One Shots

By Myself I'm Nothing Special~M.Shadows

I walk down through the school corridors, people barge past me; they ignore me as if I wasn't there, as if I was nothing special. That's how I felt most of the time. Friends, I had a few just when they weren't around me no one took notice of me. If they couldn't see me or hear me, then they didn't need to worry about talking to me. I guess it was easier for everyone if I wasn't around. I keep walking trying to escape the dreary school world I had to spend five days of the week in. I wanted to escape and get into my own world, where people noticed me, where I was loved and where I felt most happy.

I walked faster as I neared the large opens doors that lead to the free world. Someone pushed past me, sending my small body flying across the corridor into another person "Watch it bitch" she glared at me pushing me away, I sigh and pick my books up and moving my blonde hair across my face so people couldn't see me. I walked faster and faster holding my books tightly and finally making it to the large doors. As soon as I stepped over the threshold the warm air hit me washing over my body. The faint smell of the ocean mixed with the scents of teenagers, and the excitement for summer holidays filled the air. It lifted my spirits knowing I wouldn't have to come back here for a good few weeks, knowing I could now spend time being me with my friends who I loved so much. I walked through the busy car park where students were rushing into the cars with friends pilling in every available seat just so they could get a quicker exit from school. I smile as I watch everyone try to escape. It really was the best time of the year, when that bell went for last period on the last day of the year and everyone jumped up from their desks and run out of school. Everyone would end up at the beach parties, or house parties' celebrating the fact school was out for summer.

I was celebrating the fact school was out for summer, but also the fact I was now going to be noticed, I was now going to be something, because for the whole summer I would be with people who wanted to know me and people who liked spending time with me. I would be noticed and thats what I craved. For someone just to say "hey Mika" or "Mika how are you" or just to acknowledge I existed, but I knew when I was with my real friends that would happen.

I walked along the path which was surrounded by grassy banks; I was getting closer and closer to the large black gates which meant freedom when you walked out. I kept walking; my head held high, I looked around hoping to see a familiar face when I walked out of the school. I kept smiling trying not to let my smile drop as I finally walked through the gates and couldn't see anyone waiting for me. Other older girls had their boyfriends waiting for them, they'd run up to them and start a full on make out session right their and then. I sighed and tried not to let my sadness show that my friends weren't there. I slowly turned round and walked the opposite way knowing it was best to get home quickly. I walked slightly slower than usual, I had to admit it I thought he'd be their at least.

"MIKA, WAIT UP" I stop as I hear his voice booming over all the chatter and shouting. His voice always made me smile; just hearing him meant I would be happy. I turned to see him running to catch up with "what you were just going to let me stand their and walk off?" he laughs reaching me, I shrug as he pulls me into a hug .

"I didn't think you'd come!"

"Of course I would," he laughs as I hug him back, "I love you, and I'm gonna spend the whole summer with you, that means starting from now!" I look up at him and smile back. He was gorgeous his beautiful eyes sparked as he looked down on me, his smile just made me melt and the dimples made him look so cute. I leaned up,

"I love you too Matt!" I smile before pressing my lips against his; he kisses me back straight away his tongue is automatically allowed entrance into my mouth exploring every part. His hands travel round my back holding me up against his body, as my run through his short hair. As we part I smile up to him, "I can't wait" I tell him, he wraps an arm round my waist.

"Ya know I really think summers going to be good!" I nod in agreement.

We walk down the streets passing people from my school, they all glare at me. When I'm with Matt everyone notices me sometimes (a lot of the time) it's for the wrong reasons. I'm a whore with an older boyfriend, or I sleep around, or he's only using me for sex, or Matt's a pedophile. Its all shit in my eyes, Matt loves me and I love him, I always want people to notice but I guess being noticed isn't all its cracked up to be. As a few girls walk past whispering things about me, I hide away behind Matt.

"Hey ignore them," I shrug

"Everyone thinks I'm a whore,"

"I don't care what everyone thinks, you're my girl" he kisses my forehead lightly, "and if you're a whore you're my fucking whore no one else's!" I laugh at him as he lead me down his road.

I felt special when I was with Matt, like I was the only person in the whole world. Matt was the only guy I had ever been with, he was my support, my connection with the world, my happiness. He kept me safe, he made me laughs and he noticed me. When I was with Matt I was noticed.

He unlocked the front door of his family's house leading me inside. I felt at home here, the house was nice, not that mine wasn't, it was just this house had a real family feel to it.

"Hey mom we're home!" Matt calls as we walk through the hall and the kitchen,

"Okay guys, there's soda in the fridge!" his mom calls back as we walk into the garden,

"We're in the"

"I know your in the pool if I need you!" his mom finishes the phrase he said nearly everyday. I smirk at him.

"Shut up" he mutters to me pushing me into the garden, I smile and walk over to the pool that had a gate and small metal fence round it, like a play area in the park. I walk though the gate followed by Matt who has already started taking his shirt off, "don't just stare at me," he mocks me, I blush slightly and turn around putting my bag down. I pull my skirt and top off leaving me in my bikini. He was the only person in the world I felt comfortable in front of in just my bikini.

"You're just gorgeous" Matt's hands touch my bare sides and pull my body flush with his. I turn round and smile at him.

"You too" I lean up to kiss him, his grip on my body tightens, his hands move down to my thighs making me put my legs round his waist, "Matt" I moan as he strokes my skin, my hands link together at the back of his neck. His hands hold my body closely to his, I knew what he was up to. "No chance" I whisper against his lips.

"That's what you think!" he laughs, I had no chance of escaping now. Matt suddenly moves and I feel him jump up, the cool water hits my body instantly refreshing me. I could do this all summer.

I push away from him swimming across the pool on my back. Matt soon catches up, backing me against the wall of the swimming pool. My legs wrap round his body and I sit on his thighs as he leans his arms against the side of the pool. We stare into each others eyes, neither of us wanting to break eye contact.

"I love you so much Mika!"

"I love you too Matt, you make me feel like someone," he smiles and nods running his fingers through my dripping wet blonde hair. "You make me complete," I whisper my fingers trace across his soft lips; he kisses my fingers lightly before leaning in. This was love; this was all I wanted in life.

By myself I'm nothing special, but with Matt, I think i could be
♠ ♠ ♠
For Mika.