Status: Partners in Crime!

There's No Way To Fix Us


My eyes shot open. How long had I been asleep? Glancing at my clock, I saw it had only been a few minutes.
I got up and decided I would go have some fun downstairs. I saw Carla standing there, dancing with Steph. They were so stupid together, but I loved them.
Then, I saw her. Kara was jealous of Carla and me, there was no denying it. The way Kara was walking, she was ready to fight. Not that she could fight. She was much too girly and snobby to fight.
"Well, Weeping Willow...." I heard Kara say. I couldn't move.
I knew what was about to happen, everyone did. Kara was trying to tell off Carla, who was grinning, but red-faced.
Carla said something back, something I couldn't hear.
Then, it all happened. Kara lunged for Carla, but Carla knocked her down with a right hook. Kara growled, touched her cheek, and grabbed Carla's legs to pull her down. I wanted to help, but they wouldn't let me through. Carla fell onto Kara, who yelled in pain. Carla took advantage of this and her fist hit Kara's shoulder. Kara yelled again. Kara pushed Carla off and got on top of her. I tried to push through the crowd again, and I was shoved back. Kara hit Carla in the face several times, but Carla wouldn't be phased. Carla swung and hit Kara near her temple. She must have hit her hard because Kara's temple started bleeding. Bad. Her eye was starting to bruise. Kara growled and hit Carla again. Carla threw Kara off of herself. Carla stood up.
Then, Carla saw me. Our eyes met, the fear and worry showing through mine, the apologies showing through hers. Kara came out of nowhere and hit Carla, sending them both skidding across the floor. Carla's head hit a oak sidetable hard. I saw her grimace and my heart sank.
"Let me through. Now!" I yelled, pushing at them. Some moved, but some boys were determined to let them finish. Steph was pressed against the wall by another group of boys.
Kara hit Carla again, but Carla swung back, hitting Kara's temple, again, causing blood to spew. Carla's legs hit Kara, which made her skid across the floor and hit the wall under the snack table. Kara didn't move at all. Then, the boys let Steph go, who ran to Carla, shaking her head. She held Carla to her chest while Carla tried to reassure her. The boys let me by and I ran to Carla.
"Hello there," She mustered out, barely whispering.
"There, there, babe. It'll be okay. I promise," I said, looking at the tears on her face. I saw someone trying to talk to Kara. Everyone else was just watching. Like nothing had happened.
I hadn't realized until now how much I had been crying. I couldn't stand seeing anyone do this to her. My angel.
Carla closed her eyes, trying to sleep. Steph tried to keep her awake.
"Carla, you may have a concussion. Stay awake," Steph said, wiping away the tears from Carla's face.
I whipped out my cell phone and dialed 911.
"911, what is your emergency?" A calm, sweet voice said.
"I need an ambulance, maybe two. Now," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Sir, what happened?" The woman said.
"There was a party. A fight broke out. There are two girls laying on my floor, bleeding. I don't.... I just need help! Now," I said, my voice shaking.
I looked around and noticed very few people were in the room. I heard cars starting. Everyone was leaving, they just wanted the show.
"Address, sir," The woman said, hitting buttons on her keyboard.
As I told her my address, Kara's body started to move. She couldn't move far, but she tried. A boy, a simple sophomore, was trying to help her. The moment she realized who was trying to help her, she would freak out and tell him to leave her alone. She was shallow and snobby, even when she needed help.
"Sir, help is on the way," The woman said.
"O.. Okay," I muttered into the phone, trying to keep it together.
I closed my phone, looking at Carla's helpless face. So innocent, so... I was choking back my tears.
"Brad...." I heard Kara say. I stood up and walked over to her.
"Br... Braad," She muttered, in pain.
"Kara, it's going to be okay. They're coming to help," I told her, blood flowing from her head.
The sophomore came back with two cold, wet washcloths.
"Use one on Carla's head. Stop the bleeding," He said, throwing me a washcloth.
I ran to Carla and looked at her eyes. Her face was pale, her pupils small.
"This may hurt, but it will help," I told her, placing the washcloth on the cut on her forehead, applying some pressure.
She winced, trying to be tough.
Sirens were growing louder and louder. I heard a knock on the door, then the doorbell rang.
I let Steph take over with the washcloth and answered the door.
"They... they're in the living room," That's all I could say before I saw the police behind the EMT's.
The EMT's ran to the living room, two stretchers in hand. The police saw me, but I ran back to Carla.
They were trying to get Carla on the stretcher without hurting her too bad. They lifted Kara easier, who yelled in pain. Carla was wincing, but trying to look stronger when she saw me. I couldn't handle looking Carla in the eyes. It was killing me.
"Brad, I'll be okay," Carla muttered, looking at me.
They carried both girls out to the ambulances. My body was shaking.
The police walked into my living room, looking at me and Steph.
Then, the sophomore said, "There were more. People were holding anyone who wanted to stop it back. They wanted it to be finished."
