Welcome to the Jungle

His Girl

Ektor Alexander Varkatzas was not someone who liked his things to be taken away. And Jezebel was his. When Alex found out that his girl had been kidnapped by the enemy he was more than a little upset. Alex owned the city his word was law and no one could stop that. Alex and Matt had once been best of friends but that bond had been broken years ago. Alex would stop at nothing to have his girl back, they were the million dollar couple a young hot lawyer dating the Governor’s son what better of a couple could you ask for?

Alex’s eyes scanned over a picture of a naked beaten Jezebel, he had just received it in the mail courtesy of one Mathew Sanders. His rage began to build up inside him, he felt it flowing through his veins, and he couldn’t stand looking at his girl like that. He ripped up the picture and began to throw everything off his desk. No words could describe the hate he felt for his ex best friend; he knew that this picture was sent just to taunt him. Shadows would never give up Jezebel, he knew Matt’s darkest secret.

Matthew Charles Sanders was still in love with Jezebel. But she had choosen Alex over him.

Oh Alex would get his girl back and he would make Shadows hurt with every inch of his body and soul.