I Liked it Better When They Were Young

Authors note

Ok guys, this is just a quick note before you read on further, as soon the next chapter will be up.

First of all, thanks to everyone who reads this story and keeps coming back for more. Mostly to those who comment! It's great to be praised, or to be given contructive critisism. You guys motivate me and keep me writing. Without you this story would not be up here. End of.

Secondly, from here on in, the P.O.V (point of view) of the story may change, so I can tell it through another character's eyes. It depends how I'm feeling and what the chapter is about. But mostly, it will be Sophie's P.O.V, mmkay?

And thirdly, (This is the serious part) I'm not gonna keep posting chapters if no one reads them or comments on them, so unless I get at least four comments per chapter, (I'd want more in a perfect world but four will do, I guess) I won't be updating. Like I say, comments are motivation, and you can't write without motivation, now can you?

Ok, I'm gonna shut up now and let you all get back to your stories and busy lives. Thanks again to everyone that reads,

Morgan xxxxxxxxx