Status: being written (:

There's Nothing In This World She Can Count On

Chapter 4

. She tossed and turned every which way, trying to find a position on her bed that would allow at least the slightest bit of sleep. Her mind was racing. She finally settled on just laying on her back and closed her eyes. She tried to sleep, she really did, but all she could see was that boy. Something about him intrigued her.
He’d run away, making her believe she was some sort of freak or something. She shouldn’t be so interested, but she was. He seemed like someone with a story, a story she was anxious to find out. She hadn’t even seen his face, but she new there was something special about him. Maybe it was in his voice. Maybe she just had a way of knowing these things. Who knows? But there’s something about him. She lay there for an hour or so more before drifting off to sleep.
She woke up to screaming She pulled a pillow over her head to try and drown out the noise, but it was no use. She grudgingly pushed back the covers and got out of bed. She tiptoed her way to just above the staircase, where she peeked down to see what was going on.
She saw her mom, red faced, tears rolling down her cheeks, spit in the face of a man she had never seen before. A man who was screaming at the top of his lungs, cussing as good as any sailor. Her mom normally didn’t bring the men home, so this was new. New and terrifying. She had to get out of there.
She couldn’t go down the stairs, not with this going on, but she had to go somewhere. There was a large tree outside her window. Maybe if she could just climb out the window…it was worth a shot.
She quietly made her way back to her room, making a beeline for her window, lifting it quickly before she could change her mind. She put her hand out, reaching for the nearest branch. When she felt the prickly wood beneath her fingertips, she reached her foot out. She made it on to the tree with only one small slip.
She began to make her way down the tree, one foot at a time. She did her best not to look down, but of course it was impossible. She felt her foot slip, her stomach sink. She fell to the ground with a hard thunk, a sharp pain shooting through her wrist. She couldn’t stop herself, she let out a scream.
She lay there, blood seeping through her shirt from the cuts in her arms, silently crying out in agony. She felt her eyes growing heavy, the she was being pushed around. Hands were sliding beneath her, she was being lifted off the ground. She was too weak to open her eyes, but, somehow, she felt safe, so she let herself go.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, What do you think of this chapter? :) I have a lot more that I will be writing soon, I've got this whole story written in my head :)

By the way, HUGE thank you to MemoriesOfLoveLost for subscribing and commenting :) Iloveyou! tell your friends? :)