One Shots

~Prison Break~Zacky Vengeance~


"Taylor there's some guy at reception for you, something about the new volunteers?" Niki my stage manager shouts over to me, I just groan and nod. Yes we defiantly needed help on set because this play was never going to be ready for opening night.

"RHIAN!" I scream at my lightening technician who just smiles at me. "Please stop fucking around with the lights!" I mutter as we have bright pink and purple stage lights dancing around the stage with a disco ball, she just giggles to herself before walking off to sort it out. Sometimes all this immaturity was too much, but I loved the girls and they were here working so much overtime to get my first play out I had to accept it. This was my first time directing a play, sure I'd work on millions of plays on the stage, behind stage and front of house but this was the first time actually directing and I was shitting myself.
I walked into the reception area, to see what I had as volunteers. You see the community here were all for this scheme called "Help the community!" where unemployed people or school kids or college students, or whoever would come and help business in the area. Knowing I would need the help I'd applied for it and now standing in front of me was a man from the community project with a look of pure terror on his face.

"Hi?" I question worriedly,

"Your volunteers, and I'm sorry, could you just sign this?" he asks passing a form in front of my face.

"What for?"

"So there's no chance you sue us if anything well if anything goes wrong with them," He says stepping away and pointing to a group of seven guys standing their, my eyes go wide and I notice three police standing around them. Oh of course community service for the criminals; this was a right royal screw up. They all looked at me smirks plastered across their faces, I suddenly felt extremely exposed in my strappy black top which showed off my chest and my denim skirt displaying my long legs to them. I looked around awkwardly before the guy from the project smiled said his goodbyes and literally run out of the theatre reception.

"So," I mutter awkwardly looking at anything but the seven guys, its like they could sense fear.

"Where do you want them?" One of the police men questioned me, even I had to smile at that question.

"I know where I'd want her!" A tall guy with spiked up black hair and a cocky smile plastered across his face spoke first causing all the guys to laugh. I groan inwardly wishing Niki was here cause she'd have something to say, well usually so would I but there's seven of them and one of me.

"So follow me and I'll find some stuff for them to do," I say simply talking to the policemen and not the guys. As I walked up the old stair case which lead to the seating area of the 100 year old theatre I smiled slightly this place was pretty much home, I loved it. "So I think there's a lot of lifting of sets, some manual work stuff but I guess there be okay with that?" I question one of the policemen who walked next to me; he honestly looked a bit nerdy I doubt if any of those guys tried anything to day he'd be able to stop them. All seven of them were built to kill, or so it looked, all of them showing off well built bodies behind the white tank tops and blue jump suits covered their legs the top half hanging around their waist. I had to admit I'd fuck them, if it wasn’t for the fact that they'd problem all either murdered, raped, stolen or done something that got them in prison that was the only thing scaring me slightly. "So umm let me just talk to my stage manager she'll have some things that need doing," I say quickly hoping to get some helps from at least a few of the girls working with me.
"NIKI, RHIAN, SHELL?" I shout hoping at least one of them would appear.

"YEP!" All three shout back appearing at different places in the large theatre.

"Down here please?" I look around as the three run towards me. "Where's Meg?" Meg was my lead for this play and had this tendency to be more organised than and ready than I ever was.
All three girls shrugged.

"She'll be around somewhere," Rhian smiled supportively before her eyes fell on the eight guys sitting around.

"Ooo you brought us men!" Niki laughs her eyes displaying a mischievous glint in her eyes. I smile slightly and notice Rhian watching them carefully; I think it clicked in her mind quicker than Niki who was still staring at the guys. I don’t blame her though.

"Why are their policemen?" Shell questions quietly as she sits on the edge of the stage, Rhian looks towards me in complete amazement.

"Okay so when you said we were getting help I didn’t think you meant convicted criminals!" She raises her voice slightly earning a few laughs and chuckles from the guys who she glares at. I was thinking she'd be the one running and hiding but just on odd occasions she would gain confidence.

"I'm sure there safe it's not as if there murders," Niki suddenly stops and looks at them. A few smirks are exchanged between the guys making me sigh.

"Okay look there here to help so Niki you can take sorry I didn’t get any names," I look around and one of the policemen steps up.

"You've got, Brian Haner, Matthew Berry, Jason Berry, James Sullivan, Matthew Sanders, Zackary Baker and Johnny Seward." I just nod watching as each of them for a few seconds, one of them caught my eye as he winked at me, I actually blushed and then mentally scolded myself for doing so.

"Okay so umm Niki take Brian Haner and Matthew Berry," I say simply waving my hand towards her.

"My pleasure!" she smiles to herself before walking off both guys following her their smiles groaning. I was actually scared they'd kill her but then I doubt it since this was Niki she could handle herself.

"Shell take Johnny, Jason and Matthew Sanders, if that’s okay, and find Elizabeth make her actually do some work?" I question Shell who just nods smiling weakly before looking at the two guys, one quite short the other the exact opposite. "And Rhian can you take these two and get them to unload the back storerooms please?" Rhian looks at me in complete fear before finally nodding.

