Into the Grey

Seeing Shadows

The sun shone down, illuminating his every feature; the golden rays paiting a beautiful golden halo around his body. He was standing in a crowd, yet even there, it was as if he was standing alone. His head was crowned with a shock of glistening black hair that played gently over a pair of haunting blue eyes. Something about him just radiated power and ageless wisdom, yet he was young; no more than 17 or 18 at the most. The next thing that caught my eye was the girl standing next to him, unmatching the boys glow, yet hers still held an unearthy, ethereal shine. She was african american, and the sun radiated her beautiful brown skin. She had sharp eyes that seemed to hold fire, the kind that looked as if they missed nothing, and for a quick second, her eyes met mine. She casted me an unreadable looked, something of a cross between amusement and flippance.
Then, just as quickly as she'd glanced, she looked away.
The boy and girl were surrounded by three others, who all seemed to exude rivaling amounts of radiance. Who were these students? Perhaps, the five social deities that Regan had spoken of earlier? Just as I had thought of her, Regan came bouncing aroung the corner of the cafeteria, lunch tray in hand. She followed the path to were my eyes were glued until she saw what she was starring at. "Oh, yeah, those are the guys i was telling you about earlier," she sat across from me at the lunch table and began to open her milk carton.

I nodded, turning to face her to watch her tear upon her silverware packet. I look back behind my shoulder to see the five sitting off at a table by themselves, the chaos of the crowded cafeteria seemed to be separate from there perfect world. "why do they sit alone?" I asked, turning back to Regan who was stuffing her mouth with pizza. She held up a finger and chewed thoughtfully, "I dont know really, no one does," she pauses wiping her mouth, "It's like they think they're better than us or something....the black girl---her name's know, with the long curly hair? She used to act normal and sit with everyone else until she started talking to them, then it's like they enclosed her in their social bubble," Regan said shrugging.
"Are they like complete douche bags or something?" I asked, starting not to like the five, no one had the right to look down on anyone.

"No," Regan takes a swing of her milk,"They're actually really nice...they just dont associate with other people that arent like them, thats the best way i can put it," Regan said, taking another large bite of her pizza. Typical. The five sounded like the typical social clique that ostricized everyone who they deemed not 'cool' enough. A few moments passed and Regan and i moved on to other pointless chatter about what school life here was like and what not, until the bell rang.

"Where you headed?" the blonde asked as we walked out the cafeteria.

"Oh, AP Bio," I said, pointing in the general direction of the class.

"Cool," Regan nods, "I got team sports, so I'll catch up with you later," she yells, as she disappears into the ocean of students pouring out of the cafeteria.

Within a few seconds i too became submerged in the coarsing flow of students filling out of the cafeteria, and of course, they all seemed to be headed down the same hallway. I quickly duck through the doorwway to Biology only to be stopped dead by a barrel chested man with a bright red beard and a bald head, who i assumed to be my teacher. This was Mr. O'Hare? By his stature and beard he looked more like a lumberjack than a teacher, but he looked to be the only figure of authority in the class so i quited the jibes inside my head.

"You're Breeana Holran, right?" he said in a gruff voice as i tried not to run straight into his stomach.

"Yes, I am," I replied, somewhat nervously, as i could not imagine this man teaching me anything, much less, AP Biology.

"You sit over there." he said flatly, poiting a stubby finger inside the classroom. I peered around the mass of him to follow the direction of his finger and my heart sank at where he pointed. Next to a window, the same radient boy from the cafeteria sat at the lab table that Mr. O'Hare pointed at.

He was looking up Solaara, the girl whose eye i had caught earlier in the lunchroom.

The two were staring intensley at each other, a smile was on the boys face and a faint grin on Solaara's as well. Perhaps the two were dating? Solaara and the boy instantly broke glances when i looked at them. The boys expression changed to curiousity and Solaara's face did a complete 180, as her expression turned to stone. Solaara nodded at the boy before turning on her heels and moving to sit at a lab table across the room. Feeling, somewhat doomed, i took the seat next to the boy, "Mr. O'Hare gave me this assigned seat," I explain, as i nervously pushed away the hair that had fallen into my face.

