

Chapter 1: Electra

Blood. That rich, dark crimson brew that runs through our veins, supplying oxygen that keeps us breathing. That keeps us alive. That keeps me alive.

The piercing sound rung in her ears as she closed her eyes to let her satisfaction sink in. That rush of adrenaline through her veins, it was indescribable. If she needed to put it into words, she would describe it as divine. Simply divine.

Electra stifled a small chuckle before tucking her black ebony hair behind her ears, slowly heading out of the quiet alley, leaving behind a stench that would definitely cause a stir when Dawn invades later on, like it always did. Confusion was what Electra needed the next morning to smile. It was enough for her to feel… Complete.

She shook the blissful feeling away, reminding herself that she still had one more task to do before she could call it off for that day. The next one wasn’t going to be easy, judging that the person she would have to kill was someone so dangerous, even the hairs on her neck were standing.

Like a cat, Electra’s footsteps were almost inaudible to one’s ear. Her feet was so swift and delicate, it mimicked those of a cat, finding its prey. She was almost near. She could hear him by the slide, sitting down, waiting for her perhaps.

Electra shrugged it off and proceeded forward, being wary of her surroundings before he came into view. His face was flawless, just like the last time she saw him and those eyes… Those brown majestic eyes, that sucked her in like a black hole. She wasn’t going to be fooled by them again.

“It took you quite a while, Cat.” He chuckled, averted his gaze from the ground to meet Electra’s green orbs.

Electra sneered, not letting her guard down as she stood closer to death. She only needed to know who he was before ending his life. The only thing she had to worry about was her identity. She wasn’t going to be as clumsy as she was the last time.

“What brings you here, Electra?” He smirked, standing before closing the gap that was offending between them, their nose almost touching.

As much as Electra wanted to know who he was, she didn’t want to. Some things are best left a secret and his identity was one of them. His face was nicely warped in a black shawl, similar to how she did hers though she was positive hers were more complicated and more define to prevent anyone from uncovering it easily.

“I think you know what I want.” Electra smirked.

In a flash, she took her knife, an Atame to be honest, before lunging at her enemy.

“It’s you.”

The battle had begun.

Armed with an Atame, an iron double-edged blade with a sharp point, that was crafted into perfection, design to slice through flesh smoothly without the need to use any energy at all, Elektra was confident that she would be his that time around.

“You’ve improved in your moves, Cat.” He smirked, dodging a punch that came when he made a mistake by turning his back to avoid a kick.

Electra snarled, not amused by his comment and headed to her right before dodging his elbow blow, going for his knee. With a hit, he flinched and knelt on his left knee, clutching to his right before taking in a deep breath.

She’s faster and stronger. She wasn’t like she was before.

“That’s right, Verbot. Keep staring and death will soon approach you.”

Swiftly, almost deadly, she leaped forward, her Atame pointed outwards from her chest, determined to finish what she had started.

Almost there. She smiled to herself.

When the blade finally made contact to Verbot’s chest, the unexpected happened. Verbot shifted his position and caught her wrists, twisting her right, causing the Atame to slip from her grip before he slammed her mercilessly on the cold tarred road.

Elektra bit her inner lips, refusing to let a whimper slip out due to her burning wrist. It was sprained and if Verbot wasn’t going to let go, it was bound to snap sooner or later.

He chuckled, his brown orbs glaring into her emerald green ones, studying them before he shook his head. Electra was fast but not fast enough. He had more stamina and speed compared to her but he had to admit, she was the only human close enough to almost beat him.

“Still think you can beat me?” He whispered, mocking Electra who laid helpless on the ground.

She tried to budge but his grip was tight on her.

“Time to sleep, Cat.”

And everything went black.


Emery Lee opened her jaded eyes and woke up, stretching her arms before sitting up. It was bright and sunny, something that she always hated , and right then, it was time for her to head to school. Dragging her lazy feet, she forced herself into the bathroom as she undressed herself before going into the shower.

She stared at the mirror after her bath and studied her face.

“It’s another day, Emery.” She sighed, combing through her black hair that ran smoothly till her shoulder.

Climbing down the stairs, the smell of eggs caught her attention and she couldn’t help but smile, knowing who it was in the kitchen.

“Bill?” She called out, stepping into the kitchen where her bestfriend was.

Bill turned and flashed a smile, “Ah! Sleeping beauty’s finally awake!”

Emery rolled her eyes as she placed her backpack on the ground, making herself comfortable on the kitchen counter not far away from where Bill and the stove was.

Grabbing a piece of bread, Emery asked, “Why didn’t you wake me up? Usually, you would bang my room door till it was on the verge of breaking.”

Bill shrugged, scooping the scrambled eggs from the pan and onto the plate, “I didn’t want to disturb you. You seemed tired yesterday so I thought I would just let you sleep in.”

“Aw.” Emery cooed as she got down and hugged Bill.

“I don’t know what I would do if you didn’t get accepted too. I think I would die!” She exclaimed, as Bill returned her hug.

Bill couldn’t help but agree with what she had to say. Going to Robert Schumann School of Music and Media had always been both of their dreams. When Emery got her letter of acceptance, Bill was worried that he didn’t get a slot for himself. However, when that letter came, he could help but cry out tears of joy with Emery, his one and only bestfriend.

“Yeap. Me too! I’m so glad we worked out asses off to get where we are right now!” Bill added as Emery let go and took a pinch of Bill’s eggs that was left unguarded.

“Hey!” Bill’s eyes grew wide as Emery stuck her tongue out.

“I’m hungry.”

“So? That my breakfast.” Bill fought back, trying to flicker her nose with his finger.

Emery rolled her eyes and patted Bill’s cheeks, “Alright, alright. Here you go!”

And bam! His mouth was stuffed with his breakfast.

Bill stood frozen, dumbfounded as Emery took her bag and ran away, not forgetting to take the plate of remaining eggs away. Bill chuckled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hands before shaking his head.

“You are so dead, Emery!” He shouted before chasing the only family that he had with him right there and then.
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Tell me what you think ok :D