Welcome to the Jungle

He Would Poison Us Both

I could feel someone’s rough hand tailing up and down my neck. I shot open my eyes and tried to sit up, but the pain in my head sat me back down. I closed my eyes and heard Syn chuckle.
His arm snaked up around my waist and pulled me onto his chest, petting my hair. I began to pull away but his grip tightened so much that I could hardly breathe.

I relaxed slightly in his arms but I was still very stiff. I didn’t like where his hands were, I didn’t like that I was cuddled up next to him. My breaths became quick and short, I knew that if I made one wrong move he would break me. I was his doll to him until Shadows came back.

My heart couldn’t stop racing, I was terrified. Most people think ohh cuddled up with a hot guy with a bunch of tattoos sexy. NO No No. This guy was going to kill me, I was cuddled up next to a murder who had killed man, many innocent people and if I pissed him off my death would be horrible.

I tried to relax in his arms and go back to sleep but that was no use, Syn picked me up in his arms and walked over to the bathroom. He sat me up on the counter and began to tend to my head.

"Thanks." I whispered

"No problem. Do you want something to eat?"

I just looked up at him with a confused look on my face.

"Jezebel we used to be best friends, I’m not a complete asshole, you should know that. Now, follow me down to the kitchen and let’s get something in your stomach."

"Thanks Elwin." Why do I always ruin perfect moments.

Syn grabbed my throat and pushed me up against the wall.

" Do Not, I repeat Do Not push my limits."

I nodded furiously and he let me down. Silently I followed him into the kitchen. The tension was so thick I thought it was going to knock me down. I cursed myself in my head for causing this situation. I was way too stupid for my own good. <

When we reached the kitchen I sat down on one of the bar stools. Brian began rummaging through the fridge pulling out eggs, bacon etc. When he was done he looked over at me and gave me the look. That look was the one that meant I was going to be making breakfast for both of us. I would rather have it that way, I knew even if Brian wanted to cook we would both be poisoned.