Today Is in Front of Us

Chapter Seven


Mikey turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around himself, throwing one in the direction of Bob. He caught it and dried himself briefly, before he too wrapped it around his waist. They grabbed their clothes and headed back to the dressing room to get dressed.

Once they were dressed, Mikey sat down on the sofa, yawning widely.

“Did I tire you out, Mr Way?” Bob asked Mikey with a smirk.

Mikey smirked back at Bob, patting the seat beside him, “Snuggle with me Bobby Cat…” He got a weird look from Bob and he smiled wider. “Bobby Cat, you purred and mewled… there’s no getting rid of your nickname now!”

Bob chuckled and snuggled into Mikey’s side, sighing contentedly. Just then, Frank burst in, looking confused but happy at the same time. His eyes drifted around the room, catching on Bob and Mikey who were both still snuggled and Bob had his eyes closed. Frank stopped in his tracks, a small smile creeping onto his face.

“So damn cute…” he whispered, mostly to himself.

Mikey looked over and smiled, making Frank’s eyes well up with tears again. Mikey instantly untangled himself from Bob and walked over, embracing his friend wordlessly. Bob looked over, but didn’t bother saying anything. Instead he put his head down on the couch and closed his eyes again.

Mikey pulled out of the hug and took Frank’s hand, leading him to the room next door. He forced Frank to sit down and sat opposite him, watching him silently; trying to figure out what was bothering the younger man.

“Okay. Enough silence. Spill,” Mikey said simply.

Frank looked up fleetingly, and then looked back to his hands, which were clasped in his lap. Mikey cleared his throat loudly, indicating that he wanted an explanation. Frank looked back up, holding the eye contact this time.

“I’ve been an idiot,” he said.

Mikey frowned and Frank carried on, “Seriously, I didn’t see any of the signs.” He looked back to his hands, a single tear making it’s way out of his eye and dripping down his cheek slowly. “I treated him like shit,” he said quietly.

Mikey stood up, sitting on Frank’s knee for lack of room on the seat and hugged him again. “Frank, I’ll assume you mean Gerard. And why worry, I only saw the signs because I’m his brother and we read each other like books,” he assured Frank gently.

“Really?” Frank asked.

“Really. Now cheer up and go find my brother and jump him.”

“What the fuck? You do realise we’re talking about your brother, right?” Frank said, a smile reappearing.

“Yeah, I’m just trying to get rid of the images,” Mikey said, a frown present. Frank chuckled and kissed Mikey on the cheek. It wasn’t a sign of anything sexual, it was simply that Mikey and Frank were extremely close and the gesture was one of affection.

Mikey smiled softly and pressed his lips to Frank’s forehead fondly. Their heads snapped towards the door as they heard a gasp. Gerard stood there, looking hurt. He opened his mouth to say something, and then fled the room.

Mikey stood up and looked to Frank, his eyebrows creased in a frown, “Well shit.”

He walked in the direction of the door, where his brother had just fled from. Then, speaking over his shoulder at a volume that Frank only just heard, “Frankie, go. It’s time to make amends.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait.
= ]
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