One Shots

The Only Guy A Girl Can Trust

"Indy you said you loved me?" My boyfriend of 6 months, Jake. He smiles at me, running his fingers across my pale cheek. I sigh hating the fact he was giving me those puppy dog eyes that worked so well.

"Jake you know I love you, it's just, I cant do this," Jake groans falling back into his sofa. Jake was 19, I'm 17, he was my first real boyfriend, the first guy I'd said I love you two. I also wanted him to be the guy to take my virginity away from me, he said he would wait till I was ready; I didn’t really know when that would be, and it was starting to annoy him.

"Why not? My god Indy your 17, 18 in like a week! We've been together what 6 months boarding on 7, don’t you think you've waited long enough?" he asks simply, but I knew he was getting aggravated. Any guy would though? I mean come on there's few saints among men.

"Jake you know I want to its just, I don’t feel comfortable with it,"

"Indy relax, its nothing to be worried,"

"But," I don’t get to finish because Jake's pierced lips press against my own naked ones, he pushes hard against mine forcing his tongue through as his hands dart across my top. Now don’t get me wrong, I hadn’t left a 19 year old guy with nothing for 6 months, we'd done stuff, or rather I'd done stuff for him; we'd just never actually had sex; which with me was fine, with my boyfriend the ex-manwhore it's not so fine. I say ex-manwhore though in the back of my mind I always had that horrid feeling it wasn’t something he'd given up; just once in a while something would make me question our relationship and his commitment to just one girl.
I pulled myself across his legs, straddling his thighs. My problem was I let myself get caught up in the moment, where one thing always leads to another. It didn’t take Jake long to take my top and bra off, and it didn’t take me long to rid him of his top. The worst thing about this was I hadn’t stopped myself doing this.

"God you hot," he mutters running his hands up and down my back, as I kiss along his chest, I can feel his erection pressing against his tight jeans trying to escape the denim. He moans as my hands fiddle with his jeans pulling them down, but I stop as he mutters something "I cant wait to get inside of you, your gonna be so,"

"No," I try to pull away but he holds me in place, "Jake let me go," I whine but his large hands hold my sides.

"You cant go through all this and just stop babe, that’s not playing nice at all,"

"Jake I said I didn’t want to go any further, I thought we were just,"

"Just what, you thought I wanted another bad blow job from you, you thought I was willing to give you oral again, babe I need more than that, I need to be inside you," A horrid unbearable feeling fell across my body, I felt dirty, I felt used, and I felt disgusted with myself.

"How? How can you say those things? I thought you loved me?" Jake looked up staring blankly at my face, he'd lied about everything hadn’t he? "I, I have to go," I suddenly blurt out jumping off him in utter shock, he kept muttering and telling me things as I grabbed my bra and shirt, but ignored everything. I wasn’t interested anymore; my mum always said be careful with guys, its hard to find one to trust, I never listened to hear but now I think I understand why she said that.

Jimmy's POV
"You know I love not having her around,"

"JIMMY, that’s you daughter don’t even think of saying that!"

"You know what I mean," I mutter as my wife swats my chest, "I love her very much, but its good for to get out visit friends, and let us have peace and quiet!"
"I'm surprised you let her go," Rhian mumbles turning in my grip.

"Why wouldn’t I? I mean she's only at Syn's house with Gabby, its not like," I pause as Rhian gives me an extremely confused look.

"Jimmy, Gabby is at college, Indy went," Rhian pauses a cute smile playing on her face, "Ya know I use to do this when I was her age,"

"What?" I was getting confused,

"I use to say I was going round Niki's, or Taylor's and end up round yours," I open my mouth to say something but stop as I finally realise what was going on.

"I fucking told her not to go near that guys he's a complete jerk, and you let her?" I shout at Rhian who signs shaking her head.

"I told her to ask you, and did she?"

"No she asked me if it was okay to stay at Gaby's, I cant believe she'd lie to me, and to be with that prick, I mean of all the fucking guys out there she chooses some stupid drummer
in a band who is just going to break her heart the minute,"

"Jimmy, calm down," Rhian mumbles kissing my lips, I just sigh looking at her but I was still pissed off to say the least.

"Rhian she's my," I don’t finish because Rhian puts a single finger to my lips cutting me off mid flow.

"I know Jimmy, she's your girl, and you love her to bits but she has to learn from her mistakes, its how you grow up," I hated when she was right.

"I just wanted to protect my daughter though, she's my everything and to know that she was with some stupid spotty smelly teenage lay about annoys me!" Rhian looks at me laughing slightly,

"You know my dad use to say that about you,"

"Thanks," I mumble glaring at her, "Your not helping,"

"Jimmy she's my daughter to, and yes I'm worried sick about her but that’s not helping, just wait for her to come home and then talk okay?" I just groan

"She'll take forever to come," I pause as the back door flings open. A tall thin girl, with light black curly hair runs through, dressed in a simple black top and denim skirt with a tattoo on her shoulder showing pushes past.

"No I don’t want to talk about it, no I don't want food, and I defiantly don’t want you shouting at me!" She shouts as she runs up the stairs.

