Welcome to the Jungle

Let her go.

The limo came to a stop, but before we could open up the doors, the swung open and out popped the Avenged Sevenfold Gang. Relief and fear swept over my body. I began shaking uncontrollably. I heard Alex let out and animalistic growl. As the boys and a few others I recognized as the Berry’s began to circle us, other gang members ran down to the Alley to help Shadows. I closed my eyes when I heard several sounds of guns being cocked.

“Did the princess really think she would get away?” I heard Synyster snarl.

Alex set me down on my own feet but kept his arms firmly around my waist. I finally looked up into the eyes of the gunmen. All of them worse sinister smirks and had a hateful mischievous look in their eyes.

“Let her go Alex and you won’t get hurt.” Zacky threatened stepping closer to Alex until the gun rested against Alex’s temple. I felt Alex stiffen and pull me closer to his body, placing a few light kisses to my neck.

“I won’t let you scum have her.” Alex retorted.

Zacky brought the butt of the gun down onto Alex shoulders causing him to loose his hold on me and fall to the ground, he struggled to get back up, but Johnny and Syn kicked him back down pointing their guns at him. I fell to my knees as Alex’s side, hugging him around the waist trying to help him back up.

“How cute, the Cinderella and Prince Charming still love each other even in the heat of danger.” Syn growled.

“How disgusting that you hit an unarmed man, and kick him when he is down. You are all pigs.” I snapped, causing a hand to slap me across the face sending me face forward onto the ground.

“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Alex screamed jumping to his feet and punching Syn in the face.

The Berry brothers grabbed a hold of Alex’s arms, as Zacky punched him in the stomach, Alex struggled to get free.

“Enough.” Synyster cried. “It’s time to end all of this bullshit.” he pointed his gun at Alex’s head and cocked it.

“NO. PLEASE STOP! I’ll go back with you just please don’t shoot him. Just leave him alone” I sobbed clutching on to Synyster’s arm.

Syn just pushed me off, “Shut up bitch”

I went to grab Syn again but he just hit me.

“Zacky, Johnny please. I’ll do what ever Shadows says I won’t cause anymore trouble just please for the love of God leave him alone. I’ll do anything please.”

Both men just ignored me, I threw myself at Syn once again this time, he caught me around my neck and began to choke me, he held me up against the wall as I tried to struggle out of his grasp. Everything started to go black, I heard the sounds of gunshots and fighting.

“Let her go Brian.”
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Sorry for all the wait.