One Shots

~Wish On A Shooting Star~Zacky V~

Here I stood in the middle of a field, snow falling, crazy dogs running around. The moon was shinning brightly, and for a cold night there was no low cloud just a few stars sparkling. I guess in away it was romantic, but when you're alone and surrounded by your friends all in relationships you suddenly realize how lonely holiday times cane be. I could hear the waves crashing against the stony beach as we walked past it. This place was different, Rhian had described it perfectly, and I could see she was happy here, this was her home. And I was starting to understand how someone could love this place. It was defiantly unique. But I'd seen it all before, I'd been here before. Last Christmas when he broke my heart, this time it better be different.

"Why is it so cold? What is it with this country?" I moan as we walk down the beach on our journey walking Rhian's families' dogs.

"I did tell you it would be cold!" Rhian mutters as I start jumping around to keep warm, I turn and glare at her.

"What you neglected to tell me was that your house didn't have heating, that there would be artic fucking conditions and that I'd have to go outside" I snap at her.

"Not my fault the boiler has broke, and its not freaking arctic and another thing dogs need walks so deal with it" I ignore her, she had her boyfriend to freaking keep her warm, I had two t-shirts, one of Rhian's jumpers, Niki's ski coat and Elizabeth's gloves and I still was losing feeling to every bone in my body. I watch ahead, we were walking across a golf course apparently. I had no idea where we were actually except in some stupid part of England where everything was cold, everyone had funny accents and complained about everything. Not fun; on the plus side it was a holiday away from the madness back in Huntington, and I guess it was a bit of an experience; and Id had the enjoyment of watching Jimmy scare Rhian's parents, a dog attack Johnny, Zack get pushed off a bus by some guy because complaining about public transport, Brian getting sea sick on a ferry, and Matt get attacked by some old lady who thought he was going to steel her shopping; All in all a good trip had by all. Except,
There's Zacky who fucks anything that breaths; or so it seems. He was the reason I was on this couples freaking holiday, everyone was together so Niki, Rhian and Elizabeth were all for match making, I don't think they had planned that Zacky wouldn't be interested. Not that I was to be honest, I wasn't into the whole relationship thing at the moment; but I was starting to wish I was because it was only getting colder. The thing was that me and Zack had done this all before, we'd seen this all, we'd been here, we'd made the wish and I ended up alone.

"ZACK YOU CHEATED ON ME" I scream my voice echoing across the empty fields


"OH I'M SORRY WHO SHOULD I BLAME HER FOR FORCING HER DICK INTO HER MOUTH!" I scream back tears falling down my cheeks, he walks towards me

"No go away leave me alone"


"No I mean it Zack this happened before you promised me"

"Yeah well things happen" he shouts and walks away from me, leaving me all alone in the middle of no where.

"Hello?" Rhian shouts at me getting right up into my face

"What the fuck?" I grumble at her.

"Checking for altitude sickness!" she winks at me, I was so tempted to slap her. But apparently I needn't bother. "What's up?"

"Your country sucks" I grumble making her laugh.

"So does your but do you hear me complain?" she smirks.

"That's because you know it doesn't suck because he lives in it" I point to Jimmy who was now talking to Zack.

"Very true, well maybe this country doesn't suck if you just let him in"

"What the hell are you rambling about now?" I snap at her

"Talk to him, seriously just say a single word"

I carry on following everyone as we traipse up and down ditches filled with snow and covered in ice. I wasn't a big fan of the cold, and this was starting to test my patience. I look up as I hear one of the girls scream, Niki who at the top of a hill decided to fall taking Brian with her and skid all the way to the bottom. This ended up with all the couples doing that,

"Come on Taylor its cold" Elizabeth moans her head leaning on Johnny's shoulder

"Zack just pull her down" Niki shouts up at us, Zack looks at me smirking

"Come on, show them how it's fucking done" he mocks wrapping an arm round my waist and pulling me to the ground. My stomach did little flips as we skidded across the snow at quite a speed but that wasn't the only reason, I could feel his hands on my hips pressing against me, his thumb pressing against bare skin just above my skinny black jeans. He held me against his chest until we finally skidded to a halt and went straight into a wall of snow. I fell flat on my back snow falling onto of me, and my head falling onto something rather soft and cushiony.

