Status: being written (:

There's Nothing In This World She Can Count On

Chapter 6

Who are you?” She blurted out before she could stop herself.

“Oh. I-Im sorry. My name is Anthony.” Anthony. Huh. Well, it was a start at least.

“Piper,” He said with a smile, “I like it.” A smile stetched across her face.

“Anthony. I. where did you come from?” He looked at her and raised his eyebrow slightly. A smile spreading across his face.

“My mother’s vagina…” He said as if this was the obvious answer all along. Piper picked up a pillow that was laying on her hospital bed and threw it at his head.

“I’m being serious. Yesterday, you were on the roof with me and today you save my life. Is this some crazy coincidence? Or what’s going on. Please tell me Anthony.” Her voice cracked, becoming desperate.
He placed a hand on her shoulder. A shock that she wasn’t expecting went through her body. She found herself looking at him, really looking at him, for the first time. He had brown eyes, ones that were sparkling in the hospital light. His brown hair was falling across his face, covering up most of his right eye. He had a face that just made you smile when you looked at it. He was beautiful, in an unconventional way. It wasn’t model beauty, or I-go-to-the-gym-everyday-I-think-im-gorgeous beauty. It was genuine beauty. Something that she has never seen before.

“I’m not a stalker,” He says, breaking her from her trance.

“Then, what is going on here?” She never believed he was stalking her. She was never uncomfortable with the idea that he was watching her. It’s crazy, she just met this guy, but she connected with him in a way that she couldn’t explain.

“I just. I saw you yesterday, up on the roof, and there was something about you. I wanted, no, I needed to talk to you. But, as usual, I got scared so, I ran. But, I watched you walk home, and I saw where you lived, which sounds completely stalker-ish, I’m so sorry. This morning, I finally got up the courage to talk to you and then I saw you fall and I. I had to do something.” He said this so fast, barely taking a breath.

“You. I. Wow. Thank you,” She stammered out. She had no idea what to say. She felt stupid for only saying thank you, but she couldn’t think of anything else. She was to busy thinking about the fact that he had felt some sort of connection as well. She wasn’t the only one.
“You think I’m a freak now.” He said matter-of-factly.

“No, no, not at all!” She hurried to get this out. She most definitely did not think he was a freak. But, how did she feel? She had no idea. She’d never felt this way before, especially not with a complete stranger. She just learned his name. Why then, did she already feel like, given the opportunity, she would jump in front of a gun for him?

“Oh. Are you sure?” He looked up at her with those gorgeous eyes. She could almost detect pleading in them. As if he couldn’t bear to have her think he was a freak. This struck Piper. Did he, could he possibly, feel the same way?

“I’m definitely sure Anthony. I don’t know you very well, but I do know that you are not a freak, nor anything close.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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