Welcome to the Jungle


"Very, well done Princess, we underestimated you."
He said nibbling on my ear.
"You have two choices, come nicely with me or if you choose to fight then I will let Mr. Gates take you and we wouldn’t want the pretty little face to be bruised now wouldn’t we?"

Elwin was licking his lips and smirking at me. I made my choice without a second thought.

" I’m sorry Elwin, but I am going to have to go Shadows. Maybe next time you can kill me."

God, what the hell was I thinking? I was making the situation with Elwin worse by the second. If I ever escaped or was left alone with him I would surely be tortured and if I was lucky killed instantly. Elwin was now right in my face, but Matt tightened his grip on me.

"Come on now Syn, she is only joking, plus she has helped us out in the past. Plus she is right, if she went with you, we would have a dead hostage and no information. And this whole mess would be for nothing. The cops should be here soon anyways we have to go. Come on babe, you are leaving with me. Christ, get rid of the evidence."

I saw Johnny begin to pour gasoline around my office.

"NO, PLEASE WAIT!" I began to struggle but Matt just kept pulling me.
"STOP! Please stop. I’ll do anything if you just let me get one thing out of there. I swear it isn’t a weapon or evidence against you."

Mat had stopped when I said I’d do anything. Wrong move number five.

"Anything?" I nodded slowly, I knew I would come to regret saying anything
"Alright then go and get it. I’ll decide the anything later."

He let me go, but followed very closely. I went into my safe and grabbed the one thing that meant more to me than life itself; the locket that my grandfather gave me before he passed away. Just as I had finished putting it on, Matt picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the building into a waiting limousine. I looked at him confused and he began to laugh.

"What? Did you expect a van with all tinted windows?"
He began laughing. I looked down at my feet.
"You should know I have more class than that Jezebel, you’ve known me what all our lives and you still think lowly of me?"

"I have seen what you’ve done to your w.hores and your victims, nothing is too low for you."
I spat.

He jumped on me and grasped my throat
"Do NOT, I repeat do NOT ever talk back to me. Is that clear?"
I simply nodded not being able to breathe. He let go of my throat
"And besides you are not one of my w.hores yet OR victims. I will treat you kindly if you treat me with respect."

I didn’t even open my mouth just nodded, in fear that I would be chocked again. I just closed my eyes and rested my head against the seat hoping that this was all a dream.