Welcome to the Jungle

Don't you dare.

Waking up next to a hot serial killer that you just slept with, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I was in pain, and I mean pain, it even hurt to breathe. I looking down I notices I was covered in bruises and hickies. I attempted to roll out of bed but a strong tattooed arm grabbed me around my waist pulling me back. His face buried itself in my neck and his leg entwined with mine, the funny thing, this was all subconscious. I tried to wiggle my ways out of his arms again, but his grip just tightened and he let out what sounded like a growl. Mother Fucker .

I really had to pee. I turned around so that I was facing Shadows, you’d be amazed at how innocent he looks when he sleeps, not. He still looks menacing as he sleeps. I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push myself out of his grasp again, that was no use. I really didn’t want to have to wake him up, but I also didn’t feel like peeing in the bed.

“Shadows… Matt….M.Shadows...” I said raising my voice just the tiniest bit with each name. “Matt if you don’t let me go, I’m going to pee on you.”

As soon as those words left my mouth, his arms retracted and he pushed me off the bed. Asshole.
When I emerged from the bathroom, Shadows was sitting up in bed drinking coffee. Not liking the way he was looking at my body, I found one of his shirts and slipped it on. Shadows didn’t take his eyes off of me as I began picking up our scattered clothes.

“Stop” His voice commanded.

I looked up at him, confusion in my eyes. He beckoned me to him, with one finger. I dropped the clothes that were in my hand in the laundry hamper and slowly made my way over to him. The sinister smirk on his face sent shivers up and down my body. I sat down right next to him only to be pulled on top of him.
He began stroking my face and hair as if I was a dog, oh wait… I was his fucking pet.

“We are going out for dinner. Get dressed”

I was sitting in some fancy French restaurant when, something or some on caught my eye. It was Alex. My heart felt like it was going to blow up. My breath caught in my throat. I was close to freedom, if I could get his attention someone how I could be free,

“We are leaving.” Shadows growled, I knew he must have seen Alex.
This whole morning had had only uttered a few words to him, all my confidence and fight was gone, but seeing Alex ignited a flame within me.

“No. I’m not going”

“Yes you are.” He yelled before grabbing my arm and yanking me out of my seat dragging me outside.

“Let go of me.” .

“You better shut the fuck up now, or you are going to get it, when we get home.” He said slapping me.

“I’m not going home with you. ALEX! ALEX!” I screamed.

Immediately, Alex turned around, his eyes making contact with mine. His face contorted in anger as he and his body guards raced towards me. Shadows let out and animalistic growl and threw me over his shoulder and running down an alley until we reached a dead end. He threw me to the ground, my head to hit the floor, causing blackness to sweep over me for a few minutes.

“Baby, Wake up. I’m here now; everything is going to be okay.” I heard Alex say, as he placed kisses all over my face.

“Alex? What’s going on?” I opened my eyes to see Shadows surrounded by Alex’s men guns pointed at him. Disgustingly enough, fear washed over my body, I didn’t want Shadows to die. Even though I really had no hope that Matt was even still in Shadows.

“Come on baby. Let’s go I don’t want you to see this” Alex said picking me up in his arms and carrying me away from the scene.

“JEZEBELL! Don’t you dare leave me. I love you, and I will fucking have you.” Shadows screamed at me.

I buried my head into Alex’s chest as tears began to make their way down my face. As we came out from the alley Alex’s black limo pulled up in front of us.