Welcome to the Jungle

Zacky Vengeance Drowned

(By the way this is your Bikini but in black) And this the pool.
“Vengeance get outta that pool before you drown yourself. Because I sure as hell am not going to be able to drag your fat ass out.” I yelled at him while laying my stuff down on a lounge chair right next to the window.

“Alright MOM! Plus you love my fat ass.” He said back to me, trying to get out of the pool.

I rolled my eyes and laid down on a lounge chair putting on some sunglasses. I tried to ignore the loud drunken pale man desperately trying to climb out of the pool.

“FUCK!” I heard Zacky scream followed by a loud splash.

Groaning I took off my sunglasses and sat up. Looked to the pool and saw that Zacky was nowhere to be found. I stood up and ran to the pool side. I looked around and saw him at the bottom of the pool not moving.

“God Damnit Zack.” I kicked off my shoes and jumped into the pull. Why was I saving the man who took part in my kidnapping? A. Because we used to be friends. B. I would eventually feel guilty for letting a man die and C. If the guys found out I had let their best friend drown I would be fucked.

Using all my strength I pulled Zacky to the surface. I dragged him out of the pool and started to give him mouth to mouth when he began to kiss me slipping his tongue into my mouth. Immediately I pulled back and slapped him.


“Told ya you liked my fat ass” He smirked,

“You faked this whole thing didn’t you?” I said sitting up on my knees hands on my hips.

“You should have seen your face when you thought I was drowning. You were actually concerned.”

“Of course I was concerned you used to be my friend” I said hitting him in the stomach and standing up.
As I began walking away Zack scrambled to his knees and clung on to my legs keeping me from walking away. I let out a little chuckle. I had always liked Zack the most out of all the guys. No not in a sexual way. He was my breath of fresh air, back when we were friends. He would always be over dramatic and stupid that I could never stay angry at him.

“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I’m Sorry. Forgive me darling, beautiful, amazing, great, hot Jezebel. I will never disappoint your majesty again.” He pleaded giving me puppy dog eyes.

Rolling my eyes once again I looked down on him doing my best to keep a straight face. But when he began quivering his lip and the fake tears I couldn’t help but smile.

“Only if you release my leg and not go into the pool again until you have sobered up a bit.”

He nodded and released my leg. I lay back down on my chair and closed my eyes. I heard Zacky pull up a chair next to me blocking some sun.

“Yes Zackary?” I asked. I can never just rest can I? Maybe I should have just stayed in the room.

“Sometimes I wonder why Matt is still hung up on you. But then I see you and remember the times we shared and I know why he still wants you. “

“Zack.” I tried to stop him. Part of me wanted to know what else he had to say, the other part knew it was going to make things worse.

“No Jezebel listen. Matt loves you. He wants you to be his queen, his mate, his other half. He won’t ever let you go. He will die for you and he will kill for you.”

“NO Zack you listen. I am with Alex now. I’m to be married in less than two months! Matt’s and I’s time is over. I hate Shadows. I loved Matt but he is no longer around. So you, Matt and the rest of the guys need to realize that and move on. We aren’t children anymore we are adults. And you all need to start acting like it”

“On the contrary, it is you who need to grow up. The world isn’t a pretty place. No one side is clean or perfect and you need to realize it because you are gonna be here for a long time. And if you would just give in a little, the old times could continue. You will be a queen Jezebel you will never have to worry about money or anything for the rest of your life.” Zack said before getting up and stumbling away.

As soon as he walked away I dove into the pool and began doing laps, forgetting everything in the world.