Sequel: The Final Ending

If I Fell in Love, What Would Happen

You Told Me You Loved Me

Alec ran away, but abnormally fast, so I was with all the guys, except Paul, still in Alec's house. I looked at Seth with this look of hope in my eyes. Sam must have mummbled something only the guys could here because everyone, but Seth left. Seth...and Me? Alone...together?
Seth walked over to my lifeless body on the ground," Gabby I-I love you, but it scares me because I've never felt like this before.
I smiled," I love you too, but I thought you didn't love me, that's why I ran off the other night, then yesterday I got disturbing news, and I couldn't take it, so I ran off, hoping noone would look for me, then Alec found me, and all this happened. IT'S ALL MY FAULT I'M SO SORRY!"
Seth chuckled," It's not your fault."
I looked down to the ground, tears were in my eyes, but Seth tilted my chin up and gently pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled away he backed up and looked upset.
"I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't have done that," Seth said to me.
I smiled, got up, walked over to Seth, lightly kissed him on the lips, then held his hand.
Smiling, I said," We should probably go, just incase Alec was to come back."
Nodding Seth lightly squeezed my hand and we took off running. About 3 feet infront of Jacob's house Seth let go of my hand and started to walk infront of me. I stopped because of what just happened, I guess Seth sensed that I stopped because he turned around and said," Are you coming or what?", I nodded and told him in a minute. I saw Seth walk inside and he had this look on his face like he hated me, I could see what he was saying because I'm good at reading lips, he said I kissed him and told him I loved him, and he didn't want to hurt my feelings so he didn't say anything back just grabbed my hand and took off running back here. I also saw him say he doesn't love me and he never will. I just sat outside in the grass, even as it got colder, I stayed outside. I started to feel nausious, dizzy, and alone, but then I saw car lights, so I went and hid. I knew it was Paul and Rachel, so I did that for their sake. At least five minutes after they said good-night and the door opened, then closed, I felt the tears spilling out of my eyes, so like always I got up and took off, but I took off towards Forks. I'm going to call Bella and ask her to come and get me, I thought. At that moment my phone rang and I looked down to see who it was, I saw it was Bella, so I answered.
"Gabby? Where are you? Edward's driving me half way to La Push, what's wrong?" Bella was ranting on and on into the phone.
"I'm almost half-way,*sniffle* Seth told me he loved me, then he kissed me, but we got back to Jacob's and he said something completely different to them. *Sniffle* Seth said I kissed him, told him I love him, and he didn't want to hurt my feelings so he didn't say anything, but then he told them he doesn't and never will love me," I cried into the phone.
Bella didn't reply, I just got a beeping noise meaning there was no signal. So I closed my phone and kept walking, until I heard the noise of someone following me. One quick turn backwards and I saw Alex, Alec's fraternal twin, who hated his brothers obsession with me because he liked me first then his brother tried to claim me.
"A-Alex?" I was starting to question," I-is that y-you?"
He nodded and stepped closer to me, I threw my arms around his neck, giving him a big hug. He hugged back, then pulled away, he held my hands in his, and looked straight into my eyes.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" Alex started," A lot have changed since then."
I nodded, then I saw the volvo pull up, and all of a sudden Alex kissed me, then he was gone.
Bella got out of the car and ran over to hug me," Oh god, Gabby I'm so sorry about the Seth thing!"
I nodded, then pulled away when Bella noticed something on my hand, that I didn't.
"WOAH! Gabby where'd you get the ring?" Bella asked me.
"What ri- OHMYGOSH!!!" I exclaimed, knowing there was only one person who would have kept this ring for years.
"Bella I'm in big trouble," I said.
With a blank expression Bella said," Gabby this can't be happening now!"
I nodded, then I grabbed my phone, I called someone I knew could get me out of this, even if they hurt me constantly.