Welcome to the Jungle


It must have been about six hours until the door opened, light pouring in making my eye hurt. I recognized the figure at the door, it was Jimmy. I rushed toward him and grasped on to his waist.

"Jimmy thank god you are here to save me" He pushed my arms off his waist and didn’t look at me.

"What’s going on? What’s wrong with you Jimmy? Please lets get out of here."

"I’m not here to save you Bell."

"Whhhaa? What do you mean Jimmy of course you are. You’re here to bring me out of this hell hole. Matt and his gang are being arrested as we speak, Why else would you be here?"

I didn’t get it. Jimmy grabbed my arms turning me to face him.

"I work for him Bell. Why do you think he always got away? I am his f.ucking rat OKAY."

I ripped my arms out of his hold and began walking back into a corner shaking my head.

"No No No NO. This isn’t happening."

"Bell, please you were never supposed to get hurt. I tried to warn you, but you and your fucking stubbornness wouldn’t listen to me. I never wanted any of this to happen to you. Please Jezebel, you have got to believe me. I would rather die a thousand painful deaths than to see you here."

I looked up at him. His actions in the past few days suddenly all clicked. I began crying, my best friend had betrayed me.

"I know you may hate me and nothing I can do will ever make up for what I did, but I promise I will do my best to get you out of here alive and healthy. Now take my shirt, I can’t stand to think of you cold and naked. "

I walked over to Jimmy without a word as he took off his shirt and put it on me. It was his police uniform shirt. As I buttoned up the buttons my ribs felt like they were on fire, I must have winced because Jimmy shoved my hands away and began buttoning it himself. When he reached the top he just left his hands there as I nuzzled my face against them.

"I forgive you Jimbo, but that doesn’t mean that I will forget and that I am not hurt. And if you don't get me out of here I can garentee it will be hell in her for you not me."

A look of relief passed over him. "I’ll get you out of here I promise."

"And when you do I expect you to be my personal slave." I said with the tiniest smile.

"As you wish. Is mistress going to give out punishment aswell?"He said with a smirk

" Farm boy, do not get too cocky you have yet to save me."

" I’m amazed that we can still joke in a situation like this."

"Well, I can’t cry all day now can I."

"Ahh, F.uck. I have to go, I was supposed to meet with Brian five minutes ago, but I had to come and make sure that you are ok."

I stood on my tippy toes as Jimmy bent down a little and I gave him a quick peck on the lips like we always do before we part.

"You better get going Lurch before Elwin comes looking for you."

We hugged again and he said good-bye as he closed the door, leaving me in the darkness, but a little warmer and heartbroken, he had left me to the wolves.