were now the new charmed ones but as soon as it’s said they orb the heck out of there.
“We sort of need your help” Ryan bites his lip and carries on looking through the book of shadows.
“What is it” she asks putting her hand on her hip, Matthew was surrounded by books and drawings, so she stepped closer and began looking, Poseidon, god of the sea, she frowns, his trident.
“Okay what’s going on” she looks up and they share a nervous glance.
“Well you know that grandma defeated Cronus and Demitrius” Mathew says and she nods having heard of that story, with the other future Chris traveling to the past.
“Well, you know mortals were given powers and declared themselves god, Zeus and that” Ryan asks and she nods again.
“Well, when they had the power, they placed a part of that power in objects, like the lightning bolt, the flying sandals etcetera” Mathew says flicking through a few pages.
“Yeah” she nods again wishing they would get to the point.
“Well, you know Poseidon always carried a trident around with him” Ryan looks up “It’s been stolen”
“What” she explodes “How can someone steal a trident, shouldn’t the Elders have it protected or better yet destroyed it”
“That’s what we thought” Matthew nods “And with no explanation they told us to get it back or the whole world could be submerged into water” he pouts.
“Wow dramatic” she huffs dropping down on the couch.
“I know but it’s true” Ryan stands up and walks over to sit next to her “He placed a little kink on it you could say, so only the one true to the power could wield it, but there’s a way around it, the person that has stole it is true to the ocean meaning they are true to that power, but not fully” Pandora takes it in and nods, she got that, well most of it.
“So” she nods on and he sighs.
“A sea demon has stolen it and planning to flood the planet as he believes us land walkers don’t deserve to be on this earth” Matthew rolls his eyes.
“So what do we do” she asks
“Well seeing as though he’s underwater, we wrote a spell to get us underwater too” Ryan opens a piece of paper.
“Are you ready” he asks them and they chant the spell.
“What now” Pandora looks around seeing if anything happened and it hadn’t.
“I don’t know” Matthew looks over the spell.
“Well you wrote it” Ryan glares.
“Well i didn’t exactly know if it would work did i” Matthew glares and Pandora feels a shift in her body and she falls.
“Well you should” Ryan snaps.
“Look we’ve been”
“At this all day, now don’t get smart with me” Matthew takes a deep breath.
“Guys” Pandora shouts.
“What” they both turn and their eyes go wide taking her in.
Laying there on the ground with a dark blue fish tail was Pandora her breasts were partly covered in dark blue and silver scales the same color as her tail and her hair spiraled down in different colored blues.
“Your” Ryan swallows trying to keep his laugh in.
“A mermaid” Matthew finishes and they burst out laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah laugh it up” Pandora frowns, leaning up on her elbows and blowing a piece of her fringe out of the way “Just my luck” she flaps her tail.