Status: Active

You're the Closest to Heaven I'll Ever Be

Chapter One: Yeah, Forks Was A Good Thing

It’s been only five hours since I’ve been in the dreary Forks Washington, and quite honestly, I loved it. It reminded me of London in the winter. I loved the rain, so maybe that also had to do with it.
“Anne! I’m going down to the hospital, do you want to come?” My dad called up the stairs.
“Sure! I’ll be right down!” I called, my English accent ringing through the quiet house. My mom had already left to the local grocery store. I quickly pulled on my beat up blue high tops and ran down the stairs. I loved my family a lot, they supported me no matter what I did. I couldn’t think of a world without them. I grabbed my father’s hand and dragged him out to the car.
“Slow down, Anne!” He laughed. I smiled.
“Sorry, sorry.” I replied sheepishly and hopped into the passenger seat.

Fifteen minutes later we were at FGH aka Forks General Hospital.
“Blimy, look at that Mercedes. It’s really nice.” I said, nudging my father. He sighed and shook his head mockingly.
“You and your cars.” I smacked him playfully on the arm and walked into the hospital. He followed behind me, a hand on my shoulder. “So, are you sure you want to nurse here? Anne, you might not get a job.”
“Cuz I’m young blah, blah, blah. You should go to school first. Stop trying to impersonate a graduate. Blah, blah, blah.” I mocked, glaring down at the floor. “I know, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before in every single hospital I visited. You know I love you guys, but seriously! I’m 18, a college grad, and I have nothing to show for it except a PhD and a bloody diploma.” I complained. He squeezed my shoulder comfortingly.
“I know, hun. Come on, let’s go see if we can get you an interview.” We walked up to the front desk and the receptionist looked up.
“Can I help you?” She asked boredly.
“Hello, I’m Gerard Dark, the new doctor. This is my daughter, Antoinette. We were wondering if you had any nursing positions she could fill?” Dad inquired. Butterflies exploded in my stomach and I bit my lip nervously.
“She looks a little young, but I’ll consult Dr. Cullen, he needed a new nurse.” She nodded and I smiled brightly.
“Thank you! You are the only hospital to give me a chance!” I replied excitedly. She chuckled a little.
“Sure thing, darlin.” She then picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Hey Will, it’s Stacey from the front desk, is Carlisle free for a moment?” She asked. “Thanks. Hey Carlisle, there’s a girl down here wanting to be a nurse, can you interview her? Hey darlin, how old are ya?” She asked, turning to me. I chewed my lip before answering.
“18.” She raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment.
“She’s 18, but she said earlier she had a PhD. Give her a chance, Carlisle. She was happy that I was even calling you…alright. Bye.” She hung up and I looked at her reproachfully.
“He’ll be down to collect you in a few minutes. Just have a seat.”
“Thank you!” I smiled, and walked over to an empty chair. My dad sat next to me.
“Well how about it. Forks was a good thing after all.” He laughed.
“I already liked it. Reminds me of London in the winter, you know?” I giggled.
“Yeah. Cloudy, rainy, and just plain dreary. Just how you like it,” He chuckled.
“Damn straight.” I nodded.
“Miss, would you please follow me.” Said a voice. It was like honey. If honey had a sound, that would be it, I decided before looking up. My eyes widened a bit. The man looked like an angel! He had slicked back blonde hair, a sexy half smile, a perfectly straight nose, bright caramel eyes, and aristocratic features. I stood.
“Hullo. I suppose you’re Dr. Cullen?” I asked, fighting to keep my voice normal. He nodded.
“Follow me.” And I followed. Honestly, the guy could say ‘jump off a cliff’ and I’d probably do it. We walked into an elevator and I shifted from foot to foot. I was extremely nervous, not just because of the man, but because this could be my last shot at a decent job.
“You’re nervous.” He stated.
“Yeah, I’ve been to five hospitals and none of them even gave me an interview. I just really want a job. My parents don’t say it, but I know they’re suffering economically because I live with them. When you go to college, you’re supposed to have a job and go flat hunting. I never was able to get a job and therefore I didn’t have a chance to go flat hunting. I lived off my parents.” I explained. The doors opened and again I followed him through the sterile, white halls.
“Why? You seem intelligent.”
“It’s partly my fault. I threw myself into my studies, I never really gave myself a chance to job hunt. When I did, they said I ‘lacked the enthusiasm the job required’. It’s not my fault, all my life I wanted to be like my dad. I wanted to work at a hospital.” He walked into a room I assumed to be his office. I closed the door behind me.
“I see. Please sit.” He motioned to a comfortable looking chair in front of his desk. I sat in it and he sat behind the desk. He looked down and shuffled through his papers as a piece of hair fell out of place and into his eyes. I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from reaching out and putting it into place.
“First things first. What’s your name? Stacey forgot that detail.” He smiled. I gulped silently. This man, I could see, is going to be the death of me.
“Antoinette Dark. Everyone calls me Anne, though.” I replied confidently, though, I felt everything but.
“Alright, Anne. Can you handle high stress levels? A high stress environment?”
“Yes sir, I can. I’m very serious when it comes to being a nurse. I know it’s someone’s life on the line and therefore I push my emotions aside.” The door suddenly opened.
“Sorry to interrupt, Carlisle, but what’s 32 times 6?” A man asked.
“192.” I answered without hesitation. Both men blinked at me. “What? That one’s really easy.” I shrugged. Carlisle started laughing and the other man smiled.
“You’re the Dark girl, aren’t you? Everyone said you were a genius!” The man laughed. I smiled guiltily.
“I don’t know about being a genius, but yeah. I’m Antoinette Dark.”
“Come on, you knew that math problem off the top of your head. Even Carlisle has to do mental math.” The man said, grinning at Carlisle. Carlisle shrugged.
“So? At least I can actually do the problem.” He smiled. “By the way, Anne, you’re hired.” I blinked and a slow smile made its way onto my face.
“Really? Oh my god! Thank you!” I shrieked and hugged him. He laughed in my ear and hugged my back. I didn’t bother his cold body. Hospitals are freezing and it’s cold outside. It only makes sense. I pulled back and smiled. “You won’t regret it, I promise! When do I start?” I asked eagerly. He laughed again though his crinkled eyes looked darker. It must’ve been the lighting.
“Next Monday. Use this week to get settled in. Welcome to Forks.”
“Thanks! I’ve gotta go tell my dad.” I squealed and ran past the man in the door way and bolted down the steps, not bothering to wait for an elevator. I was only on the third floor anyways. I was breathing heavily by the time I made it to my dad.
“So? Did you get a job.” I looked down forlornly. “Aw, hun. I’m sorry.”
“Got you! Yeah! He hired me! All because I answered a math problem off the top of my head. 32 times 6. Some guy wanted to ask Carlisle the answer. But I did!” I rambled excitedly. He laughed and pulled me into a hug.
“I’m proud of you. What do you say we go get some celebratory ice cream, huh?”
“Dad. It’s raining.” I raised an eyebrow.
“Your point?”
“It’s the best time to eat it!” I laughed. He rolled his eyes and we hooked arms, venturing out into the drizzle. “I still wonder who owns the Mercedes.” I muttered. My father just laughed and I smiled.
Yeah, Forks was a good thing.
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Don't own anything Twilight. I own the OC's and Plot though. Hope you enjoy and for god's sakes, PLEASE freaking critique! none of this "update soon" stuff! Tell me what you like and dislike! And please don't comment on Mary-Sue. Yeah, I know about that. If you don't like that, then don't read it or ignore it. Just please! I loose interest when all I get is "update soon", it doesn't motivate me to write!