Status: being written (:

There's Nothing In This World She Can Count On

Chapter 5

When she opened her eyes, all she could see was white. White walls. White ceiling and floor. The bright overhead light reflected off her white surroundings, practically blinding her. It took her several minutes to figure out that she was in a hospital bed.
She looked around frantically, looking for and answer as to how she ended up here, wrapped in a hospital gown, with her wrist in a cast. She found it sitting in the corner, knees up to his chest. He looked a bit nervous, like he wasn’t sure if he should be there. He noticed her staring at him and quickly stood up.
“Good, you’re awake.” He said letting out a relieved sigh. “ You had me scared.”
“Uh, yeah” she managed to get out. She was so confused. Who was this guy? Why did he save her? He didn’t even know her, why had he been so quick to worry about her? The boy walked over to where she was sitting upon her hospital bed and sat down beside her.
“The doctor said it’s a broken wrist” he stated, motioning towards her wrist, “and you had a few cuts on your arms that have been stitched up,” he touched a spot on the back of her left arm gently, indicating where some of her stitches were. The girl placed her hand there, felt the rough thread and winced. “You passed out from shock” That explains why she couldn’t remember getting here.
“Uh, Thank you. F-f-for saving me.” She stammered.
“Don’t thank me. I’m just glad you’re okay” She said easily. He talked to her as if he knew her. Did she know him? Who WAS this kid?
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okay, I know this is the shortest thing ever, but it's setting up for something else and plus, this is pretty much what I've had time to write and I really wanted to put something up. Besides the length, what do you think? :)