Status: being written (:

There's Nothing In This World She Can Count On

Chapter 1

She sat looking up at the stars atop a roof of some abandoned old building. She discovered this place 2 years ago when she had been running away from home. It was where she came when she needed to clear her head. Tonight was no exception. She lay there, looking to the sky as if it held some sort of answer, as if the stars in the sky could be decoded. That’s all she was really looking for, some sort of answer. Why was she here?
She stared at the stars until they all blurred together. It was a late summer night, one of those rare ones where it gets colder at night. She had been here enough times to be able to estimate the time just by the position of the moon in the sky. She would guess it to be able three in the morning. She had been here for quite a while but she had no intention of going home. No one would miss her.
Her mom was probably at a bar somewhere or at another house in another bed of yet another guy that she barely knew. Her sister was off at college trying to prove to the world that not everyone in this family was a screw up. Her dad? She hadn’t seen him in ten years. Friends? What friends? Everyone who knew her was thinking the same thing she was: why is she here?
As she reached for a blanket, the irony of the situation made her crack a smile. Millions of light-years away, the stars don’t even exist. What she was looking at was nothing more than light, light that had finally made it close enough that we could see it. Even the stars, the very things she was looking to for answers, were fake. There is nothing in this world that she can count on.
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I know it's rather short, but tell me what you think? please? I'll love you forever :)