Welcome to the Jungle


I began to grow tired of Shadows’ little games, so I decided to join. Bringing my hand under the table I brushed it over his crotch. He throbbed at my touch and gave my thigh a tight squeeze. He wanted me to stop, but I only made it worse. I began rubbing and foundling him; he ripped his hand away from my thigh and grabbed my wrist pushing it away from him. He gave me a stern glare, but I just smirked back, for once I wanted to be in control. When he let go of my hand I continued my assault, but this time I unzipped his pants and slipped my hand inside grasping him. He didn’t stop me this time. His other head was in control. Just as I felt like Shadows’ was going to release I stopped. I tucked him back into his pants, folded my hands and placed them on the table with a satisfied smirk. Shadows sent me and evil glare that wiped the smirk off my face. Matt grabbed my arm and stood up, bringing me with him. When he stood up the music was cut off.

“Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen. But I’m going to have retire early tonight, this gorgeous creature here is feeling a bit under the weather and I don’t want her catching anything. But please, continue dancing, drinking my alcohol, and having fun. Thank you.” Shadows said.

As soon as he finished his little announcement Shadows pulled me through the crowd, out the door and to his room. I opened the door but only moments later I was shoved against it.

“Thought that was funny did you. Getting me all worked up and leaving me high and dry.” He whispered into my ear, his hot breath sending shivers up and down my spine.

I didn’t say anything. I just stood there as he began kissing and nibbling my neck. He stopped and looked me in the eye.

“Did you enjoy teasing me Bell? Did you? Do you like making me go wild with lust?” He asked his hands grouping and grabbing my body making my eyes glaze over in lust. “Answer me Bell.” His hand finding its way between my thighs, causing me to whimper in pleasure. “Tell me.” I still stayed silent; even if I wanted to answer him it would come out as a moan. He whipped his hands away from me and grabbed my face. He was getting angry, but his anger and dominance over me was turning me on.

“Tell me bitch, do you like making me want you?” He yelled, grasping my face so tightly it hurt.

“Yes. I did….I like making you want me.” I stuttered out. As soon as the words left my mouth, Shadows picked me up making me wrap my legs around his waist and attached his lips to mine in a fiery kiss. My arms went to his the buttons on his shirt. My hands desperately trying to get them undone, I began getting impatient as some of them wouldn’t unbutton. Finally I just ripped his shirt opening not caring. Shadows pulled away chuckling.

“Anxious are we.”

I felt a blush come to my cheeks and I turned my head away from him. I felt embarrassed.

“Don’t be ashamed Bell. I’ve wanted you for so long. “He whispered in my ear. “And now I’m going to have you.” He turned around and carried me to the bed throwing me on it. He kicked off his shows and slowly began to take off his belt, his eyes glazed over with lust. He was eyeing me as a lion eyes their pray. I crawled over to him on my knees and took off his pants for him. I was about to pull down his boxers when he grabbed my hands and stood me up in front of him.

“I don’t think it is quite fair that I have so little clothing on and here you are still completely dressed.” His hands ran down my shoulders and to the ties of my dress, letting my dress fall to the ground leaving me in nothing but panties. Shadows’ hands went to my hips and mine grabbed his arms, our gaze connected and not only did I see lust in his eyes I saw a small twinkle of love. Bringing his lips to my neck he began nibbling and sucking my spot causing small moans to emit from my mouth. My hands moved from his arms to his chest as I began running my hands along his muscles and tracing his tattoos. I felt Shadows press himself into me and finally pushing us onto the bed.
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Sex Scene or No Sex Scene you tell me.