Wake Up Call


I was running. Something was following me. I didn’t know what it was. I ran down a alley to try to get away. I ran be hide a trash can. I heard foot steps walking down the alley. I peeked over the trash can to see and a man. He was tale, pale, and was in all black. His hair was covering his eyes. I ducked back down and tried to think he was going to hurt me. I peeked over the trash can again and saw he wasn’t there. I sat down and closed my eyes and sighed. I opened my eyes and he was right there. I screamed out in terror and he just smiled.
“Why scream? No one will here you.” He said. Then he grabbed me. I couldn’t move. I could feel from arms. He smiled and threw his face right to my neck.

I quickly woke up and sat up in my bed. I was sweating and shaking. Was that all a dream? I Got and looked in the mirror. I had no marks on my neck. I calmed down and lay back down in my bed. It was 4:30 in the morning. In two hours I had to get up and start my new life. After a while I fell back asleep.

I woke up. It was 6:30. Today I have to start my new life. I moved to Jersey from Chicago. Out of all places I just had to move to New Jersey. I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and took my clothes off. When I got out I noticed marks on my arms. I started to freak out. That dream wasn’t real. How could I have these marks? I quickly got out of the bathroom and put a shirt on. I needed to stop thinking about it. I went down stairs. I went into the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. I had to leave in a few minutes. I finished eating and put the bowl into the sink. I grabbed my backpack and my keys and left. I got into my car and started to drive to my new school.

When I got to the school I went into the office to pick up my schedule. I went outside into the hall ways to figure my schedule out. I had no clue where any of my classes are. I started to walk down a random hallway looking for my first class. After wondering down random hallways I found my class. I walked into the class and everyone was looking at me. I walked to the front of the class.
“You must be the new kid. You can sit in the back.” She said. I sat in the back desk. The teacher seemed like a bitch. I wont be liking this class.
“You better shut up before I kick you in the head!” The teacher said.
“Take out your books and turn to page 150. Bob, you can go to the library and check it out to catch up.” She said. She started to read and stopped every sentence to tell us what the word meant. I just sat there when someone poked me. It was the kid sitting next to me. He was pale, had glasses, He was in all black, and was skinny.
“Hey. I can show you around if you want me to?” He asked.
“Sure. Thanks.” I said.
“I’m Mikey Way.”
“I’m Bob Bryar” I said.
“You two better shut up before I rip off your legs and bet you with them!” She yelled.
“Sorry” Mikey said. She just gave him an evil look and kept on reading.

Class had ended and Mikey came up to me.
“Hey let me see your schedule?” He asked. I gave him my schedule and he looked at it.
“We have all the same classes” He said smiling.
“Cool.” I said.
“So where did you move from?” He asked.
“Chicago” I said.
“Oh cool. It must be way different for you.” He said.
“Yea it is.”
“Just don’t stay out to long at night.” He said.
“People seem to disappear around here.”