One Shots

Pure Love

The low grumbles of the clouds echo across the darkness, the lights flickered before the power cut with a sharp snap. Everything went pitch black over the city of New York, the wind swept through the sky scrapers, swirling leaves round in little tornadoes. A few street lights flicked thinking they still had the power to beam over the dirty streets, no such luck. Darkness fell over New York City, sending all the high rise buildings into midnight colours, the slums into pitch blackness and turning department stores into easy pickings for thieves. Candles which would usually be used for relaxing in baths, making apartments smell nice, or creating that romantic mood started to light up in apartments all over the city. Small fires were started in bins so the street dwellers could see everything going on. Not that much was going on in the city that never slept. It was true the place never slept, there were always cars, taxis, shops open, restaurants, clubs, people, the living and the dead walking around the big apple. The city was legendary, and that’s what made it so special. But tonight as everything grinded to a halt in the city, things seemed to just slow down and nothing really happened.

"babe its cold out side come in" he whispered watching his partner step outside onto their balcony, her pale skin glistening in the dim moonlight,

"its all dark, everything's gone" the girl with dark red hair whispers running her eyes scanning over the city

"your going to freeze" he adds walking out behind her, the cold instantly hit the bare skin on his chest and legs. "Rhian come on" he wraps his arms round his girlfriend pulling the girls naked body against his.

"look" she whispers as she felt his cold skin press against hers, "everything's dead" she giggles slightly turning in her boyfriends arms "can we play?" her psychotic side showing its self. Jimmy smirked kissing his girlfriend lightly

"do you want to doll?" she nodded pouting at him, running his long fingers up and down her bare sides he lets a smile plague his lips. "Clothes then?" her indicating to her lack of warm clothes, instead her outfit consisted of bra and panties. Rhian shrugged resting her head on his chest biting on his skin.

"don’t wanna" she bites down harder, making the man hiss in pain before he turns on her pushing her against the wall

"tough shit doll, you get yourself arrested for indecent exposure" he jokes, she snarls at him

"I'll eat the policemen"

"yeah that's what I was afraid of" he mutters pushing her inside smacking her ass as she goes, she spins round her long hair flicking back "I own that" he winks as she glares at him before walking into the bedroom the two shared.

"I know it was here" she whispers searching for her black short flared skirt, as she pulled a purple strap top over her body, covering up bite marks, scars and tattoos which covered her body; well some of them anyway. She brushed her straightened hair over her shoulders, and pulled a pair of converse onto her feet.

"are you ready yet?" Jimmy walks into their bedroom staring at his beautiful girlfriend. She shrugs turning to face him, "I'd say yes" he smirks taking her cold hands in his. She nods in agreement before looking at her surroundings

"Everybody's talking about it Jimmy, there whispering their words of fear, they don’t understand the excitement" she groans as the words of the city cascade through her mind "Jimmy its exciting" she closes her eyes leaning back on her heels pulling on Jimmy's arms. "I want to be apart of it, I want to feel there excitement, lets play" she giggles as he spins her around.

"well lets go then gorgeous" he smiles pulling her back into his body, "cause the quicker the go the quicker we get back to us time" Rhian smiles shrugging her shoulders

"its us time all the time" she keeps one of her hands linked with on of his as the walk back out of the balcony.

"yeah I know that. I just like having us time" he grins holding her tightly against his body as they step onto the wall stopping anyone fall down the balcony. "ready" he looks into her eyes, she just nods stepping off the wall taking him with her. As the two plummeted to the ground of the city was brought to darkness.

"JIMMY" she screamed as the sky suddenly broke electricity crashing through the clouds. He looked over watching his girlfriend break free as she shot herself into the sky. Her energy, her enjoyment, her excitement as she flew through the sky dodging the lighting bolts. She flew straight at Jimmy grabbing his hand.

"your pretty" he whispers kissing her as they float across the night sky, dancing between flashes of light. Rhian smiles at him kissing him back but shrieks as a clasp of thunder breaks above them.

"lets play?" she smiles coyly at him.

"for you anything" he nods taking her lower in the sky as the pair skim past buildings which stabbed the darkened skies with there horrid pointing spikes.

"they could kill" she cries as her eyes cross over the spikes

"not you darling, your live forever" Jimmy tells her as they finally land on solid ground. "time to play then?" She just nods

"you first" she urges him, he sighs looking around for just what he needed. "I love this" she giggles walking round his body as he watched for people; she ran her fingers across his figure waiting for him to move.

"her" Jimmy mutters pushing Rhian away from him, she pouts and flops onto a park bench watching her boyfriend stalk some young women.

Jimmy smirked at his girlfriend as he followed a different women, the women who tonight would serve him well, she'd be a good snack before he got the chance to be with his real girl. He stared at the women in front, she was a pretty blonde thing, nothing different from your normal stick thin blonde thing. I hate her Rhian whimpers in his mind, she's nothing Jimmy tells her back before launching himself at the blonde. Her screams echo through the park, but Jimmy could hear Rhian's giggles as the blonde fell to the floor; blood spurting from main arties as each one was pierced with his sharp white teeth. Jimmy eyes darted up as he heard someone else come into the park. He dropped her straight to the floor, aww don’t worry love its sorted! Rhian giggles. Jimmy just groans knowing that some guy was about to die because of her. He loved her. The things she could do.

As the last of the blonde women's blood filled Jimmy's body he dropped her onto the cold stone floor. She looked disturbed, scared, and tearful as her body lay there. No rest in peace for her then. He watched her body for a few seconds forgetting everything else around him. The girl would find no peace where she was heading. He lit a cigarette sucking on the small nicotine filled stick, he needed the drug. He may be dead, but still he felt the craving on the smoke, the warmth, the burning as he took a drag.
Jimmy, he hurt me his girlfriend's voice drifted through his mind causing him to drop the cigarette instantly. His anger levels rose as he felt her pain surge through him. Some bastard would pay for this.

"he had a knife" she whispers as her body lay across a park bench.

"shit, doll" Jimmy grabbed his girlfriends hand pulling up their bodies meeting,

"I killed him" she growls angrily, her eyes flashing neon blue,

"good" Jimmy smirks resting his forehead on hers, "your bleeding babe" he runs his fingers across his cheek where blood slowly trickled down, and across her bare shoulder blades where he felt more gashes in her skin.

"I hate him" she pouts like a little child, "he hurt me, he wants to ruin our world James" she mutters as Jimmy licks her cheek tasting her sweet blood.

"I wont let him" Jimmy says simply looking into her eyes, he could see everything about her, he could read her every thought, her every emotion. She could do the same to him, they were bound together by true love. Not the love humans experience, but true love only monsters can feel. Vampires were monsters, a type of monster at least. Pure evil run through them; and with pure evil comes pure love.
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This use to be a story....
I got bored of the story, but still love this part.