Welcome to the Jungle

What Was Isn't What Is

I placed a plate of eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast in front of Brian. A cheesy smile spread across his face. The one I used to see constantly, but hadn’t seen in five years. A faint smile came to mine as I sat down on the bar stool next to him. I waited for him to begin, although we were being civil, I still felt I needed to at least pretend that he was in control. Well, who am I kidding he is in control. If he wantedii to kill me he could, he could do anything he wanted to.

As he began eating, my I stared at the ground as tears began to flow. I was an animal in a cage. I didn’t do anything to deserve this. Matt and his stupid gang had so many warnings to stop. They didn’t care about anything or anyone except themselves. I wasn’t just crying because I was trapped, I was crying because these men used to be my best friends, my family and Matt was my love. My first love and the one I couldn’t get out of my head. I felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me out of the chair and into a hug.

"Shh. Bell it’s ok."

"No its not Brian."
I cried even harder.
"I shouldn’t be here. You guys f.ucking kidnap me and think that everything is going to be ok?. You were all like my family. Family Brian that is what I saw you as. And look where we are now. You are all murderers and I was the stupid naive lawyer that thought she could stop you."

I finally pushed myself away from Brian.

" Do you know what’s even worse? Is that you would kill me if you were told to. Brian Haner Jr. is dead and so are the rest of the people you were. But Jezebel Miller isn’t and I will never be one of you."

"One of US!?" He roared
"There is nothing wrong with being one of us. You think you are so f.ucking perfect don’t you? With your perfect fiancé and job and nice little suburban home with a white picket fence. Well you are not. Ektor is no better than us, daarrling."
He began to advance on me.
"That mother fucker may seem like the knight in shining armor but he fucks up more than anyone. You think we squander money? Oh No No. Your SUPER fiancé fucks over the whole town. He keeps us down. He keeps everyone down. He makes the poor get poorer and the rich richer. We might as well take a piece of the pie. He may not be the direct cause of deaths but he does cause them."

"SHUT UP SHUT UP! Alex is a good man. Unlike you lowlife murdering a.ssholes."

I didn’t even have time to react. I was on the ground clutching my cheek. Syn picked me up by my shirt and threw me back against the wall. I tried opening my eyes, but once I felt the blood drip down my face I knew I would be in complete darkness very soon.

"At least Alex is a real man."

"You want to see a real man? I’ll show you a real man."

The last thing I saw before everything went black was Syn dropping his pants to the floor.