Status: active.

Divine Intervention


As soon as I spoke, my father lifted himself rather quickly from his chair. His small body disappeared into his bedroom. I stood and waited a few moments before meeting him in the doorway. He was at his closet, murmuring profanities as he dragged a large duffel bag out of the bottom of the closet. "This is for you, Elexa," he smiled, seeing my bewildered face. "Don't worry, it's only heavy to me because I'm mortal and not quite as strong as I used to be when I was younger." I nodded slowly and stepped forward to pick up the duffel bag and set it on my father's bed. The bag felt as if it weighed close to nothing, which made me worry about how weak my father had become.

"What all is in this thing?" I had asked, fondling with the zipper. My father smacked the top of my hand and looked up at me.

"You must not open it yet. It has everything you'll need for a long time: food, clothes, enchanted items, weapons, etc. There are a few notes attached to some of the items explaining what they can do and how they will assist you in your journey." He explained, then sat on the end of his bed, looking tired.

"Where do I even start, father?" I had asked. I understood what I had to do. However, I wasn't sure of which direction to go to first. I moved towards the window and looked outside. My father must have told the trees to watch for anyone in case they sensed I was here.

"First you must go back through the forest and towards the Southern Lakes," he looked at me carefully before continuing. "Then you must either take the small boat or travel around the lake. Regardless, there is a cottage packed around trees south of the lakes. There you will find a man who will assist you in bringing out your true blood. You haven't been awakened yet." If I wasn't awakened to all of this yet, then I really can't wait to find out what the future holds. I sighed, but my father continued on, "From there, the man will inform you on what to do. Plenty of people were given a prophesy. And in their prophesy, they're lives are pretty much dedicated to helping you all the way. At least until you have the chance to make your decision." My father's voice faltered. He tilted his head so that his ear was in the direction of the forest. "Elexa, they know you're here. Hurry, gather the bag and anything else you might want from your room. You have two minutes."

I immediately slipped into my room and grasped the traveling cloak on my bed. It was something I had to leave when I disappeared from the hands of DI. I quickly clasped it around me and moved towards a small dresser. Several scripts were in the first drawer. I gathered them and ran to my father's room to put them in the bag's side pocket. I then hugged my father tightly. He exhaled heavily then kissed my forehead. "Good luck, Elexa." He whispered before making his way out to where we were sitting before, discarding my mug of tea to hide evidence of a second person. "They're coming from the north. Quickly, go out the back door."

I did as I was told, slinging the bag's straps over my shoulder before plummeting out the back door and into the shadows of the forest.


My breath was strained. My body pushed itself to run faster and move stealthier. The other assassins were on my trail and closing the distance between us. Trees blurred on my left and right. I breathed in deeply, I felt as if the forest was guiding me and reassuring me. Something was coming up. It was to my right. It was the Swamp of the Dead. As a child, I always thought it was because of the rancid smell that came from the swamp. But now that I know Ellys is real, who knew what else could be real.

I lowered myself towards the roots of a rather large and dying tree on the skirt of the swamp. The horrible stench would cover my trail and leave the following assassins to guess where I was. I waited for what seemed like an hour, feeling the trees' cautiousness before they seemed to relax. I took that as permission to continue towards the lake. Even with the trees relaxed, I remained cautious.


I had decided to take the small boat across the lake for time-sake. The Southern Lakes carried an ominous mist shroud over the water. Creatures were said to dwell in the water, tormenting those who dared to carry across their homes. I slumped onto the small bench and tried to gaze out through the mist. Breathing in, I closed my eyes and listened as I rowed the boat carefully across the water. Several times it sounded as if a fish had broken the surface of the water, or something slithered against the side of the boat. Other than that, nothing else occurred.

This was me. These were my steps towards taking responsibility for the humans and the unknown. For their inability to make peace and understand the ways of each other. I, was the one of both bloods. Of royal blood and the blood of a gardener and weapon master. It was up to me to make a decision; to decide the fate of those around me. As something rocked my boat slightly, I closed my eyes again and prayed that I was the right person for this.