One Shots

~Christmas Shopping~Synyster Gates



"Which one looks better?" Taylor smirks at me holding up a sparkly sliver Santa hat and then a traditional red Santa hat.

"Oh god don't make me pick!" I growl letting my sarcasm show.

"Scrooge!" Rhian laughs "Oh and I like the silver one!" Taylor just scrunches her nose up in disgust and chucks it at Rhian who pulls it over her hair. "Wanna wear it?" she asks noticing me watching her.

"When my body is 6ft under I'd still say no!" my venomous voice making her back away slowly.

"Cheer up only two hours left of the shift" I knew they were both trying to cheer me up but seriously it wasn't working. I loved Christmas, past tense, now it's pretty much a crappy time of year where anyone who is alone or working suffers so badly. Okay so I wasn't really alone, I had Taylor and Rhian living with me, and I wasn't really working not Christmas day anyway; there were people doing a lot more than me, but still I didn't have that Christmas joy. And my job wasn't helping; I worked in the jewellery section of the large department store in the inner city. So around Christmas eve time I had a 1000 boyfriends, husbands, fiance's, even sons run in saying they needed something for that special lady in their lives. I knew guys were like this, so unorganized but you could tell which ones really loved that women and which ones didn't care. It was easy, because some would listen to your advice and then be able to describe the girls taste, and would talk about her like she was his world. Then there were others who guessed what could she'd like, would ask me to pick something out and then mention money being no object, e.g. there loaded and couldn't care less what the girl wanted. It was sad really, but I guess that's how life goes in the big wide world of materialism.

For once the time starts to pass quite quickly; I help a few guys choose gifts, one an engagement ring. He loved his girlfriend it was obvious. I managed to read a guitar magazine, also listen to Taylor discuss the ins and outs of some new eye shadow she was trying to sell (she worked on the make up booths), drank a cup of green tea, and listened to music with Rhian. All in all a successful hour and half work; 30 minutes to go and then I was out that door, running home to flop in front of the TV with my girls for a solid 24hours.

"Hey I need a present for my wife" a guy snaps at me making my head shoot up.

"Okay" I mutter putting the magazine down and turning the mp3 player off. "Where you looking for something in particular?" my polite customer voice making a special guest appearance. The guys stares at me blankly and shrugs

"I dunno maybe a necklace?" he questions me, how was I meant to know? I'd never met his girlfriend.

"Okay necklace, with a pendent?" I ask, he just shrugs

"yeah I guess maybe like something silver?" why keep questioning me, I notice Rhian walking my way directing some guys to the jewellery section great more useless men just before I'm meant to close.

"Well what about this silver heat outline pendant on the gorgeous silver chain" I try to sell him that hoping he'd go for it.

"Yeah that'll do fine, how much?"

"$89. Would you like it gift wrapped?" I ask watching the guys with Rhian.

"Yeah sure why not?" he laughs slightly; I just nodded and got the necklace out.

"RHIAN GIFT WRAP" I shout at her, making her glare at me, so what? I wasn't being nice around customers what's new? I charge the guy and wait for her to wrap it

"Those gentlemen are looking for gifts. Well actually just the guy with ripped jeans" she mutters I look up to see which one. That one; he was tall but not the tallest, he wore a baseball cap, bandana poking out, sunglasses and a black jacket over it. I couldn't make out the details of his face, but he looked kinda hot from afar.

"For a girlfriend?" I question, Rhian looks up and shrugs before handing the sleazy guy his gift wrapped necklace

"Thank you for shopping here, have a wonderful Christmas" she beams at him, he shrugs and walks off with out a thank you

"Ungrateful bastard" she says a little louder than she would have liked,

"Is that how she treats all the costumers?" the three guys who had been standing over there ask smirking at Rhian, who roles her eyes and walks off.

"Ignore her she gets angry easily" I smirk pushing her over with my hip "so how may I help?" I ask the first guy who smiles

"Well I'm looking for a necklace I saw a few days ago. It's a silver chain with a butterfly pendant on it. There's like these little diamond things as well" I so recognized his voice

"Yeah I know which one" I smile, it was really pretty necklace. I walked over to the glass cabinet looking for it

"Also I'm looking for a silver bracelet it has these little charm things hanging off it, there's like a heart and a musical note, and a" he pauses trying to remember,

"oh yeah hang on" I mutter getting the first necklace out and bringing it towards the guys, I put the small velvet box down to show him, "I'll get the bracelet" I say simply, walking towards the other cabinet.