"Where did everyone go?" A man asked.
"Home," Steph said, sitting down and pulling me down beside her.
"Steph, you need to go to the hospital. Carla will need someone. She'll need her best friend. I have to tidy up," I muttered.
"No one is leaving until we talk to you all, see what happened," A police officer said, blocking the doors.
"Steph tell them, then go to her," I said, breaking down on my floor.
The police questioned me and I told them as much as I knew. I asked them if I could clean my house and they told me no. They needed to check for "evidence".
"You can go to the hospital though," One police officer told me.
I smiled at him, nodded, and sprinted to my car. I don't think I could have put my car into reverse fast enough. I don't think my foot left that pedal until I parked in the hospital parking lot either.
I ran to the door, worry and fear building inside of me. I could see Steph sitting in a seat in the emergency room, her head buried in her hands.
"Steph, Steph," I said, running through the doors.
"Br… Brad?" She asked, looking up at me.
"Is... Is she okay?" I asked, sitting down beside Steph.
"I don't know. They won't tell me anything," Steph said, punching the seat beside her.
"Who's here for Kara?" A doctor asked from the emergency room door.
I noticed the sophomore sitting alone. He looked up, raised his hand, and said, "I am."
"Come on back, son. I need to talk to you," The doctor said.
The receptionist watched me and Steph, then she said, "Sir! Sir, you're here for Carla?"
"Uhh, yes ma'am," I stuttered.
"And the young lady beside you?" She asked, looking at Steph.
"Yes," I said.
"Come on, I'll let you both back. She's in room....," She looked down at her list, "Room 7."
I grabbed Steph's hand and slowly walked back to the emergency room doors, my heart racing.
"Brad, you've already seen her. They'll take care of her," Steph said, smiling at me.
I let go of Steph's hand and rushed to Room 7. Carla did look better. They had put bandages on her, and she had an IV hooked into her. She was watching a small TV that was mounted to the wall. Her face lit up when she saw me and Steph.
"Oh my gosh, I thought they'd never let you guys back here," Carla said, laughing. Then, she winced.
I rushed to her side, stroking her head. I kissed her cheeks.
"I'm fine, Brad. Really.. you are just so dramatic sometimes," She said, pulling my head down to her lips.
"Carla, how are you feeling?" The doctor walked in, interrupting our kiss.
"I'm fine. Can I please go home?" She whined.
"Carla, you have a concussion. You are bruised. You... you're just all around hurt," Steph said.
"Concussion is about the worst. She is lucky thats all. I wouldn't say the same for Kara Ambers," The doctor said, writing on his clipboard.
"How bad is she?" Steph asked.
"Concussion, a broken rib or two, that's a few of her problems right now. But they'll both be alright," The doctor said, smiling at us.
"Can I go?" Carla asked again, being impatient.
"We need you to stay the night. We need to make sure you are okay," The doctor said, "And we are about to move you into a room."
Carla groaned, then sighed. "Fine," she muttered.
The doctor smiled then left.
"Brad... Sneak me out?" Carla asked.
"No ma'am," I said, kissing her lips softly.
"But... I don't want to be stuck here... all night... alone," Carla said, trying to give me a puppy dog face.
"I'm going to go home, tidy up, grab some clothes, and I will stay with you all night. I promise," I said, looking at her begging eyes.
"Don't leave me," Carla whimpered.
"I'll do it for you," Steph said, smiling at me.
"Really?" I asked her, smiling.
"Yes. Carla needs you," Steph said, walking out the door.
"If she needs anything, you can press this nurse button and we will have a nurse here as quick as we can," The woman told me as she smiled at me. Carla was watching my face, smiling.
"Thank you," I said to the woman who turned and left.
When the woman closed the door, Carla sighed.
"Can you please come lay with me?" Carla asked, giving me the puppy dog face.
I crawled into the bed with her and she curled up in my arms. I could feel her heart quicken when I climbed in the bed and it was slowly calming down.
Carla was facing me all of a sudden, her hot breath on my face. She laughed when I looked into her eyes.
"Can you calm down? I'm not going to force you into sex while I'm in the hospital," Carla laughed at me.
I kissed her lips while she was laughing, leaving her mouth wide open. I had mine open and she tried to force her tongue into my mouth, but I pulled away, growling.
"Carla, you are in a flipping hospital, for crying out loud. Is this really the time?" I asked her.
"Br... Brad. I'm sorry," She said, her eyes tearing up.
"Don't cry, baby," I said, kissing her again.
She laughed. "I love you, Brad," She said, looking into my eyes.
In that instant, I knew a few things.
One. Carla, no matter how emotional and crazy, was the only girl I wanted to be with.
Two. I knew I'd give in, either right now, when we were so ready, or once she was out of the hospital. I wanted her, so bad.
Three. If I can fix this, no matter what I have to do, I will.
There is a way to fix us. I know there is. We just have to go looking, looking for love, looking for our future. There's always a way to fix true love, I know it.