Sequel: The Final Ending

If I Fell in Love, What Would Happen

Tim Migraw

I quickly hung up the phone and ran to Paul's room because I had to get the ticket and passport because I told Cammy that I'd send for him to come here, but I have to get there now and help him. Seth was watching me and he could see my anger as I couldn't find the ticket, he tried to help me look for it, but I snapped at him.
"STOP IT SETH!" I screamed in his face.
He stopped and walked away, I tried to yell for him not to go, but I heard the front door slam. I ran out the front door, trying to stop him, but he kept going, just walking away, leaving me standing in the middle of the yard, with it pouring rain, alone, afraid, and desperate, yeah he's such an amazing "boyfriend!" I fell to the ground on my knees, thinking: WHY ME, I mean first Cam now Seth, can this get worse. Truthfully, I ended up being correct because I heard the phone inside ring, so I had to run in and grab it:
"Hello?" I answered.
I heard a sigh," Gabby, it's Edward, the Volturi are coming, they don't know that I haven't changed Bella yet. You have to come here right away."
"Edward, I'll get in the truck and try to drive it there, I promise to get there as quickly as I can," I said grabbing the keys to Paul's house and truck.
I hung up the phone and went out to the truck, I put in the keys and started to drive. Five things wrong with this: 1) I'm 14 and not at legal driving age, 2) I don't know how to drive a stickshift, 3) The Cullen's live really far away, 4) This is really scary, and most importantly 5) When Paul finds out, oh I am so dead. Luckily, I found a cell phone in the passanger seat, so I called the one vampire who is going to be happy to tick Paul off.
The phone rang until someone picked up," Hello?"
"Rose, hey can you meet me right outside of La Push because I'm driving a stickshift and I don't know how to. And it'll make Paul really mad," I said hoping to convince her.
I could hear her laugh," Sweetie I would, but I'm busy at the moment, sorry. Um, I think Emmett can, I see him nodding his head yes, so he'll be there."
"Thank you a lot Rose, see you soon, bye," I hung up and kept driving, praying that nothing bad would happen.
I arrived where Emmett and I were suppost to meet, but before I could slide over to the passanger seat, I was already in the seat and Emmett was beside me. I laughed when I saw his face light up like a little kids face on Christmas morning.
"I love this day, it couldn't get any better," Emmett said with a grin.
Rolling my eyes, I sarcastically commented," Yeah Emmett, this day is just peachy."
"What's wrong Dolly Parton?" Emmett asked, calling me Dolly Parton because I had her CD sitting on top of the dash.
I sighed," I yelled at Seth and he got upset, but at the moment it's not going to matter because somehow I have to get back home."
"Hey kid," Emmett said, ruffling my hair," Seth'll come back, I promise, and you'll get home when the time is right."
I fixed my hair and sighed, hoping that Emmett was right.
For the rest of the ride, we stayed in silence, until the cell phone rang.
"Seth?" I asked, putting the phone on speaker.
I heard a girl's laugh, then someone, who sounded like Seth said," Gabby, it's not going to work out, sorry, I Jacob told what happened, and he said that it'd need to happen sooner or later, then sooner it was. Again, I'm sorry, I'll see you around bye."
Seth hung up and so did I.
As I was about to take off my seat belt and jump out of the truck, Emmett carried me in because I had frozen and wouldn't move. He carried me inside and sat me down in the chair close to the windows leading out back. As soon as I came back to reality, everything hit me like a ton of bricks and I fell to my knees on the floor.
"Who is that?" a girl with blonde hair and red eyes said, looking at me like I was the next meal.
I got up and looked at her and the other three people with black cloaks on," I'm Gabby, Paul's cousin, but don't expect to see me a lot because I'll be leaving in the next few hours, so bye!"
So, as I walked around all of them, I grabbed my cell phone that was sitting on a table beside the front door, and I walked out.
I turned on the music feature on my phone and the first song that came on was More Than Alive by The Ready Set, so while I walked towards the medow, I decided to sing along, even though my voice was terrible.
"You go for seconds and days
I live for moments to say
That I may never get a second chance
Don't throw it away
Living for dollars and dimes
They'll all diminish in time
Oh let that motion come and crash like a plane from the sky
It was a long ride down the east coast
In a city can't keep
Could you keep up on your feet
And I was struck down by the west coast
It was a quarter to three but it don't do sleep
But follow the freeway
Break the routine
Cause everything is second to your dreams
If this is the green light
Take what you need
And break out of this hospital scene
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down
But I give impatience a try
Got a little enveloped in time
Cuz I watch you come and watch you go
And it don't seem right
Living for speed limit signs
Ignoring cross every line
Gotta let emotion take you over 20 miles at a time
But follow the freeway
Break the routine
Cuz Everything is second to your dreams
If this is the green light
Take what you need
And break out of this hospital scene
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't wanna slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down
I'm running through stop sign
Got the world on my side
You know break light feeling more than alive
But it's so right see the shadow shadow tonight tonight
I'm running through stop sign
Got the world on my side
You know break light feeling more than alive
But it's so right see the shadow shadow tonight tonight
But follow the freeway
Break the routine
Cause Everything is second to your dreams
If this is the green light
Take what you need
And break out of this hospital scene
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't wanna slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't wanna slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down slow it down slow it down"
When the song went off, I felt this strange, undescribable feeling, like something was changing within me. I stopped and took out my cell phone, I took a picture of my face to make sure there was nothing happening to anything on it, but as soon as I looked at the picture, I noticed my eyes were white, like possessed white. Freakish, but sort of cool because I don't know anyone, except for the vampires,who's eyes will change color. Then, I started hearing voices saying," Is she the right girl?" and "Of course she is."
I started to freak out, thinking: WHY AM I DUMB ENOUGH TO WANDER OFF!
"Gabby, uh, one of the members of the Volturi needs to speak with you," said Jasper, as he walked over to where I stood motionless.
I looked at him without any expression," I don't want to Jasper, who ever wants to talk to me can come get me. Please tell them that I said the only way they'll speak with me is if they come out here and talk to me."
Jasper nodded and ran back to the house. A little less than a minute after, a boy with shaggy brown hair and red eyes appeared infront of me.
"Jasper told me that you were out here, I need to talk to you," the boy said.
I looked into his piercing eyes and found myself saying things that I didn't know I said," You always have an out. An exit strategy to make sure you don't get hurt. You always walk,always. You walk away before they can walk away from you."
"How did you know that?" asked the boy.
I snapped back and answered," I'm Gabby, I understand people."
"Okay, well, the Cullens either had to change Bella or we take you, so we're taking you," the boy said.
I looked at him with a look of sickness and screamed, but then I laughed evily" What do you people take me for, an idiot? I am not going to be used as a chew toy to any vampires. Besides I have a boyfriend back home I'm gonna go see, so bye."
"Oh yeah, then what's his name?" the boy asked with a smirk.
Thinking for a minute of a name that would work," Logan," I said," Logan Carmickle."
"Whatever, but your coming with me even if you don't like it," he said,"-that's final."
I nodded, giving up the fight. Maybe this will teach Seth to hurt me. The boy picked me up and took me back to the Cullen's house, setting me ever so gently down on the couch. I thought 'What is wrong with this boy, he acts sort of harsh, then he chooses to be nice. Can you say Bipolar?
"She's going with us," said the blonde girl from earlier.
This is it, I'm gone. FOREVER!