Status: being written (:

There's Nothing In This World She Can Count On

Chapter 2

She woke up atop that same old roof, curled up in a ball. She had fallen asleep while contemplating running away again. It was around five in the morning and the sun was just starting to rise.
She started to gather her things, shoving the blanket into her bag and retrieving her cell phone. Just as she suspected, no messages, no missed calls. She grabbed her bag and started to stand up when she heard a noise.
“Who’s there?” She yelled at the air. She looked around nervously. For as long as she had been coming up here, she had seen no one else. She stood there for a minute or two until she was convinced that she had imagined it. She began heading towards the staircase.
“I believe you dropped this.” a voice said from behind her. She turned around quickly. There stood a boy, well at least she thought it was a boy, he had his hood up, covering his face. He had his hand out towards her with a cell phone in his palm.
“Ah, yes, thank you.” she replied as she walked toward him to retrieve her phone.
“no problem.” he said as he turned and ran away.
She stood there staring at the place he had once been. Why had he run? Did he sense already that she wasn’t someone he should be talking to? Did he know how messed up she was? She didn’t understand but she knew that she shouldn’t waste her time thinking about it. Nevertheless, it was the only thing on her mind as she stumbled, stiff and still a bit groggy, to her house.
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Apparently I can't write long chapters. but anyways, I know no one is actually reading this, but Im gonna write it anyways. If you happen to stumble across it, Comments? :)