Welcome to the Jungle


His hands ran down my shoulders and to the ties of my dress, letting my dress fall to the ground leaving me in nothing but panties. Shadows’ hands went to my hips and mine grabbed his arms, our gaze connected and not only did I see lust in his eyes I saw a small twinkle of love. Bringing his lips to my neck he began nibbling and sucking my spot causing small moans to emit from my mouth. My hands moved from his arms to his chest as I began running my hands along his muscles and tracing his tattoos. I felt Shadows press himself into me and finally roughly pushing us onto the bed.

His mouth found its way to my chest as he began to suck and nip at my breasts, causing my back to arch in pleasure. I pushed his boxers off as he pulled of my panties. Without a moment’s hesitation he pushed his full length into me. I let out a loud moan in response as he began thrusting into be a fast, almost violent pace. My need to be dominate returned and I flipped Shadows onto his back. I placed my hands on his chest and slowed down our pace.

Visibly upset by this change, Shadows sat up and placed his hands on my hips slamming me down. My hands went around his neck as he continued to push me down, and thrust upwards. I realized that I had no choice in how I wanted this sexual encounter to go, before I could think too much I felt my orgasm begin to grow in my stomach.

“Mmmmatt.” I moaned out my peak to close. As soon as his name left my lips, I regretted it. He immediately stopped and pushed me to the roughly ground. The look on his face could kill. Shadows grabbed me by the waist forcing me to stand.

“It’s Shadows.” He yelled menacingly before lifting me up and plunging into me again.