Today Is in Front of Us

Chapter One


Mikey’s POV

Playing bass came easily to me. I had been doing so for nearly 4 years and I could do it without concentrating completely. I wasn’t concentrating now. I was staring across the stage, lust clouding my vision, like blood seeping through water.

The heavy beat from the drums washed over me, adding to the uncontrollable lust in my system. I knew I should exercise more control than I currently was, but in a way, I loved the way I was crashing out of control. It was dangerous, like playing with fire, and I was going to play ‘til I got burnt, because it was exhilarating, and I like exhilarating.

A smirk worked its way onto my lips, twisting them like soft metal. I watched him, amazed how lost he was in playing, wishing I could do the same, but knowing that I was too wrapped up and lost in him, to get lost in something else. I heard Gerard talking and tried to pay attention to what he was saying. But to no avail. There was no way I was going get the drummer’s face out of my mind. It was like something carved into a tree, it would never fade, just get worn with time.

With all the observation I was doing, I noticed Gerard jumping onto an amp and pushing his hand down his pants. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Sometimes his acts to try and impress Frank were annoying, sometimes they were extreme and sometimes I just wished I had that sort of courage.
He removed his hand and skipped towards Frank, pointing at him. I lost interest, it wasn’t Bob and it gave me no pleasure, so I let my gaze drift back to Bob.

The rest of the concert passed quickly and it was time to go back to the dressing room. The concert would have seemed longer, only I hadn’t focused on time and it had merged into a small block of lust and temptation. I set down my guitar and walked off the stage, brushing lightly against Frank who had done the same thing. I smiled at him, but I didn’t feel like smiling, he had done the one thing I would never get to do. He had kissed Bob. Sure I was supposed to be his best friend, but the jealousy ran deep, making me fume that he had been able to do that.

They never told us the details. Just that it had happened. Bob had seemed embarrassed, Frank had laughed about it. They both claimed it was an accident, neither of them being gay. I always thought that Frank wasn’t telling the truth, he never was a good liar, but I didn’t want to call him on it, in case he got angry. I hated it when people were angry at me. I was quite quiet by nature, I never said much and I liked to keep things to myself.

I grabbed a towel, heading into the bathroom to take a shower. There was someone already there and as I turned to leave, they turned around to see who it was. I didn’t like to intrude so I didn’t look to see who it was, I just went to leave.

“Mikey.” I heard, and my heart stopped. It was Bob. I turned slowly and kept my eyes on his face. His next words were to be imprinted in my memory for a long time.

“It’s okay to give into temptation.”
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