Status: being written (:

There's Nothing In This World She Can Count On

Chapter 7

Anthony did nothing but stare at Piper for what seemed like forever. Slowly, a smile spread across his face. A gorgeous smile. A contagious smile. Piper felt one of her own slowly appear.
“Piper, how are you feeling?” Anthony asked, suddenly serious.
“I’m feeling pretty good. My body’s sore, my arm hurts, but it’s bearable.”
“hmmm, I’m gonna go get the doctor, see what he thinks.” Anthony said, more to himself than Piper. He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Piper alone with her own thoughts.
She was so confused. She didn’t understand anything that was happening. Above all though, she realized, for the first time, she was happy. She hadn’t felt like this in a long time, truly happy. She was always worried about something: her mom, the people at school, life in general, but for once, she felt like she didn’t have to worry about anything. Anthony made her feel safe.
There was a knock on the door, but before Piper could answer, Anthony just barged in. A man was with him this time, wearing a long white coat and carrying a clipboard, typical doctor. He walked over to the end of Piper’s bed and picked up a sheet of paper. His eyes scanned back and forth across it as he grumbled to himself a few times. Finally, after an awkward minute, he spoke.
“ Hello Piper. I’m Dr. Winston. You seem to be feeling better,” He paused and gave her a quick reassuring smile, “We’ve checked all your vitals and it appears you are good to go home.” The doctor clapped his hands together and walked out of the room.
“That’s great news!” Anthony exclaimed while placing his butt in the seat next to hers. “I’ll drive you home” he looked at her and smiled a weird smile, almost painful.
They gathered up what little things they had(along with a few items they stole from the café) and went out in the parking lot to Anthony’s car. To Piper’s surprise, He drove a relatively normal car: 4 doors, brown, sensible.
“Funny,” she began, “ I never took you as the sensible car type.” She giggled a bit.
He cocked his right eyebrow, “Oh really? And what ‘type’ did you have me pinned for?” He asked, motioning air quotes around the word type.
I don’t know. A classic car guy. Or a truck guy. Something a little more out there.” She smiled.
“Are you saying I’m a little ‘out there’?” He pretended to act offended.
“I’m not saying you’re not.” She winked at him.
He walked over to the passenger’s side of the car and dug through his pockets for his keys. He unlocked her side and opened the door, awaiting until she sat down. “ ladies first” he had said which made Piper smile.
They pulled out of the parking lot and turned in the direction of her house. Piper’s foot kicked something in the floorboard of Anthony’s car. She leaned down and picked up a few CD cases. The Beatles. All Time Low. Circa Survive. Hmmm…
“You’ve got good taste in music,” Piper murmured while glancing through the disks.
“You think so?” he asked, his cheeks turning a slide shade of red.
They began discussing their music tastes with each other, arguing which lyrics were the best and whether or not The Beatles were overrated. At times, the arguments got heated, others were settled with a few jokes thrown back and forth. Never, in all her life, had Piper talked to someone this long. She just kept talking and talking, words just kept coming. They just flowed form her mouth as naturally as the river current flows down stream.
When they reached her house, Piper wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave. He pulled up to the curb and looked at Piper longingly. She got out of the car and gave him a wave and a goodbye, then started to walk towards her door.
“Piper wait!” Anthony yelled from behind her. She turned around to see him hanging out his car window. “It was great to actually meet you.” He said then looked down because he began to blush.
“It was great meeting you too Anthony. Goodnight.” She smiled, then walked into her house to see her mother laying on the floor, passed out drunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
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