Sequel: The Final Ending

If I Fell in Love, What Would Happen


I was about halfway into the woods, when I could feel it getting colder. I mentally slapped myself for not getting my jacket. It wasn't getting any easier to be outside, but a few minutes after I decided to stop walking and sit down, I heard snapping twigs behind me. Slowly, but carefully, I turned around to look at whoever, or whatever, was behind me. I saw something that scared me, that something was a wolf. I couldn't tell exactly what color it was since it was night-time, so I just thought it was black. Too cold and tired to scream, I ended up passing out, right there, most likely about to die.
When I awoke, I was in an unfamiliar place, but I knew the faces, well about three out of a lot of faces.
"Wh-where am I?" I questioned.
Grabbing my hand, Seth replied," You are at the Cullen's house, Carlisle is a doctor, and we brought you here to see if you were ok. Embry and the others said you ran off crying into the woods, so I ran after you, and found you passed out."
"Oh," was all I could say.
The one who I suppose was Mr.Cullen came over to me, putting his hand on my forehead, as to check for a temperature.
"Gabbriellea, I'm Dr.Cullen, you can call me Carlisle, but I need to tell you something. You are sick, it's not like cancer, but it has a few of the symptoms. You have been passing out almost everyday, I can tell because of the expressions on your face," Dr. Cullen said to me.
I nodded, then closed my eyes," I need to tell and ask Seth something," I thought outloud, before falling into a deep sleep.
"I like you, a lot, but you don't like me. The only reason I was forced to come out here is to find myself again, when I met you, I found myself, yet now I just feel like the part of myself I was searching for and found, just disappeared." I whispered.
^- End of Dream-^
"What in the-" I started to say, but then I felt something furry like a puppy under my hand.
I looked around, before looking at what the furry thing was, seeing I was in Jacob's house, I looked to the side of me where I felt the furry thing and saw a wolf. I freaked out, but didn't scream. I started to hyperventilate. I felt frightend at first, but then the wolf jumped up on the bed, and put his head in my lap. Then, I started to feel protected and safe. I was petting the wolves head when Jacob came in, he looked at the almost asleep wolf, then smiled.
"I see you've met our friend," Jacob said to me in a quiet voice.
I nodded," He's adorable, I bet I could tell him all my secrets, and he would never tell a single soul!"
Jacob chuckled," I don't think that would be possible concidering," he paused, trying to go back and re-phrase everything he just said," nevermind, but he'd have to tell someone, anyway you need to get dressed, Alice Cullen wants to take you,Bella, Rosalie, and Esme shopping, I'm against it, but Bells begged me, so I had to let her."
I sighed, slowly sliding my new pets head out of my lap, I whispered to my wolf," I love you!"
I looked at him after I said that and saw his eyes light up.
At that moment I thought that there would be no more surprises, nothing bad would happen, and life would get better from then on out. I didn't know that I was dead wrong.