"Cute guys" Taylor whispers in my ear making me laugh

"Hun he's buying for his girlfriend"

"So what about the other two?" She laughs walking towards them, great I wasn't ever going to get home tonight.

"So this is the bracelet" I say simply putting it down and looking towards the three guys,

"Freaking sunglasses" the first guy laughs to himself, taking them off and looking up

"I think she'll love it" but everything he says goes into a complete blur as my eyes are fixed on him

"Oh my god" Taylor whispers from next to me

"Sorry what?" the guy asks looking from me to her

"Your Synyster Gates" I blurt out, the guys behind him start laughing and he just smirks at me. I think at this point I'd gone a few different shades of red, even Rhian was laughing at me. "Sorry, it's just yeah" I bite my lip and look down.

"It's alright, don't worry about it" he laughs smiling at me, I think at that point I nearly melted and I turned to mush. Synyster Gates just smiled at me. "So guy's d'ya thinks she'll like it?" he asks turning to his friends, the tall one and the slightly shorter one. Oh my god, Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates and The Rev were standing in front of me. Zacky just laughs

"Seriously I'm sure she'll love it you should know" he mutters not staring at the necklace but instead Taylor.

"Dude I'm not giving my mum the girl you're staring at but the necklace"

"You can give me the girl" Zack jokes, "gift wrapped and all." He mutters under his breath, making me laugh Taylor blush.

"I'm sure your girlfriend will love them" I say simply to him, Zacky and Jimmy burst out laughing and Brian looks at me awkwardly.

"He couldn't get a girlfriend if he tried" Jimmy laughs, I raise my eyebrows, and what the fuck was he talking about? This guy is like perfect. Brian looks to me and smiled slightly

"I'm sorry about these two there jealous that girls like me and not them" he laughs "okay so I think, there be"

"OH MY GOD NIKI GUESS WHO WALKED INTO THE STORE YOU'RE GOING TO. OH" Rhian pauses and stares straight at the three guys standing there. "You know" she mutters awkwardly. Taylor smirks at her

"Well done I think once again you succeeded in embarrassing yourself" I smirk as the two girls start arguing and the other two boys grin at them.

"So who's it for?" I question Brian who turns to face me

"My mum and my sister" he smiles slightly "yeah I'm just so cool" he jokes, I laugh feeling my self lighten up.

"Do you want it gift wrapped?" I ask him, he smiles at me our eyes connecting.

"Do I want what?" his voice goes quieter, his dark eyes literally drawing me in

"The, the ummm yeah" I forget what I was trying to say.

"Sure" he smiles

"Rhian gift wrap" I mutter pushing the necklace and bracelet her way, "I'll cash up" trying to tare my eyes away from his but failing. I type numbers in, press buttons and swipe his card, "sign here" I mutter quietly passing him the receipt and a pen.

"One gift has a wonderful Christmas" Rhian smiles at him,

"You too" he nods and then hands me the store receipt.

"Thank you, have a wonderful Christmas" I say simply

"You too, and New Year" I just nod

"You too, thank you for shopping here, please come again" I smile as the three guys say goodbye and walk away.

"Desperate" Taylor mocks me and I slap her arm,

"Niki, you might want to see this" Rhian says simply

"What?" she passes the store receipt and I think my whole world stopped.

Merry Christmas Nicole, see you soon. Syn

On the back was him number. I was starting to feel that Christmas spirit.

My lips pressed against his as he pushed me onto a rather luxurious bed. His hands roaming my body, his lips touching every bare section of skin.

"Did she love the present?" I whisper as he bites down causing me to moan

"ah huh now shhh" he whispers pushing harder against my body "I rather like my present too" he adds his hands chucking my clothes off, "particularly unwrapping it" he pushes himself up the smirk on his face so gorgeous.

"I love Christmas" I whisper pulling him back down my hands slipping his jeans and boxers off. Now this was the perfect Christmas present I could ever have. Defiantly getting that Christmas spirit now.
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Christmas 2007