Welcome to the Jungle


My eyes fluttered open to see Shadows leaning against the alley way wall. He was covered in blood and had cuts and scratches everywhere. My heart leaped, I was worried. Syn pulled his hand away from me, causing me to drop to my knees. My throat burned, I reached up to touch it, but immediately pulled away. Shadows slowly walked over to where I was, doing his best to stand upright and not show any weakness. He pulled me up to him and placed a strong bloodied arm around my waist. I got this weird sense of security washed over my body, leaving me confused, but only for a moment, until I saw Alex.

“We are leaving.” He commanded. “Leave, Ektor and his scum here. Don’t touch him.”

He began pulling me towards the limo.

“Wait.” I whispered. “Let, me just say good bye, and then I’ll be yours.”

Shadows just grunted, but let me go. I walked over to Alex, who had such a pained expression. His lips were bloody, his eyes were swollen, but I still loved him, he was still beautiful to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and placed my lips upon his in a short sweet kiss.

“I love you, with all my heart. Please don’t forget that.’

“Bell, you don’t have to do this. Don’t give in to this monster I’ll be fine. Just run.” Alex said into my ear, clutching on to me.

“I have to Alex. I couldn’t bare to live knowing that I was the reason you were dead. I love you. I can’t let him kill you.” Tears began to stream down my face.

He pulled my lips up to his, kissing me with all the passion he had. I kissed him back just as hard. We forgot about time, we forgot about where we were, it was just Alex and I, together forever, but nothing good can ever last, Shadows ripped me out of Alex’s grip before shoving me into the limo.

I heard Alex’s screams after me, I just put my head down, unable to stop tears.

“Stop, that crying Jezebel. You are mine now. You will no longer even think of Ektor Alex Varkatzas, do you understand me?” He said grabbing my face.

“Yes, Shadows.”


I was broken.
I was alone.
I was lost.
I was His.