"Lets go then," she mutters as the two guys follow her, not before the one called Zackary winks at me. I groan and just fall into one of the chairs watching him walk away, he did have a cute ass. I stop my thoughts of the guy who was probably a murder or rapist knowing my bad choice in men.
I keep checking over the guys and girls every so often just praying nothing went wrong, to be honest I didn’t have to worry that much. When ever I checked on Niki it wasn’t the guys perving other her it was the other way round.

"Seriously Taylor I love you!" Niki mutters watching the guy called Brian lift some scenery up and put it on the stage. I roll my eyes as Niki's grin on her face grows as the other guy, Mattie as he told her to call him, walked on the stage ruffling the other guy's hair and the two started fighting. Nothing heavy just play fights, but still Niki kept smiling. "Can we keep them? Because seriously me and either of them or both, one room that’s all I ask for!" She laughs.

"Don’t do anything stupid alright? I'm going to check on Rhian make sure they haven’t locked her in a storeroom all anything!" Both of us laugh.

"You know she'd give as good as she gets!" Niki smirks as I run backstage to find Rhian. The most annoying this being she wasn’t around. Instead I had a few random people walk past me but none of them Rhian. Finally as I reached the last set of storerooms I found the Zacky guy who was the last person I wanted to find.

"Have you seen Rhian?" I stare at him waiting for an answer; he finally looks up a smirk playing on his face.

"Her and Jimmy went to sort something out a while ago," he says simply.

"What?" I question not getting what he meant until it was too late. He smirks at the face I pull in utter disgust, how the fuck could she go and fuck a criminal?

"Ya know we're not that bad, Jimmy's only in for drugs possession and assault," He says as if it's nothing, I still at the guy in front of me desperate to ask exactly what he had done wrong. "I don’t mind you asking," he says reading my mind; I feel blood rush to my cheeks giving them a rosy tint as he chuckles at me.

"So what are you in there for?" I ask quietly, this guy had the ability to make me feel like a little school girl with a crush. MY heart jumped as that smirk appeared back on his full lips.

"Assault, carrying deadly weapons, driving under the influence, blackmail, theft, rape," my eyes go wide as he mutters that four letter word. I feel my whole body freeze as I will myself to move backwards, the smirk grows on his face knowing the effect he has on me. I keep stepping back as he moves towards me until there's no were left for me to go, my back hits the cold wall and Zack grins widely. His hand presses against the wall, one of his tattooed covered arms propping his body up in front of me. His other hand runs down my cheek tucking my hair behind my ears. "You’re a very pretty girl," he whispers his thumb caressing my bare cheek. Don’t ask me why I was letting him do this, because I had no idea what came over me. I felt his soft lips brush across my cheek leaving graceful kisses on my bare skin.
"You do realise they don’t let rapists out of prison," He mutters in my ear as I suddenly realise how stupid and gullible I was for believing his words before. I felt his teeth suddenly bite my ear snapping me out of my stupid thoughts. The kisses the start to trail down my neck, his teeth grazing against sensitive skin, as his head moves further down. I'd forgotten about his hands until I felt my shirt being lifted off my skin and instantly fresh air rushing across naked skin. "I take it back, you’re a very beautiful girl," That smirk just screamed bad boy.

"Don’t," I try to pull away as his left hands lifts my thigh up pushing it around his body. His fingers run under my skirt, moving my thong out their way. This guy's fingers could work magic. Trust me in a previous era this guy was a guitarist. Their fingers move the fastest!

"Why? Don’t you want the best fuck of you life?" he smirks pressing his lips against mine, I cant help it but instinct takes over just as the bulge in his pants pressed hard against my area. My fingers run down his surprisingly toned chest as they rest at his pants, "Go on," he urges pushing my hand down his pants and boxers, but I take charge with my other hand just pushing his clothes off him. "Someone's feisty!" he jokes as my fingers twirl around his hard on, he starts to throb within my hand and I cant help but feel myself getting more turned on.
"Ready?" he questions pushing my skirt up and dragging my thong down.

"You betcha," I whisper seductively squeezing my hand tightly,

"oh fuck," he groans grabbing my hips tightly "don’t you dare tease," he says simply before thrusting into me hard and going deep.
All thoughts of this guy cleared my mind, of what he was and what he could have done. Because he could bring me pure pleasure just like that. How do I know he can bring me pure pleasure? It's not just because I can feel my stomach tightening and my body burning.

"ZACKY!" I scream in pleasure as he realises inside of me, my own body soon after reaching climax.

"Fuck Taylor," he grunts leaning his body against my own, the layer of sweat drenching us both. "God your fucking good," he mutters breathing against my skin, as I feel a few small kisses.

"I know," I mutter regaining my breath. "I miss you," Zack's eyes meet with mine and he just nods.

"You know I love you?"

"I love you too, its just I wish you were out. Hell I wish all the guys were,"

"Only a few more weeks," he says simply before kissing my lips and helping me put my clothes back on.

That's how I know he can bring me immense pleasure. Zack's my boyfriend of five years. He's spent three of them in prison. I love when he gets these mini prison breaks.
I love him.
♠ ♠ ♠

I love you muchly, and this one shot is for you!! cause you deserve it!!!!
and you freaking awesome....believe me!! =D
x x x x