Today Is in Front of Us

Chapter Two


Gerard's POV

I watched with unbelieving eyes at the monstrosity fore playing before my very eyes. FRank was kissing Bob! My heart seemingly took the same potion as Dr. Jeckyl and roared to life, knocking my ribs into my skin and rampaging around my insides. I continued belting lyrics, ones that were imprinted in my skull, and attempted to become nonchalant and blow it off. I suddenly despised Bob, and wondered if perhaps Matt wasn't that bad after all. I surveyed him with speculating eyes, what was so great about Bob? Was it because he was blonde? Because they both had lip rings? I could get over my fear of needles if I really had to. I pranced around, hoping I pulled of the 'what-did-something-weird-happen-I'm-not-jealous-why-would-I-be-jealous?' look I was aiming for. Frank was sure pulling off an unconcerned look, as he stood there, flailing around with his guitar. How could he just kiss Bob like that? And on stage, in front of all these people? Maybe that's why he kissed Bob and not me, I'm such a hypocrite. I met Bob's not a hypocrite. Well, I'll just have to show Frank what he's missing. And Baby, he's missing a lot. I let the smug smirk take over my face as I continued the song, glancing once at Frank, if the everyone wants a show… I'll give them a show.

Third Person POV

Gerard climbed onto an amp in front of Frank, and shoved one hand down his pants, and kept the other wrapped around the microphone. Frank glanced across the stage at his fellow band mates, but they didn't seem to notice. Gerard caught eye contact with the audience, then glanced behind his shoulder at Frank, and winked exaggeratedly at the crowd, nodding his head. Gerard took his hand from his pants, skipping off toward Frank. He came to a stop behind him, then pointed at Frank's head. Frank looked up, but continued with the riff. Gerard licked his lips, and pointed at crotch. He laughed, swatting Frank on the butt, and walking back over to center stage. The crowd went wild, a large jumping screaming mass. Frank's eyes followed Gerard, and wondered what that was about. Little did poor Frank know, Gerard had a hot plan to get his attention.

Gerard's POV

I walked off stage, and saw Mikey and Bob wander off somewhere. I cast a glance at Frank, who had plopped on the couch. I sat with Ray, throwing Phase One: Attention, into the wind.

"Hey man," I said, picking up a drink.

"Hey," He smiled back at me, leaning back.

"How're you and Emma?" He perked up, looking over at me.

"We're great thanks, how's the single life?" I grinned, I knew Ray would be perfect for this.

"It's killing me man." He nodded, and a picture of Frank and Bob flashed through my mind, making the beast awaken once more.

"But… I have someone in mind…" Frank's head popped up, as well as Ray's.

"WHO?" They both asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked, staring Frank down. I stood, and felt his confused, yet interested eyes following me. Score one for Super Gee…

Did I just say that?