"Taylor" Zack's unmistakable voice whispering in my ear

"Yep?" I groan looking up to see my head on his chest and gripping his hand for dear life. HE pulls himself off of the floor as I hear the guys running towards us; his hands wrap just under my breast and pull me into a sitting position

"You okay?" he laughs hugging me against his body.

"Don't" I mutter pushing him away?

"TAYLOR, ZACK" I pull away from him quickly jumping out of his grasp,

"We're alive" I shout as Niki runs towards us, she just laughs and helps me up. I look back at Zack who is smirking at me, oh so I'm just your next victim for a quick fuck. I glare at Rhian who looks slightly confused, "I hate him so much" I mutter walking off, she laughs and I hear her shout something at Zack who doesn't answer. I kept walking, I was having one of my moments I know everyone had them, when you just want to be left alone because everything gets too much. The fact I was alone for Christmas, I had to go on a 12 hour plane journey in two days time, and I wasn't going to see my family this Christmas was making my life extremely difficult. Added to the fact the one man who made my life hell was around me, the one man I loved was here. I ended up reaching the stony beach and just collapsing onto it in some pain. I was just being emotional, and needed to breathe. The thing was Christmas sucked, it was the first Christmas I'd been without my ex, which was probably a good thing after he called me a "fucking whore, who he hated", and I was stuck with a guy who probably couldn't care less.

"TAYLOR" I could hear them shouting, I should probably reply but I didn't have the energy or the need to.

"You trying to hide as well" I look around as the stones next to me move. "Sorry" he says simply his eyes looking straight into my dark brown eyes. I hated what Zacky could do to me; turn me to mush in 0.5 seconds.

"Its fine" I say simply "I just don't make a habit of going off with people who break my heart"

"Yeah me either, but I guess we can all change" he looks at me; I know he means it, but it's hard to believe it from him.

"This place is beautiful isn't it?" I ask just staring out,

"I guess if ya like places where you lost the person you loved" he mutters,

"Yeah okay so not amazing but its different" he just nods turning to look at me.

"It's getting colder" he says even quieter, his body moves a little closer, his lips jutting out slightly. But I was drawn to his eyes as my head tilts slightly, I feel my heart take over and let my head float away. The cold lip rings pressed against my soft lips first, before he applied more pressure and I felt his own warm lips touch my bare skin. I feel his hands start to roam my body and then push down fast on my body, "shit" I mumble hitting the stones hard as he broke our kiss. Latching his lips onto my skin, the fact I was wearing a few million layers didn't seem to bother him as his cold hands slipped up my top. My head rolls back letting him have more access to my neck as he bites down, I stare up to the sky. Everything was so beautiful, like an ice world. With sparkly stars in the sky flying and wait. I pause and push Zack away from me "Taylor?"

"Look Zack oh shit wow" I laugh pointing up to the beautiful shooting stars in the sky, three of them going across the midnight sky.

"Make a wish" he whispers sitting up his arm around my waist, I smiled to myself knowing exactly what I wished for this Christmas.

"Did you?" I ask quietly as he helps me stand up, he nods smiling slightly. "Secret?" I question, he shrugs

"Come on before Rhian screams more at me" he mutters helping me up,



"Last time, I loved you. I don't think I can go through that again" he just nods and takes my hand.

"I know you did, I love you Taylor, and I never stopped."

"Warm yet?" Zack whispers as we sit on the guest bed in Rhian's families house, I just nod my head still resting on his chest. We had the large duvets covered over us, the large wood fire on, and two hot water bottles. My eyes dart up as rain starts to patter on the window, Zack smiles slightly holding me closer to him, our lips pressing together for a brief second.

"I swear we've done this all before" I mutter our lips breaking apart

"Except this time there were no break ups, tears, or throwing plates at each other" he smirks capturing my lips. Just what I wished for.

"Happy 1 year anniversary" he whispers capturing my lips in a kiss.
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Christmas 2007