Sequel: The Final Ending

If I Fell in Love, What Would Happen

A Little To Not Over You

I quit crying for enough time that the figure grabbed me, put a blindfold over my eyes, and ducktaped my mouth, thinking I'd scream. In what seemed five minutes, it could've been longer, my kidnapper took off the ducktape, and blindfold. I was too weak from getting hurt and crying so much to scream or cry. I just let them do whatever they were going to, but when the kidnapper started to talk I figured out it was someone I knew, and dispized.
"Well, well, well, nice to see you again Gabbrielle," Alec said.
I turned around and looked at him," What do you want with me? Why can't you leave me alone?"
"You told me I couldn't have you, I told you I always get what I want and if I can't have you noone can," Alec said then he grinned that amazing grin he had.
I shook my head and got up, I walked to Alec, stood infront of him, then slapped him. Alec wouldn't have that, so he slapped me back, but harder than I slapped him, causing me to fall and hit my head, again. I got up and walked toward the door, I opened it and took off running, I didn't know if Alec was chasing after me, but I knew where I was going, so I took off towards Paul's house, because, well, for one, Alec got emancapated from his parents at the age of 9 and I met him at 10, so he moved close to Paul because I'm Paul's cousin. Anyway, I got to Paul's house and took off running inside, I closed the door behind me, and locked it. I turned around, to see the guys staring wide-eyed at me, scared to death. I fell to the ground and for the second time i've been here, I blacked out.
After I came back to the real world, I layed with my eyes closed, only to figure out I was still in Alec's house. The thing is, Alec is 15, I'm 13 it's kind of creepy that he is sort of, ok, IS, obsessed with me being "his".
"I'm so sorry," Alec started to cry," I didn't mean to hit you, something came over me that was mean and harsh. Please, please don't die."
At that moment my eyes fluttered open, I was staring into the face of Alec, but not the same Alec I met and who'd slapped me, but a more sensitive Alec.
"A-Alec, I'm okay," I choked out.
He opened his eyes and saw me, I had a half smile on my face. Alec pulled me up into his chest.
"Ohmygosh, I though I lost you!" He exclaimed.
I didn't talk or anything, I just stayed frozen in his arms, scared to death.
'Edward, I don't know if you can read minds, or hear me, but if you can, please help me.' I thought.
"Who's Edward?" Alec asked me as he jerked me away from him.
I looked him dead in his eyes, scared to death," Um, what are you talking about?"
His eyes started to change from a hazel color to black," DON'T LIE TO ME, WHO THE HELL IS EDWARD?"
"H-he's m-my f-friend, p-please, s-stop y-yelling a-at m-me," I stuttered.
I felt something wet hit my leg, when I noticed he was still holding my arms. I looked down and saw blood, but not his blood, it was mine.
I was shaking with fear and anger," Let go of me, let go of me, LET GO OF ME DAMNIT!!!"
About the time I yelled that, Jacob, Seth, Sam, Embry, Jared, and Quil rushed.
"Let go of Gabby," Seth said as calm as he could, I could tell he was trying to remain calm because I could still see his body trembling with rage.
Alec shook his head," If I can't have her noone can expecially any of you!"
My eyes were getting heavy, as I'd imagine the loss of a lot of blood, but even as weak as I felt, I still reached the glass bottle beside me, and hit Alec in the head with it, causing him to let go of me, but as soon as I stood up, he grabbed my leg, making me fall and hit my head against the coffee table, which left me lying on the ground, bleeding arms, bleeding cut on my head, and a massive headache.