"You were saying?" Rhian mumbles resting her head on my chest.

"She's your daughter," I mumbling back not wanting to deal with a teenage drama queen right now.

"Hey hold up, I had to deal with Dakota fighting with Dylan because of some girlfriend, you can deal with the drama queen," Rhian mutters back, I smirk remembering how Rhian and Taylor had shouted at their sons for even thinking of dating some sti ridden cheerleader. I was about to answer back but Rhian pulls away from me. "Go on, you want to protect your little girl, go show her you care," She gives me a little push towards the stairs.
Indy's POV
"Indy let me in,"

"Go away," I snap at my dad, I really wasn’t interested in whatever he had to say.

"Indiana let me in; I just want to talk to you,"

"Dad go away, I'm fine,"

"Let me in and I wont tell your mum about the missing jack Daniels and my smokes!" I groan I hated him sometimes; I walked up to my door unlocking and opening it before falling back onto my bed.

"There I let you in, you never asked for anything else!" I mutter as I hear him sigh. I could feel my dad staring at me, but I wasn’t planning on paying any attention.

"Another tattoo?" I hear him ask, what the fuck? I look up to notice him standing by my desk staring at drawings; I just nod.

"Ya know maybe you could draw one of these for me?" he asks, I shrug staring blankly up at him. "Like maybe a death bat style? Or with your name? Something's different?" He carries on rambling.

"Dad?" He looks up flicking his black hair out of his eyes, "You didn’t come in hear to ask me to draw you a design,"

"True, your hair looks pretty," I glare at my dad, sometimes he was just useless.

"I know Taylor did it for me," he just nods flopping down on the bed next to me as his eyes scan my room. Rarely did he step foot in hear, I sometimes wonder if its in fear of finding something in hear. I mean when my mum found drugs in hear she went crazy, told my dad and well actually he calmed her down saying stuff about she'd done it so why cant Indy. Sometimes he was useful; sometimes he just stopped me having fun.

"You have good music taste," He says staring at posters of metal and rock bands,

"Yeah guess I have you and mum to thank for something!" I mumble earning a slap on the back of my head.

"Indy, why did you lie to me?"

"Because if I told the truth would you have let me go?"

"No but you can see why I don’t want you with him cant you? I mean your in fucking tears because of him!"

"Well you don’t have to fucking worry about me seeing him again!" I snap trying to stop myself crying I hated looking weak in front of people, My dad just sighs his bright blue eyes meeting with my own.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No I fucking don’t!" I snap getting off the bed and walking to the window I push it open and grab my cigarettes from my pocket.

"Indy!" My dad groans, I look round.

"Want one?"

"Yes," He mutters getting up and walking towards the window. "Don’t tell your mum I let you smoke she'll have a fit!" I just laugh shaking my head.

"What hasn’t she ever smoked before?"

"Yeah, though I doubt she remembers much of it, stupid drunk," He mumbles making me laugh, the thought of my mum drunk always made me smile, she seemed so reserved and proper; after the stories Niki and Taylor that view of her changed.

"I thought he loved me," I admit as I let the smoke flow through my lungs. "And he just, he just used me!"

"You fucked him?"

"DAD!" I scream going bright red, I had no idea how he could be so open about this.

"Well did you?" he mutters blowing smoke rings through the window.

"No," I mumble sucking on the cancer stick I was holding.


"Dad you do release I'm not staying a virgin forever?" I ask smiling slightly.

"eerr yeah you are!" He mutters back, I just groan "You think I'm going to let you near guys,"

"DAD!" I shout again making him laugh. We stood their in silence for a while just letting the smoke drift out my window, I watched a few random neighbours walking up and down the street, but otherwise the place with pretty quiet. "Why do guys lie?" I ask quietly as I get another cigarette out dropping the butt of my first one to the floor, if mum found it I'd blame Dakota, he was older, he always responsible for anything I did wrong.

"Cause we do, we don’t have the fucking balls to tell the truth, defiantly not at 18,"

"19, he's in a new band!" I mumble knowing he was going to lose it, but instead he just took another deep breath and stole one of my smokes.

"19 then and what have I told you about guys in bands? There worst than most, all guys are suckers for pretty girls, they just want to fuck,"

"Way to be blunt there,"

"Have to be love, it’s the truth," he finally looks up chucking his third cigarette out the window and closing it. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, not physically, just mentally but I'm fucked up enough as it is so guess it doesn't really matter!" My dad laughs shaking his head, humour was usually my way of getting through things. I smile the tears had stopped now but still I hated Jake. "It was nearly 7 months," My dad sighs opening his arms, "It hurts, I really thought he loved me," I say moving into a hug that I needed right now.

"He was just some arrogant cock, not worth your time of day," my dad mutters kissing the top of my head as I held onto his shirt.

"But I loved him!" I groan finally letting the tears I'd held in soak my dads shirt. He holds me tightly, not saying anything, not telling me how stupid I was or that he was right, just looking after me.

I guess Frenchy from Grease was right about my dad in her quote "the only guy a girl can trust is her daddy,"
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Thanks for reading!
x x x x