One Shots

~7 Minutes In Heave~JimmySullivan~

"10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1" everyone screams as the timer goes off on the small stop watch we had, the door to the dark cupboard is opened and the two participants for the last round of 7 minutes of heaven are pulled out.

Elizabeth stumbles out the door her hair everywhere, her top pulled over her quickly as she quickly did her jeans us. Zack follows her out smirking at everyone, his once perfectly gelled her was now a complete mess and he had lip stick marks all over his face. I just laugh at Elizabeth who flips me off "Mirror over there!" I point

"Thanks." She laughs and stumbles through the room.

"Next contestants:" Matt calls everyone here had their names in a hat. We'd had three rounds first off was Matt B(Zack's younger brother) and Alyssa, she didnt mind what so ever, second had been Matt S and Meg and just then Elizabeth and Zacky. Everyone was playing drinking games during those seven minutes that two people were left in a cupboard together.

It was pretty predictable at the moment, though no one was really dating in our group everyone had fuck buddies I guess thats what you could say. "Right next pair are:" Matt calls as he takes a sip of her beer, he offers the hat to me to pick out the first name,

"Syn!" I call out

"Fuck yes." he laughs walking over to me,

"Not with me." I mutter picking the second name

"With Elizabeth!" I laugh at the look she gives me


"Its not my fault." I laugh, lets just say these two werent your usual pairing.

"Come on," Jimmy pushes Brian and Elizabeth into the cupboard, at first the pair bang on the door wanting to escape but to be a horny 18 year old guy stuck in a cupboard with a 17 year old girl isnt gonna complain forever.

"Thats sick." Niki mutters walking past with a bottle of Jack in her hand, I smile weakly at her,


"Not your fault, its only a game." she smiles, it obviously wasnt bothering her really, she jumps onto the side of the counter, sitting next to me.

"Your be in there next." she winks at me

"God I hope not." I mutter resting my head on her shoulder,

"You and Jim-bob!"

"Not a chance in hell." I yawn,

"Oh I know it." she laughs handing the jack too me,

"What d'ya think Jim?" she calls but he's too busy sucking face with some other girl,

"See" I laugh she just shakes her head

"I'll sort it" she says jumping off the side and throwing an empty cup at Jimmy's head, but missing and hitting the girl he was with.

"Niki please dont do anything stupid." I warn her she gives me a goofy smile

"Would I?"

"Yes" she just laughs and walks off. I knew I was in for a rough night.


"Get out fuckers." Matt calls as the door is opened, Elizabeth walks out smirking and Brian follows her looking slightly flustered, for want of a better word.

"Whore" I smirk at her

"ya know it hoe" she winks and turns round to Brian,"I've had better." She blows him a kiss and walks over to Zack crashing her lips down onto his. Everyone laughs as Zack lets out a moan and Brian just glares at him.

"I know I'm better than him." I smile slightly at him,

"What?" he asks,

"Nothing at all" I smile and notice Matt, Meg, Taylor and Niki had finished the drinking game they were playing.

"Next pair" Meg calls from Matt's side, "is," this time Johnny picks them out

"Niki" he calls "and Brian.

"Holy shit yes" Brian high fives me, I just role my eyes as he picks Niki up and literally chucks her into the cupboard.

I had to admit this was by far the worst game I could honestly think of ever, I mean ewwww everyone fucking each other in that small cupboard thats not a nice thought. okay so not that everyone fucked each other, not that anyone fucked each other actually I mean 7 minutes! . And the only reason I was still when we started playing this game was that I didnt put my name in the hat. I had no reason to want to be chucked in a cupboard with one of the guys. It was pretty much a nightmare.

Everyone turned round as we heard Niki scream, "Holy shit" Johnny laughs as the timer goes off and Matt opens the door.

"My eyes" Johnny screams as Niki grabs her top pulling it over her body,

"We're upstairs" Brian shouts as he chucks Niki over his shoulder. Everyone looks at each other before laughter erupts round the room, okay so some people did go for it in a cupboard but when your as obsessed with each other as Niki and Syn its not surprising.