"I know," the boy nodded as a ghost of a smile began to creep onto his face, "My name is Gage," he held out a hand. Somewhat shocked at openness, I took his hand and shook it.
Gage's handshake was stronge and his skin was warm and smooth. It's hard to esplain, but as I took his hand I could almost feel his energy, just as bright and as brilliant as the glow that had surrounded him earlier in the cafeteria. "And your name is?"
I felt my face flush with color as I realized that I'd never responded to him. I'd been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didnt even speak----not to mention I had his hand in somewhat of a death grip. "Oh!" I said, embarrased as I quickly let go of his hand, "My name is Breeana," i said.
He chuckled slightly before her turned to face the front of the class where Mr. O'Hare was waiting to have to attention of the class.

That was how most days went for the first couple of months or so at school. I didnt have any of the other 'Five' in my other classes, and in AP Bio, the only thing that passed between Gage and I were assignments and small talk. That was when i understood what Regan said about the 'Five' not really associating with everyone else. Just about half a semester had passed and our converstaion hadnt even gotten passed 'So what do you think about the assignment'? There was one thing that I'd gathered about Gage and the ellusive five. It wasnt that they thought they were better than everyone else, they just didnt care about everyone else. Nothing seemed to penetrate their world. It almost hurt in a way, because despite the social block that Gage had put between us, I'd actually started to have a little crush on him---though i wouldnt dream of acting on it.

Now, it was a tuesday, as well as test day for AP Bio. I dragged my feet especially slow today as I walked into Mr. O'Hare's class as I tryed to shoo the overwhelming feeling that I was probably going to fail.
The 'gray' had become increasingly distracting latley, flashing in and out during random moments, convientietly most of them always happened in class. Thankfully, i hadnt fully gone 'gray' in public, because seeing people and creatures from the astral plane, isnt exactly the most conducive to learning.
I sit down at the lab table next to Gage, the cold, plastic chair chilling my legs yet despite the pants that cover them.

"Something wrong?"

I look at the beauiful black haired boy, surprised that he'd even noticed, "Oh, uh, no.....I'm good," I say, trailing of as Mr. O'Hare silenced the class. Once the tests had been passed out, I started to work. Of course, it wasnt long before it started. I heard it before I saw it this time. I look up from my test as a loud hissing cut through the class room. I look around for other people with an alarmed look on their face, but as always, no one else hears it. I feel the hairs raise on the exposed parts of my body and know instantly that the sound I'm hearing isnt from anything good. The hiss gets louder as a shadowy, wreathing mass appears on Mr. O'Hare's desk. The creature looked something of part snake, dog and bull, but it had the wings of a bat and it was sprawled out across his desk.
The scary thing was, i wasnt seeing the creature in gray. This was in Full Color. Just as if it were reality.
The thing seemed to be starring directly at me with beady yellow eyes that seemed to receede into its gnarled face.
I feel my hands begin to shake and my whole body go cold as the creature smiles at me. What is that? I think, so frightened that I'm glued to my seat. I seemingly spring out of the 'gray' an back onto earth as I feel Gage's hand gripping mine. Slowley, I turn meeting his gaze, my breath coming fast and uneven.
"Are you alright?" he whispers, his eyes peering dead into mine.
Still frozen, I can only stare at Gage. I'd gone 'gray' before, but I'd never seen anything like that---and that technically wasnt even gray! It'd been in color, as clear as day!
"Ms. Holran and Mr. Turner, is there something you'd like to share with the class," Mr. O'Hare says sharply, as he sits at his desk. I could no longer see the creature sitting there.

"I believe Breeana needs to got to the nurses office," he says as we both turn to face Mr. O'Hare. Everyone in the class looks over to our labtable. Shocked, I look back at Gage.

'Go to the nurses office. Now'