Status: Completed.

And No One Ever Has to Know

Chapter One.

{*Jeff's P.O.V.*}

"I'll be down in a damn minute, Matt! Just go load your things in the car, and I'll be down after I brush my teeth, and get dressed!" I called from the bathroom.

"Fine. Hurry the fuck up though!" he demanded.

Seconds later, I heard the hotel room door slam shut, and I let out a deep sign, trying not to get annoyed by his shenanigans. Quickly, I brushed my teeth, packing my toothbrush again, and throwing on some grubby clothing that was in dire need of washing. Packing everything in my suitcase, I picked it up, and quickly bolted out the room, hauling ass as quickly as I could to meet up with Matt. When I made it down there, I turned the room key in and went directly out the front doors, looking for Matt's car... What the fuck? His car was no where. Where the hell did he go?! Throwing my suitcase to the cement, I pulled out my cell phone, immediately dialing Matt's number. By the second ring, he answered.


"Where the fuck are you?!" I shot, not bothering to be friendly.

"I waited long enough".

"What, a whole fucking minute and then left?" I cut in, angry.

"I waited a good four or five minutes.. You were being a drag ass" he retorted.

"Well you better circle your ass around and come back to get me" I demanded.

"Can't. I'm all ready on the freeway. I guess you've got to hitch a ride with another drag ass. Maybe this will teach you not to be slow about things" he spat.

"Fuck you, jerk off".

Pulling the phone away, I hung up and stuffed it back in my pocket, picking up my suitcase from the ground. Dragging my feet, I went back into the lobby of the hotel and looked around. No one was standing or sitting around. Grand. Sitting down, I pulled my MP3 player out of my bag, putting the buds in my ears, and preparing to get relaxed. Might as well wait. As I sat there, it was about twenty or more long minutes until someone came out into the lobby. Not who I expected either... Fuck.

"I'm checking out", he spoke, handing his key over and paying the bill after.

It was now, or never. Standing up, I turned the volume down on my player and walked up to him, making the big approach.

"Um, hey man" I broke, as he stood there, with his back to me.

Slowly turning, he eyed me and didn't exactly look thrilled.

"I'm sorry to bother you but,.." I began, pulling the buds out of my ears, "I really need to ask a favor".

His blue eyes stayed locked on me as he smirked softly, and grabbed his bag again.

"What do you need?" he questioned.

"Can I ask you outside?"

"Sure, come on".

I grabbed my suitcase again, and drug it over to the door with me, walking out with him. Once we were in the clear, and the doors had closed behind us, it was now or never.

"I feel so lame for asking since we aren't on the best of terms..but, my brother, Matt, took off without me, and won't come back. He told me to hitch a ride basically, and I haven't seen anyone else except you.. So, can I get a ride with you, please?" I asked.

He dropped his head, smirking, and probably laughing deep down. I felt like a complete idiot. Raising his head, we locked eyes and he kept that smirk on his face.

"Yeah, no problem. Let's go" he accepted.

Instantly, he headed for his car, and I stood there in disbelief. I was expecting him to blow me off and give me a sarcastic, smug response. But he didn't. He looked directly into my emerald green eyes, and accepted my plea. I couldn't believe it. Randy Orton, my main enemy, was the one that would save me.. Odd. Snapping out of my daze, I quickly rushed after him and we loaded our luggage into the trunk, then got in our respective seats, heading out for the next event.


Needless to say, the ride there was pretty awkward, and..well.. quiet. I had put my MP3 player back on, keeping the volume on the second notch just in case he said anything. After a good thirty minutes or so of silence, he broke it.

"You know, Jeff" he started, making me turn my attention to him and remove my ear phones. "I have a tape deck adapter, and you can plug your player in it so you can listen to it with the car speakers".

He was offering to let me listen to my music in his car? Odd again.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, feeling uncertain.

"Yeah. Go for it. It's better than listening to silence".

Grabbing the adapter from the glove compartment, I slid it in the tape deck, then plugged in the other end into the spot for the headphones after unplugging those. Turning up the volume on the player, and his stereo, the sounds of INXS began playing.

"Um,..Thanks for the ride again" I said, glancing out the window, aimlessly.

"Welcome. Did you think I'd really be an asshole and leave you behind, alone?" he asked.

"Well.. I wasn't sure since we don't exactly talk, much less, do you acknowledge me much.."

"I acknowledge you more than you think", he interrupted. "You just don't notice it".

Gulping at that, I began to wonder how he meant that.

"And.. What does that mean?" I spoke, looking at him.

"Don't assume things about me. I have no problem with you.. Never did. You're just my major competition and I think you have been since day one" he admitted.

I couldn't see why he thought I was competition, but none-the-less, hearing that from him seemed..weird.

"I respect you, Jeff. I might not say it, but I do" he added.

"Wow.. Randy, I.. I never thought you felt that way. Thanks man, it's an honor" I finally said.

"You're welcome".

Surprisingly enough, we actually continued a good, lengthy conversation until we had arrived where we needed to be.

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{I decided since it was quite a long story for just being a full post here, I'd break it into parts. All feedback welcomed & encouraged! It's what keeps me posting & writing haha.}