"Right next in is," Matt calls handing the hat to Johnny, I watched on waiting to see who would be next. Johnny picks out the first person,

"Jimmy" he calls, Jimmy looks up and pulls himself away from the girl attached to him.

"With" Elizabeth quickly snatches the hat "Rhian" I look straight at her, "Love you." she winks at me.

"Right come on" Zack laughs pushing me into the cupboard.

"ZACKY." I shout at him but it's too late I fly into the pitch black cupboard and someone, who I presume is Jimmy falls onto of me. "GET OFF" I shout just as loudly at him,

"shut up!" he says pushing him self off the floor. "here."


"Take my hand." he mutters,

"Oh yeah cause I can totally see that." Ignoring him and getting up myself. "so 7 minutes."
I mutter

"Yep and I plan to enjoy then." He adds before pushing me against the wall

"This is freaking rape" I try to push him back,

"Not if I shout surprise." he mocks me "Surprise!" I just hit him "come on." he whispers running his hands down my body, "Its also not rape if you want it" He whispers in my ear before nibbling on my neck.

"Jimmy."I groan as his hands slip under my top, "I really"

"Shh." He whispers kissing my lips lightly. I tried to move away but he was stronger than me and to be honest I wasnt going to complain about this; because if I was honest with myself, this guy was pretty much perfect in my eyes.

He leaves small kisses along my jaw line as he moves down my neck. "Jimmy." I moan as he finds that spot that makes my whole body give into him.

"Knew you'd warm to me." He whispers kissing my neck softly, I let my own hands run across his body, my finger tips comb through his shaggy hair. He suddenly bites down hard on my collar bone, causing me to hiss in pain and wrap my fingers in his hair. I feel his body press against mine pushing me closer to the wall.

"shit" I groan arching my back, Jimmy moves slightly looking at me oddly. "defaintly not the most comfortable place." I whisper smiling back at him, he shrugs and moves us round so i'm in front of him. Our eyes meet for a brief second, only with a little light coming in from the cracks around the door can i see him. I notice a small honest smile breaking on his lips, i guess somtimes you just have to give into your heart. I stand up to reach his lips and press my own against his lightly. His smile doesnt fade as I kiss him innocently, i feel him start to kiss back, as I let my feelings for him fall into that kiss. His hands started to roam my back finally settling on my hips holding me against his body, as my own arms were wrapped round his neck pulling him closer to me. I didnt even realise what i was doing i was so caught up in the moment. His cold hands suddenly started moving up my top making me fall backwards slightly in shock; but Jimmy caught me pulling back towards him.

"Sorry." I blush but thankfully he wouldnt be able to see,

"it's okay I" But he was stopped from talkin as we heard the count down begin.

"dont go." He adds grabbing my hand.

"Jimmy I." I pause as I hear the guys outside counting down

"Please." He whispers running his fingers across my hand. I look straight at him, its hard to make his face out in pitch blackness be enough light is coming through the cracks in the doors to see his eyes.

"Jimmy." I whisper trying to stop myself from saying yes and just giving into him.


"I'm sorry" I rest my hands on the door about to open it,

"Rhian" he whispers pulling me closer "7 minutes in heaven" he mutters before crashing his lips down onto mine. It was a kiss like nothing I'd felt before. His tongue slipped into my mouth, his soft lips pressed gently against mine. I could taste the vodka as the kiss became more heated. Words failed to explain the feeling I had as he parted with me, I was left completely speechless as the door of which I was leaning on opened and I fell backwards.

"Shit you two!" I hear Elizabeth laugh as Jimmy lands on top of me,

"When we open the door your meant to stop" I hear Matt laughs as Jimmy smirks at me, he kisses me cheek lightly before offering me a hand up. I stand there utterly speechless

"Meet me upstiars." He whispers into my ear making me blush slightly,

"Oh and I'm the whore am I?" Elizabeth mutters

"Huh?" I turn to her to see her just laughing at me

"have you seen the look on his face. Its like he really had seven minutes in heaven." She jokes I turn to look at Jimmy who just smiles at me before indicating up the stairs, Seven minutes of heaven? Maybe it wasnt such a stupid gross game.