Tales of Krondor


"Delemir are you there?"
Spardus walked into the brightly lit front room, his face completely white, the moonlight
reflecting on his pale flesh through the tinted green window. He sat down on his chair, softly,
and clasped his hands on his substantially large lap.
Delemir, a young elven boy poked his head round the door and walked in calmly, his
face showing no signs of nerve or angst. He sat, cross legged on the floor and looked up
expectantly and hopefully at Spardus, his father. Spardus merely closed his eyes. A shining
tear fell from them. He shook his head and Delemir knew the message.
He knew his mother hadn't made it.
♠ ♠ ♠
This didn't take long, just basically explaining his mother was dead and lets the next chapter explain everything else - I hope. Tell me what you think, and for crying out loud be honest ^^